Reproductive Physiology for nurse
Reproductive Physiology for nurse
Reproductive Physiology for nurse
2014 ዓ.ም
Outline of content
Sex determination and differentiation
• Role of the Sex Chromosomes
• Hormones and Sex Differentiation
• Development of the External Genitalia
• Descent of the Testes
Male Reproductive system
Male Reproductive Anatomy
Sperm and Semen
Male Sexual Response
The Male Reproductive System
• Gonads (Testis)
• Accessory structures
– Tubes
• Epididymis
• Vas deference
• Urethra
– Glands
• Seminal vesicles
• Prostate gland
• Bulbourethral gland
• Copulatory organ
– Penis
• Reproductive system:
does not contribute to homeostasis and is not essential for
survival of an individual
Procreation: serves primarily the purpose of perpetuating
the species
For recreational and relational purposes
Sex determination and differentiation
Descent of the Testes
The Male and Female Reproductive Physiology
• The two most basic components of the reproductive system are the
gonads and the reproductive tract.
• The gonads are distinct from other endocrine glands in that they
also perform an exocrine function (gametogenesis)
Male reproductive system
1. Gametogenic:
– Production of male germ cells, spermatozoa.
2. Endocrinologic:
– Production of male sex hormones, androgens.
3. Reproductive:
– Deposition of the spermatozoa in the female
• The rete testis is continuous with small ducts, the efferent
ductules, that lead the sperm out of the testis into the head of
the epididymis on the superior pole of the testis.
• Once in the epididymis, the sperm pass from the head, to the
body, to the tail of the epididymis and then to the vas (ductus)
• Viable sperm can be stored in the tail of the epididymis and
the vas deferens for several months
• Seminiferous tubules/lobules → Rete testis → Ductuli
efferentes→ Epididymis →Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct→
• Three phases of spermatogenesis are:
Spermatogonium (at puberty)
Mitosis (in the outermost layer)
spermatogonium A + spermatogonium B
Final mitotic division
primary spermatocyte
Meiosis I
secondary spermatocyte
Meiosis II
spermatozoa(in lumen)
• The process of spermatogenesis takes about 72 days
Anatomy of a spermatozoon
• Spermatozoon has 3 parts
1. Head
• Contains:
– Nucleus - the house of genetic information (DNA)
– Acrosome (the tip of the nucleus ) - contains several
enzymes that play an important role in the process of
fertilization (for penetration the ovum)
2. Midpiece:
– Rich in mitochondria - provide the energy for movement
3. Tail
– Provides a swimming action
Parts of spermatozoon
Hormonal Factors That Stimulate
• Testosterone, secreted by the Leydig cells located in the
interstitium of the testis
essential for both mitosis and meiosis of the germ cells
• LH, secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, stimulates the
Leydig cells to secrete testosterone.
