Drawing 01 Lesson 1

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This topic covers about Lettering

and its type, Convention of letters,
Basic strokes and the various
stroking groups.
Lettering is considered as the written language of Industry that’s
why we cannot dispensed it within if the study of Drawing is concerned.
On a drawing, whole of the written information is always in the form of
lettering in that way you can help the reader understand what an image
is portraying. The style of Lettering to be used is also important because
it depends on the type of drawing you are working with. A draftsman not
only uses Gothic letters but Roman letters as well, Electrical and
Architectural draftsmen generally used the single-stroke Gothic alphabet
and numbers. Lettering gives a complete thought about a certain
At the end of this lesson, the student must be able

 Know the importance of lettering in study of drawing

 Different types of Lettering.

 Know the proper way on writing letters and numbers in


 The right practices in Lettering.

 Apply it in a particular type drawing.

Origin and Development of Letters
- The present letters, or alphabet, of the English and Philippine languages
originated in Ancient Egypt.
- Hieroglyphics is the letters in the form of picture writing used by the
Ancient Egyptian.
- Later modified by ancient Phoenicians, they used
wedge-shaped or cuneiform writing.
- Ancient Greeks changed this form of writing into bousterophedon writing.
- Later on, the Ancient Romans modified this into a more readable
type of writing which became the basis for present day letters of the Roman
Hieroglyphic bousterophedo
s n
Lettering is used to easily read and understand
the information portrayed in a drawing in the form
of notes and annotations.

 An important element in both traditional and

Computer-Aided Design drawing.

 It must be written with:

Legibility – shape & space between letters and
Uniformity – size & line thickness.
Types of Lettering

The two types of lettering

1.Double Stroke
Lettering – has greater width
than Single Stroke Type of
Subdivided into:

a.Double Stroke Vertical

Gothic Lettering.
b. Double Stroke Inclined
Gothic Lettering.
A stencil is mostly used when hand drawing double
stroked letters

A stencil is a tool used to create designs or patterns

on a surface. It typically consists of a thin sheet of
material, such as cardboard, plastic, or metal, with
shapes or letters cut out of it.
When ink or paint is applied over the stencil, the desig
n is transferred to the surface below through the cut-o
ut areas
2.Single Stroke
Lettering - Thickness
in single stroke lettering is
obtained by
a single stroke of pencil or
ink pen.
Types of Single Stroke Lettering
a. Single Stroke Vertical Gothic Lettering.
b. Single Stroke Inclined Gothic Lettering.
• Use even pressure to draw precise, clean lines.
• Use one stroke per line.
• Horizontal Stroke are drawn left to right.
• Vertical Strokes are drawn downward.
• Curved strokes are drawn top to bottom in one
continuous stroke on each side.
• Use kerning to eliminate excessive space between letters. –
[kerning refers to adjusting the space between characters,
especially by placing two characters closer together than
Kerning makes certain combinations of letters, such as WA,
TA, and VA, look better
• Use the Single-stroke, Gothic Style of Lettering.

• Always Skip A Space Between Rows of Letters.

• Always Use Very Light Guide Lines.

• Fractions are lettered twice the height of Normal


• Fraction Bars Are Always Drawn Horizontal.

• Use a Medium (B, HB, F or H) Lead for Normal


• Use a Hard (2H To 4H) Lead for Drawing Guide Lines.

Thank you!!!!!

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