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UNIT-II Introduction to SQL

Overview of the SQL Query Language

The SQL language has several parts:
• Data-definition language (DDL). The SQL DDL
provides commands for defining relation schemas,
deleting relations, and modifying relation schemas.
• Data-manipulation language (DML). The SQL DML
provides the ability to query information from the
database and to insert tuples into, delete tuples
from, and modify tuples in the database.
Integrity. The SQL DDL includes commands for
specifying integrity constraints that the data stored in
the database must satisfy. Updates that violate integrity
constraints are disallowed.
Overview of the SQL Query Language

• View definition. The SQL DDL includes commands

for defining views.
• Transaction control. SQL includes commands for
specifying the beginning and ending of transactions.
• Embedded SQL and dynamic SQL. Embedded and
dynamic SQL define how SQL statements can be
embedded within general-purpose programming
languages, such as C, C++, and Java.
• Authorization. The SQL DDL includes commands for
specifying access rights to relations and views.
SQL Data definition
• The schema for each relation.
• The types of values associated with each attribute.
• The integrity constraints.
• The set of indices to be maintained for each relation.
• The security and authorization information for each
• The physical storage structure of each relation on
• Basic Types
char(n): A fixed-length character string with user-specified length n.
The full form, character, can be used instead.
• varchar(n): A variable-length character string with user-specified
• length n. The full form, character varying, is equivalent.
• int: An integer (a finite subset of the integers that ismachine
dependent). The full form, integer, is equivalent.
• smallint: A small integer (a machine-dependent subset of the integer
• numeric(p, d):Afixed-point numberwith user-specified precision. The
number consists of p digits (plus a sign), and d of the p digits are to the
right of the decimal point. Thus, numeric(3,1) allows 44.5 to be stored
exactly, but neither 444.5 or 0.32 can be stored exactly in a field of this
• real, double precision: Floating-point and double-precision floating-
point numbers with machine-dependent precision.
• float(n): A floating-point number, with precision of at least n digits.
• Basic Schema Definition:
• create table department (dept name varchar (20), building
varchar (15), budget numeric (12,2), primary key (dept
• The general form of the create table command is:
create table r
(A1 D1,
A2 D2,
An Dn,
• ,
• ...,
• primary key (Aj1 , Aj2, . . . , Ajm ):The primary-key
specification says that attributes Aj1 , Aj2, . . . , Ajm
form the primary key for the relation. The primarykey
attributes are required to be nonnull and unique; that
is, no tuple can have a null value for a primary-key
attribute, and no two tuples in the relation can be
equal on all the primary-key attributes.
• foreign key (Ak1 , Ak2, . . . , Akn ) references s:
Theforeign key specification says that the values of
attributes (Ak1 , Ak2, . . . , Akn ) for any tuple in the
relation must correspond to values of the primary
key attributes of some tuple in relation s
• Not null: The not null constraint on an attribute
specifies that the null value is not allowed for
that attribute;
• insert into instructor values (10211, ’Smith’,
’Biology’, 66000); The values are specified in the
order in which the corresponding attributes are
listed in the relation schema.
• The command
drop table r;
is a more drastic action than
delete from r;
• alter table r add AD;
• where r is the name of an existing relation, A is
the name of the attribute to be added, and D is
the type of the added attribute. We can drop
attributes from a relation by the command
• alter table r drop A;
• where r is the name of an existing relation, and
A is the name of an attribute of the relation.
Many database systems do not support
dropping of attributes, although they will allow
an entire table to be dropped.
Basic Structure of SQL Queries
• The basic structure of an SQL query consists of three clauses:
select, from, and where. The query takes as its input the
relations listed in the from clause, operates on them as
specified in the where and select clauses, and then produces a
relation as the result.
• Queries on a Single Relation
“select name from instructor”.

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