Fce 531 Lecture 8 Design of Steel_general Outline

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FCE 531


Examples of Steel Structures

• Industrial sheds
• Portal frames
• Composite slabs
• Trusses
• Connections
Basic Concepts
• Structural analysis is the determination of the
effects of loads on physical structures and their

• Structural analysis employs the fields of

applied mechanics, materials science and
applied mathematics to compute a structure's
deformations, internal forces, stresses, support
reactions, accelerations, etc.
Elastic Behaviour of Structures
• Based on the assumption that the material is
linearly elastic and the stresses are
proportional to the corresponding strains.
Therefore the limiting stress is the value
corresponding to the strain of 0.002, up to which
steel behaves as a linear material.
• Stress or strain corresponds to the yield point
of the material and should not be exceeded at
the most highly stressed points of the structure.
The principle of superposition hold true.
Elastic Behaviour of
• As the loads on the structure are increased, at
the level of the yield load, the stresses at the
most highly stressed point satisfy the criterion
for the yielding of the material.

• Once this happens the stresses at the point

cannot increase but the strains can increase.
Therefore, the linear relationship between
stress and strain becomes invalid…..Plastic
Plastic Behaviour of Structures
• Plastic analysis is based on the idealization of
the stress-strain curve as elastic-perfectly-

• Plastic analysis and design has its main

application in the analysis and design of
statically indeterminate ductile rigid framed
Plastic Behaviour of Structures
• A framed structure carries applied loads
mainly by bending of the members, and plastic
collapse analysis is undertaken in essence by
examination only of bending moment

• The effects of axial loads and shear forces on

the members of a frame are assumed to be
small, although allowance can be made for
these in some particular designs.
Plastic Behaviour of Structures
• The potential instability of compression
members does not fit easily into simple plastic
theory, and special methods have been
developed to deal with columns of building

• In no case, however, is primary plastic

collapse of a frame allowed to occur by
instability of a member, and the design of
columns consists in checking that they are
Plastic Behaviour of Structures
• Trusses, whose members are subjected to large
axial forces, rather than bending, cannot be
dealt with by simple plastic theory.

• The plastic design method is an (ultimate)

limit state design procedure for the derivation
of ‘plastic moments’ for given design loads,
followed by the selection of steel sections
matching these moments.
Plastic Design Method
• A plastic moment Mp is the mechanism that
permits gross deformation of the structure
without any increase in the applied collapse
Plastic Design Method (cont’d)
• It is assumed that the structure satisfies the
following requirements:
Loads are carried mainly by bending, and the
effects of axial load and shear force on a member
are small.
The designer is satisfied that strength is the main
design criterion: checks on deflections may have to
be made if these are suspected to be significantly
The structure is fabricated in a ductile steel (e.g. to
BS. 4360).
Plastic Design Method (cont’d)

• Subject to these limitations, plastic theory

makes the design process easy and rational.

• Since the design is rational, because it deals

with an accurately ascertainable criterion, that
of collapse, it will also be economical.
 Great economy will be achieved if a rigid frame is
Plastic Versus Elastic Design
• In the elastic design approach, the design
stress is achieved by scaling down the
strength of material (or member) using a
factor of safety, γm

• Plastic design compares actual structural

member stresses with the effects of
factored-up loading by using a load
factor, γl
Overview of Steel Design
• Actions and combinations of actions;
• Imperfections and frame stability;
• Material grade and cross-sectional resistance;
• Members under axial compression;
• Restrained and unrestrained beams
• Lateral torsional buckling;
• Combined axial and bending;
• Connections to EN 1993-1-8
Example of Vierendeel Truss
Example of Pratt Truss showing members and names
Simple Belgian Truss


Hip Girder

(Parallel Chord)

Sloping Flat

Half Truss


Half Truncated
(Extended Truncated)

Polynesian (Duo- Pitch)


King Post

Queen Post

Peggy Back



Belgian Truss
Example of a portal frame
Design Codes for Steel Design
• The first steel structures design code, BS 449
was based on the allowable stress concept.

• The first limit states design code for steel was

introduced in 1985 with BS 5950.

• The current Euro code EN 1993-1-1 (2005) is

also based on limit states principles and is
viewed as being representative of modern
design practice.
Overall Process of Structural
 Determine actions (“loads”)
 Combine the actions (“ultimate loads”)
 Do the required structural analysis (e.g. wl2/8 etc)
 Are second order effects significant?
 Allow for second order effects if needed
 Proceed with the members design
 Verify members
 Classification
 Cross section checks
 Buckling checks (likely to be critical)
 Sub-grade selection
 Connections design
While Combining Actions
While combining the actions, note that there are
Gammas (γ) everywhere because:
 Loads are amplified
 Resistance is reduced
 For example, the tension (or compression) resistance must
be greater than the tension (or compression) load;
•Or, Nt,Rd ≥Ned
Structural Mechanics as the
Basis for Design

• Structural steel design strength py

• BS 5950 uses Pv = 0.6pyAv

• Where Py is the design strength; pv is

the material strength; and Av is the area

of steel.
Design of Members
• Members can be designed either for axial
loads (e.g. columns) or for flexure (e.g.
• Column Design
BS 5950 gives two procedures for the design
of columns, namely (i) Simple columns with
an axial load due to eccentricity and (ii) Beam
Design of Members
Simple column with an axial load due to eccentricity
• Here, eccentricity is either calculated or assumed, and
the moments resulting from this are calculated. Then,
after appropriately dividing the moments between the
different floor to floor lengths of columns, the
following interactive equation is checked to see if it is

• Design of members can be explained by following

distinct steps that are based on the limit state method
of design comprising of the Ultimate Limit and
Serviceability Limit States
Design Step No. 1
For axially loaded compression members, obtain, the design compressive force Fc,
due to axial load. Similarly, for axially loaded tensile members obtain the design
tensile force Ft.