• FSH, also secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, stimulates
the sertoli cells
without this stimulation, the conversion of the spermatids to
sperm (the process of spermiogenesis) will not occur
needed for spermatid remodeling
• Estrogens, formed from testosterone by the sertoli cells when
they are stimulated by FSH, are probably also essential for
• Growth hormone
• ↑ Leydig cells response to LH
Maturation of Sperm in the Epididymis
Storage of Sperm
Physiology of the Mature Sperm
Effect of Sperm Count on Fertility
Effect of Sperm Morphology and Motility on Fertility
Sertoli Cells
• Sertoli cells are the true epithelial cells of the seminiferous
epithelium and extend from the basal lamina to the lumen
Functions of the sertoli cells
1. Provide Sertoli cell barrier to chemicals in the plasma
2. Nourish developing sperm
3. Secrete luminal fluid, including androgen-binding protein
- to maintain a very high level of testosterone
4. Respond to stimulation by testosterone and FSH to secrete
paracrine agents that stimulate sperm proliferation and
5. Secrete the protein hormone inhibin, which inhibits FSH
secretion from the pituitary
6. Secrete paracrine agents that influence the function of Leydig
7. Phagocytize defective sperm
8. Secrete, during embryonic life, Müllerian inhibiting substance
(MIS), which causes the primordial female duct system to
Leydig cells
Testosterone and Other Male
Sex Hormones
• The testes secrete several male sex hormones, which are
collectively called androgens
- Testosterone
- Dihydrotestosterone
- Androstenedione
• Testosterone is so much more abundant than the others
Effects of Testosterone in the Male
1. Required for initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis
(acts via Sertoli cells)
2. Decreases GnRH secretion via an action on the hypothalamus
3. Inhibits LH secretion via a direct action on the anterior
4. Induces differentiation of male accessory reproductive organs
and maintains their function
5. Induces male secondary sex characteristics; opposes action of
estrogen on breast growth
6. Stimulates protein anabolism, bone growth, and cessation of
bone growth
7. Required for sex drive and may enhance aggressive behavior
8. Stimulates erythropoietin secretion by the kidneys
9. Cause descent of the testes into the scrotum during the last 2
to 3 months of gestation
10. Testosterone increases muscle development
11. Causes growth of hair
over the pubis
upward along the linea alba of the abdomen sometimes to
the umbilicus and above, on the face, usually on the chest,
and less often on other regions of the body, such as the
12. Testosterone decreases the growth of hair on the top of the
Functions of The Male Accessory Sex Glands
Function of the Prostate Gland
Male Sexual Act
- forceful expulsion of semen into the urethra and out of the penis
1. Emission phase:
- Emptying of sperm and accessory sex gland secretions (semen)
into the urethra
- Accomplished by sympathetically induced contraction of the
smooth muscle in the walls of the ducts and accessory sex glands
2. Expulsion phase:
- Forceful expulsion of semen from the penis
- Due to motor-neuron-induced contraction of the skeletal muscles
at the base of the penis
• The entire period of emission and expulsion is called the male
At its termination, the male sexual excitement disappears
almost entirely within 1 to 2 minutes and erection ceases, a
process called resolution
The Female Reproductive System
• The female reproductive system is composed of the gonads,
called ovaries, and the female reproductive tract(oviducts,
uterus, cervix, vagina) and external genitalia
• Function:
1. Production of ova (oogenesis)
2. Reception of sperm
3. Transport of the sperm and ovum to a common site for
union ( =fertilization, or conception)
4. Maintenance of the developing fetus
5. Giving birth to the baby (=parturition)
6. Nourishing the infant after birth by milk production
The Ovary
Ovarian Functions
• Around the 7th month after conception, the fetal oogonia cease
dividing, & from this point on no new germ cells are generated
• Still in the fetus, all the oogonia develop into primary oocytes
which then begin a first meiotic division by replicating their
• They do not, however, complete the division in the fetus.
• Accordingly, all the eggs present at birth are primary oocytes
containing 46 chromosomes, each with two sister chromatids.
• The cells are said to be in a state of meiotic arrest.
• This state continues until puberty and the onset of renewed
activity in the ovaries.
• The first meiotic division will be completed during puberty
• This first meiotic division is analogous to the division of the
primary spermatocyte, and each daughter cell receives 23
chromosomes, each with two chromatids
• In the first meiotic division, however, one of the two daughter
cells, the secondary oocyte, retains virtually all the
• The other, termed the first polar body, is very small and
• The second meiotic division occurs in a fallopian tube after
ovulation, but only if the secondary oocyte is fertilized—that
is, penetrated by a sperm.
• As a result of this second meiotic division, the daughter cells
each receive 23 chromosomes, each with a single chromatid.
• The net result of oogenesis is that each primary oocyte can
produce only one ovum.
• In contrast, each primary spermatocyte produces four viable
Follicular development(Folliculogenesis)
• The granulosa cells secrete estrogen, small amounts of
progesterone just before ovulation, and the peptide hormone
• As the follicle grows by mitosis of granulosa cells, connective
tissue cells surrounding the granulosa cells differentiate and
form layers known as the theca,
• The newly acquired theca cells are analogous to testicular
Leydig cells
• The major product of theca cells is androstenedione, as
opposed to testosterone
• Shortly after this, the primary oocyte reaches full size (115
mm in diameter), and a fluid-filled space, the antrum, begins
to form in the midst of the granulosa cells as a result of fluid
they secrete.
