Project Question Final Showcase Deck
Project Question Final Showcase Deck
Project Question Final Showcase Deck
PM | Hyorin Shin
Members | Haewon Shin,
Yoonjin Kim, Yejun Kim
Table of Contents
I. Company Introduction
V. Expected Impact
VI. Roadmap
Company Introduction
MyTeample is a service that connects experienced project managers with job-seeking university
students to work together on a short-term, legitimate business project in order to fulfill each
others’ needs.
Company Introduction
Teample Project
Leaders s
es) Seekers)
● Build a portfolio for job
● Talent discovery without the
pressure of hiring
● Hands-on work opportunity
● New ideas/solutions to
in a professional
corporate problems
● Fulfill ESG requirements
● Build network
Teample Leader Teamplers apply Project lasts 4~6 Participation fee refund MyTeample provides
posts project for positions weeks after completion continued support
Problem Identification
The business model, highly dependent on university students, is currently lacking such
supply and facing project shutdowns; thus, this project’s focus is to attract more university
students in order to stabilize revenue.
Client Increase MyTeample’s university participant supply to stabilize revenue which has been
Request 0 for the past 2 years
Problem Identification
I. Company Introduction
V. Expected Impact
VI. Roadmap
Executive Summary
Key Issues
Difficulties in effectively reaching and
Website's unclear and ineffective
engaging with the target
display of information and images
Continued increase in net profit from 2024
Market Analysis
MyTeample is situated in a high-growth market in an advantageous position with clear competitive
advantages yet still faces difficulty in recruitment, indicating a problem with communicating the
advantages of the service to the target demographic.
(1) Good Prospects in the (2) Ideal Market Position (3) Target Persona Pain Points Alleviated
Korean BootCamp Market Through Offered Services
by 100B Involvemen Main Pain Points
AG Previous
C 7 Lack of
0 % 202 Wants job prior
2 72B experience
experience experienc
KRW s had
with time e hinders
50B shallow
efficiency finding
KRW contributi
MyTeample’s Services
2020 2021 2022 Projects
value Participant
Education last
passion s work on
between 4-
and skill projects
Significant market growth High project involvement and 6 weeks
sets over from start
expected in the following project diversity compared to its during
experienc to finish
years competitors vacation
(2023, Market Research Future) e
Problem Identification
To address the key issue of ineffective communication with the target demographic, the proposed
strategy involves two solutions: (1) a comprehensive revision of the current marketing strategy
and a (2) partial revision of the existing website.
Solution 1 Solution 2
Directly reach banners to Create Create and
Revise and specify
university students convey the explanatory display
blog content using a
through conventional service’s captions for captivating
channels unique each program project icons
Table of Contents
I. Company Introduction
V. Expected Impact
VI. Roadmap
Overall Marketing Strategy As-Is To-Be
The first step in refining the current marketing strategy involves addressing the inefficiencies of
the existing supporters program through the introduction of a strategy for posting on university
websites and a new university supporters program.
University Posting
Inefficient Supporters
1. Program
and Supporters Direct
Targeted Program communication
University ● No clear manual with the project
● Post on University
Marketing including posting participant target
career websites
domain or target user demographic
Strategy ● Provide clear activity
Low Reach of
2. MyTeample’s Blog Edit Blog Post
Emphasizin Posts Template Increase project
participants by
g ● Lacks sufficient ● Highlight key highlighting key
Key information information information
Information ● Difficult to follow ● Tailor post content
Marketing Strategy 1: Past Supporters Program Analysis
MyTeample’s untargeted supporters program suffers from low reach due to unclear instructions and
unconventional posting channels which can be fixed through specific targeting of university
students and solidification of a supporters activity guide.
Target University
Unconventional Channels festivals, SNS channels
● Individual blogs have
unidentifiable user bases ● Utilize university
Marketing Strategy 1-1: Low Reach of Supporters Post - University Posting Strategy
In order to resolve the issue of mistargeting, MyTeample should aim to post their project
advertisements on university career-related websites depending on the type of projects hosted
in accordance to but not limited to the list below.
