New Product Launch Marketing Plan by Slidesgo
New Product Launch Marketing Plan by Slidesgo
New Product Launch Marketing Plan by Slidesgo
01 Marketing d’influence
02 Les influenceurs
04 Cas pratique
Le marketing d’infleunce
Le marketing d'influence est une stratégie
marketing permettant à une entreprise de faire
la promotion de son produit ou service en
s'appuyant sur la notoriété d'experts et de
personnalités reconnues dans leur domaine, des
influenceurs ou leaders d'opinion, afin qu'ils
diffusent le contenu de la marque à leur
Accroître la notoriété de la Améliorer la crédibilité de
marque la marque :
Les collaborations avec des Les recommandations
influenceurs permettent d'élargir la d'influenceurs peuvent renforcer la
portée de la marque et d'atteindre confiance des consommateurs
de nouveaux publics. envers la marque, car ils
considèrent souvent les
Établir des partenariats
influenceurs comme des sources
Stimuler les ventes : long terme :
Les campagnes de marketing Construire des relations durables
d'influence peuvent influencer avec des influenceurs peut créer
positivement les décisions d'achat des opportunités pour des
des consommateurs, contribuant partenariats à long terme, ce qui
ainsi à augmenter les ventes. peut être bénéfique pour la
constance dans la stratégie de
Les influenceurs
Our goals
Always on time Out-of-the-box service
We never miss a Our out-of-the-box ideas We focus on providing a
deadline. You can rely on are creative solutions high level of customer
us and rest assured that that challenge the status service so that the
your product will be quo and provide unique experience is positive
ready on time value
Competitor analysis
Features Pricing feedback
Compare features and Analyze competitors’ Examine the feedback
benefits of your product pricing and offers on their products
5m 23s
Average reading time on our posts
3 languages
We publish our content in different
New leads during the last month
Market share
Here’s the market
share of our
Market share is the
percentage of a market that
is controlled by a particular
company or industry. It is
calculated by dividing the
total sales revenue of a
company by the total sales
revenue generated in the
entire industry
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Key actions items
Ensure proper
Focus on continuous Research best practises
Key action 4 improvement
management of
from outside
What to show
in a mockup 01
1. Product/website description: A brief
overview of the product/website, including
its key features, dimensions, and materials
2. Features and benefits: A detailed
explanation of the features and how they
will benefit the user 03
3. Technical specifications: A list of the
product's/website's technical specifications,
such as dimensions, weight, power
requirements, connectivity options and
hosting platform
Buyer persona infographic
Name: Michael
Doe “This is a quote, words full of wisdom that can
Age: 33
make the reader get inspired.”
Education: MBA
Personality Motivations
Australia ● Conscientiousnes 1. Ecology
s 2. New advances
Preferences ● Agreeableness 3. Creativity
● Assertiveness 4. Literature
35% ● Resilience
Ecology and sustainability
Pain points
65% Knowing your buyer persona’s pain point will help you
Utility and application create messages that are tailored to their needs
Roadmap infographic
Initiative Objective Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
Analyze and understand the
needs of your target audience
Research existing products in
Conduct research
the industry and analyze them
Generate ideas based on user
Brainstorm ideas
feedback and research findings
Develop a Create a basic version of the
prototype product to show investors
Put the prototype through
Test for usability
rigorous testing processes
8,500 1,008
Followers Likes
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Case studies
Instagram giveaway Approach
A product giveaway for our second ● Preparing a set of posts and stories we
anniversary as company can share on Instagram to let more people
know about our brand
● We can get shared more and mabe reach
virality if our content is attractive and
easy to share
Content posted on
Key takeaway 01 weekdays is more
● People working at the office flat design
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites:
● Flat people on business training illustration
● Running mobile app infographic flat style
● Medium shot women making business plan
● People practicing social integration workspace
● Young handsome man posing
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