LeaderShip (1)
LeaderShip (1)
LeaderShip (1)
Exercise 1:
1. Attire
2. Accessories
3. Styling
4. Body Language
5. Exercise Control Over Time
6. Exercise Control Over Authority
7. People Skills
8. Be Aspirational
9. Be Inspirational
Being a Leader, Outcomes
Being a Leader, What have you done?
Chart and
for each
1. Stand Straight
2. Walk Straight
3. Exude Energy
4. Talk Clear
5. Empathize
6. Tone and Language, Vocabulary
Being a Leader, Be challenged
1. Start And End with the Student 7. Lead from the front with Head, Heart and
1. Doing Nothing.
2. Investing time on other activities that’s not your Team.
3. Missing Golden Opportunities.
4. Being Productivity and KPI Focused on all fronts.
5. Lack of Charisma