Why University MyTeample’s Project Type Universities to Target
Main Information Breakdown Large Conglomerates Design/Culture
Channel 35.6% 1. Hongik University
29.1 1. Yonsei University
% 2. Kookmin
Etc. 2. Sogang University
22.8% University
14% Large 3. Hanyang
Conglomerates 3. Korea National
12.5% University
31% University of Arts
Video/Content 4. Sungkyunkwan
17% 4. Chung Ang
University Career Etc.
ty SNS Websites IT/AI/Data 1. KyungHee
Website 1. KAIST
IT / AI / Data Design/Culture/Art University
Marketing Channel 2. Pusan University
42.3 17% 21% 2. Joongbu
% 3. Kyungpook
31.7% University
23.5% 3. Chungwoon
4. KyungHee
2.5% 4. Hansei
Universi University
Universit Career Etc.
y SNS Websites
Website Expected Impact
University websites are Posting based on project type will result in an increase of 103 CTR per post leading to
frequently used and an added 16 participants in projects per year (Benchmarking: past MyTeample Data, Competitor
considered most credible analysis)
Marketing Strategy 1-2: Inefficient Supporters Program - University Supporters Program
Crucial for user base expansion, competitor analysis highlights the need to refine the supporters
strategy exclusively for university students, ensuring direct communication and leveraging trust
in information from university platforms.
Marketing Channel Survey (250 university students from over Competitor Analysis
7+ universities)
Main Information Channel Successful Competitor
Marketing Channel
Credibility Programs
35.6% 42.3% 5 supporters with an Career Yonsei,
average 400 reach average 1000
31.7% views
23.5% Hongik and Ewha Universities, average 300
Total 30 members across 48 universities
with average reach of 250 each
KSF Identification
Start of
Supporters Recruitment Effectiveness of Proposed Activities
Posting on University Websites Student Council SNS Kakao Group Chat Street Booth Promotion
Promotion Wide and Effective
Competitor Success Yonsei High CTR
● Comento: average 1000 ● 1.4K followers ● Surveys have a CTR of 7-8 ● Doguri’s 2023 Yonsei
views ● Average 204 likes per people per group chat Street Booth resulted
● Mini Intern: average 700 post added 1289 subscribers
views Demographic’s SungKyunKwan Concentrated Target on Youtube and 1223
Trust ● 1.8K followers Group followers on Instagram
● 56% receive ● Average 200 university
extracurricular information ● Average 1106 likes per (Social Blade)
students per group chat
from University Websites post
0 Advertisement Costs if
Posted by Students
University Posting
Inefficient Supporters
1. Program
and Supporters Direct
Targeted Program communication
University ● No clear manual with the project
● Post on University
Marketing including posting participant target
career websites
domain or target user demographic
Strategy ● Provide clear activity
Low Reach of
MyTeample’s Blog Edit Blog Post
2. Posts Template Increase project
Emphasize participants by
Key ● Lacks sufficient ● Highlight key highlighting key
Information information information information
● Difficult to follow ● Tailor post content
Marketing Strategy 2: Past Community Blog Posting Marketing Strategy Analysis
MyTeample’s current blog posts lack a standardized format and essential information, resulting in
low reach and low click-through rate(CTR) among potential participants, indicating the necessity
for a comprehensive revamp of the blog posts.
Low Reach
Lack of Information
Lacking crucial information
about the program and
Inefficient Organization
Analysis Every Time Linkareer Saramin Job Korea
Expected Impact
Posting on the proper communities with a standardized blog template will result in an increase of 58.5 CTR
per post leading to an added 58 participants in projects per year (Benchmarking: past MyTeample Data, Competitor
Marketing Strategy 2: Community Blog Post Strategy As-Is To-Be
The proposal introduces a new template emphasizing key information, detailed program
explanations, and enhanced visual appeal for effective communication with the target
demographic, aiming to boost CTR and increase participation.
New Blog Post Template Improvements Expected Impacts
Increase ease of
Highlight key navigation in order to
information through induce participation
bolded text
Emphasize MyTeample’s
Provide a detailed and unique hands-on
organized explanation experience in a full
about the program professional project,
time efficiency, etc
Emphasize MyTeample’s
Increase visual appeal project diversity and
and discuss past unique benefits in a
projects concise manner
Table of Contents
I. Company Introduction
V. Expected Impact
VI. Roadmap
Website Pain Point Analysis
Various issues with the current MyTeample website such as lack of information and confusing
visuals are decreasing credibility and driving away potential project participants which is
inhibiting the company’s potential success.
(1) Main Page Lacking Information (2) Jargon Terms with Little Information
Caption 1
Relevant Imagery
Inefficient Icon
Icon Redesign Induce
3. Designs
Icon ● Emphasize key through increased
● Lacks information
Redesign information understanding of
● Design lacks visual ● Improve visual appeal project
Solution 2: Including Past Projects on Interface
The strategic addition of past projects transparently alongside new ones has been implemented
to underscore MyTeample’s project diversity and enhance the service's credibility, yielding
promising results in its early stages.