For structures subjected to bending, analyse the structure to obtain the full plastic
moment capacity Mp. This depends on the type of structure, e.g: (i) Simply
supported beams, (ii) fixed ended beams (iii) continuous beams (iv) simple columns
with an axial load due to eccentricity (v) beam-columns carrying axial loads and
significant bending moments due to the rigidity of the beam connections or direct
bending loads, such as portal frames with rigid knee connections, columns carrying
side loads due to wind effects, etc. (vi) portal frames.
Design Step No. 2
Refer to the code or blue book for guidelines on
the procedure for modification of the calculated
plastic moment capacity in order to obtain the
moment resistance capacity of the section. The
relevant Tables at this stage address axial,
bending, and combined axial and bending for
different member sections, namely: circular and
hollow sections, UB, UC
Design Step No. 3
For columns and members under
compression, obtain the compression
resistance capacity Pc from clause
4.7.4 of BS 5950:1
Design Step No. 4
For flexural members, compute the following moments as
guided by the code:
m = Equivalent uniform moment factor for lateral-torsional
buckling depending on factor b in Table 18.
Mb = Buckling resistance moment for lateral-torsional
MC = Moment capacity
Mr = Reduced Moment capacity in the presence of axial
Design Step No. 5
From Table 9, obtain the steel design
strength py depending on the steel grade
Grade 43
Grade 50
Design Step No. 6
Choose a section e.g. (UC, UB TO BS4-1:2005) from
design catalogues (also referred to as “blue books”)
 UC 152x152x23
 UC 203x203x46
 UC 254x254x73
 UC 305x305x97
 UB 203x133x25
 UB 533x210x82
 UB 610x229x101
Design Step No. 7

Design Step No. 7 (cont’d)

Design Step No. 8
Obtain the other modification factors for
the relevant section:

From Table 19, obtain the slenderness

factor u for sections with two plain
Design Step No. 9
From Table 13, obtain the effective
length, LE for beams without
intermediate restraint.

From Table 14, obtain the effective

length, LE for cantilevers without
intermediate restraint.
Design Step No. 10
For the chosen members, obtain the
slenderness LE/ry. From table 15, obtain the
limiting values of LE/ry for RHS.

The slenderness is calculated as follows:

 =LE/rx for x axis buckling
 =LE/ry for y axis buckling
Design Step No. 11
Obtain the following coefficients that modify the slenderness of beams with or
without intermediate lateral restraint, (i) obtain the slenderness correction factor, n, so
that the corrected slenderness becomes:
 =(LE/r) n

n = 0.86 for beams without intermediate lateral restraint and carrying point loads.
n = 1.0 for beams without intermediate lateral restraint carrying all other loads.
n = 0.94 for beams with intermediate lateral restraint and subject to destabilizing

Tables 12 and 13 give values of n for less conservative values of slenderness

correction factor, n.
Design Step No. 11 (cont’d)
(ii) Obtain the torsional index, x, which may be taken as:
x = D/T
where D is the depth of the section and T is the thickness of the flange.

(iii) Obtain the buckling parameter, u, which may be taken as 0.9 for all rolled I, H,
or channel sections; 1.0 for all other sections or may be taken from the section
properties of the “blue book”.

(iv) Obtain the slenderness factor, u, which may be taken from Table 10 depending on
the value of factor N. Value of N may be taken as 0.5 for all symmetrical flanged
sections (i.e. Universal Beams, Universal Columns or channels). N may be taken as
1.0 and 0.0 as appropriate for T sections.
Design Step No. 11 (cont’d)
From the above coefficients, calculate the
Equivalent slenderness (lateral-torsional
buckling): LT = nuv where  is the
effective slenderness.
Design Step No. 12
Obtain the following values that are related to
slenderness of beams:

cr = Elastic critical load factor

O= Limiting slenderness (axial compression)
LO= Limiting equivalent slenderness (lateral-
torsional buckling)
Design Step No. 13
For rolled sections of beams, obtain the
bending strength pb (N/mm2) from Table
16. This value depends on the equivalent
slenderness for lateral torsional buckling
and steel grade strength py (N/mm2). The
bending strength for welded sections is
obtained from Table 17.
Design Step No. 14

Design Step No. 15
Check the shear capacity of the chosen section
as per clause 4.2.3 of BS 5950-1:2000

The shear force Fv should not be greater than the

shear capacity Pv given by:
Pv = 0.6 py Av

Where Av = Shear area (area of the beam that

resists shear and described in 4.2.3. for different
sections ).
Design Step Nos. 16 - 18
Step 16: Check serviceability limit state,
e.g. deflections

Step 17: Design the connections

Step 18: Prepare the structural drawings

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