Aarti Toppo ppt
Aarti Toppo ppt
Aarti Toppo ppt
Hospital Pharmacy
S a n s k a r C i t y C o l l e g e o f P h a r m a c y,
Thakurtola, Rajnandgaon, (C.G.)
Hospital Pharmacy
Definition: Branch of pharmaceutical sciences
that deals with the pharmacy profession and
the role of pharmacist inside the hospital.
To provide and evaluate pharmaceutical services and thereby
supporting the medical staff, with due consideration of the
objectives and policies of the hospital
To draw a plan for hospital pharmacy administration
To establish a liaison between administrative authorities and
medical doctors who will order drugs and ancillary products
in the hospital
To estimate the requirements of the departments and enforce
the policies and procedures for the recruitment of adequate
and competent staff
To provide the means and methods by which the personnel
can work with other groups in interpreting objectives and
policies of the hospital
To develop and maintain an effective system of clinical and
administrative records and reports.
Set up of hospital pharmacy
Hospital’s clinical