Expected Impact
Adding past project icons to the website will result in an increased 25 CTR per day leading to an added 16
participants in projects per year (Benchmarking: past and current MyTeample Data, Competitor analysis).
Website Communication Strategy As-Is To-Be
The third aspect of website revision focuses on improving the visual appeal of project icons on
the website to facilitate effective communication with potential participants, ultimately
enhancing both the company’s revenue and reputation.
Inefficient Icon
Icon Redesign Induce
3. Designs
Icon ● Emphasize key through increased
● Lacks information
Redesign information understanding of
● Design lacks visual ● Improve visual appeal project
Solution 3: Competitor Website Icon Design Analysis
Alongside KSFs from competitor analysis, proposed MyTeample icons feature images of PMs and
endorsing companies to gain a competitive edge, with their partial implementation demonstrating
a significant increase in participation rates.
I. Company Introduction
V. Expected Impact
VI. Roadmap
Expected Impact Analysis
This visual representation illustrates the prospective revenue growth for our client in 2024,
contingent upon the successful implementation of all proposed strategies.
43 51 Competitors,
Increased Additional 8 ₩17,600,00
(Yearly (Yearly MyTeample
Projects projects/year 0
Projects) Projects) Data
I. Company Introduction
V. Expected Impact
VI. Roadmap
Road Map
Divided into three solutions, where website editing is short-term and university
partnerships/community posting demand ongoing engagement, a strategic timeline is crucial for
success and should be flexible to change if KPIs are not met.
Key Performance Indicators Timeline for 2024 Q1 & Q2
University University
Community Posting Website Editing
Partnership Partnership
Click-Through Rate Daily Active Users Strategy Strategy
● Recruit 5-6 supporters
● Aim for at least 258.5 CTR per ● Aim for at least 250 unique ● Contact Yonsei and
post viewers on the website per day from each University
SKKU to form
● Aim for at least 25 CTR per day ● Upload regularly/
on the website continually monitor post
● Utilize templates to
reach and interaction
create posts
Website and
Editing Website Editing
University Partnership All Strategies upload ● Implement new
Strategy ● Add captions and past
Supporters Recruited Projects Opened banners and images on
project icons
the website
● Aim to recruit at least 10 ● Aim for 51 projects opened ● Revise
● Monitor CTR of the
supporters per semester yearly with equal distribution banners/images based
website and analyze
per semester on provided samples
the impact of the
Click-Through Rate Participants Recruited changes Monitor KPI
● Aim for at least 258.5 CTR per ● Aim for 484 participants Q1 2024 Q2 2024 and act
post recruited per year
● Aim for at least 25 CTR per day ● Aim for 0 project shut down accordingly
on the website
A detailed guide on
how to utilize all assets
in this folder as well as
a description of the
expected impacts of
each solution
Past Work Experience Job Searching Process Past Work Experience Job Searching Process
1. Majority of internships
1. Many internships based
1. Most search for are based in Seoul and
1. Most internships only in Seoul tend to not hire
internships when they the times are fixed
allow shallow applicants based in
are Sophomores but resulting in costly
contributions such as different regions of
many internships seek transportation fees
partial research for a Korea
practical experience 2. The fact that most
project or no clear job 2. Participating in programs
2. The projects students internships are 3-6
description offered in Universities
participate in schools or months long necessitate
2. The fact that most are not enough to fill out
extracurricular activities leave of absence
internships are 3-6 a resume for job search
are not enough to fill 3. Was not able to find
months long necessitate 3. Most career-related
out a competitive much use out of
leave of absence programs are solely
resume internship experience
hosted in Seoul
due to it being shallow
[Back-Up] Comprehensive Competitor Analysis
Furthermore, when compared to university academics and internships, MyTeample has an
advantage in its time efficiency, project diversity, low fees, and full participation, all of which
should be communicated to the target demographic.
4~6 weeks
Time (During vacation
1 year 3 months
My Teample’s
efficiency (During school year) (During school year)
period) main advantages over
academias or internships
● Requires Resume ● Requires Resume ● Requires Resume
lie in
Accessibility + Interview + Interview + Interview
● Time efficiency
● Low competition ● High competition ● High competition
● Ability to participate
during vacations only
Scope of Participate in the full Participate in the full Partial research/
● Project Diversity
Activity project process project process operational support
● Refunded participation
Field Marketing / Art / ● Ability to participate in
Consulting / Startup Marketing
Media / Design / AI /
Diversity Startup
Incubation /Advertisement a full project from start
to finish
How to Utilize
Career Yonsei/Challenge Step 1 Step 2 Step 3