• Only one of the larger antral follicles, the dominant follicle,
continues to develop, and the other follicles (in both ovaries)
that had begun to enlarge undergo a degenerative process
called atresia (an example of programmed cell death, or
• The eggs in the degenerating follicles also die.
• As the dominant follicle enlarges, mainly as a result of its
expanding antrum (increase in fluid), the granulosa cell layers
surrounding the egg form a mound that projects into the
antrum and is termed the cumulus oophorous(corona
• As the time of ovulation approaches, the egg (a primary
oocyte) emerges from meiotic arrest and completes its first
meiotic division to become a secondary oocyte
• The cumulus separates from the follicle wall so that it and the
oocyte float free in the antral fluid.
• The mature follicle (also termed a graafian follicle) becomes so
large (diameter about 1.5 cm) that it balloons out on the surface of
the ovary.
• Ovulation occurs when the thin walls of the follicle and ovary at
the site where they are joined rupture because of enzymatic
• The secondary oocyte, surrounded by its tightly adhering zona
pellucida and granulosa cells, as well as the cumulus, is carried out
of the ovary and onto the ovarian surface by the antral fluid.
• All this happens on approximately day 14 of the menstrual cycle.
• After the mature follicle discharges its antral fluid and egg, it
collapses around the antrum and undergoes a rapid
• The granulosa cells enlarge greatly, and the entire gland like
structure formed is known as the corpus luteum, which
secretes estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin.
Sites of Synthesis of Ovarian Hormones
Control of Ovarian Function
Menstrual Cycle
• There are two significant results of the female sexual cycle.
• First, only a single ovum is normally released from the ovaries
each month, so that normally only a single fetus will begin to
grow at a time.
• Second, the uterine endometrium is prepared in advance for
implantation of the fertilized ovum at the required time of the
Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
Cyclic Changes in the Ovaries
• The duration of the menstrual cycle is typically about 28 days.
• Because it is a cycle, there is no beginning or end and the
changes are generally gradual.
• However, it is convenient to call the first day of menstruation
“day 1” of the cycle .
• It is also convenient to divide the cycle into phases based on
changes that occur in the ovary and in the endometrium.
• The ovaries are in the follicular phase from the first day of
menstruation until the day of ovulation.
• After ovulation, the ovaries are in the luteal phase until the
first day of menstruation
Follicular Phase
• During the follicular phase of the ovaries, which lasts from
day 1 to about day 13 of the cycle (this duration is highly
variable), some of the primary follicles grow, develop
vesicles, and become secondary follicles.
• Toward the end of the follicular phase, one follicle in one
ovary reaches maturity and becomes a graafian follicle.
• As follicles grow, the granulosa cells secrete an increasing
amount of estradiol (the principal estrogen), which reaches
its highest concentration in the blood two days before
ovulation at about day 12 of the cycle.
• The growth of the follicles and the secretion of estradiol are
stimulated by, and dependent upon, FSH secreted from the
anterior pituitary.
• Toward the end of the follicular phase, FSH and estradiol also
stimulate the production of LH receptors in the graafian
• The LH surge begins about 24 hours before ovulation and
reaches its peak about 16 hours before ovulation.
• The surge in LH secretion causes the wall of the graafian
follicle to rupture at about day 14 and causes ovulation
Luteal Phase
• There is also evidence that the corpus luteum produces inhibin
during the luteal phase, which may help to suppress FSH
secretion or action.
• Estrogen and progesterone levels fall during the late luteal
phase (starting about day 22) because the corpus luteum
regresses and stops functioning.
• With the declining function of the corpus luteum, estrogen and
progesterone fall to very low levels by day 28 of the cycle.
• The withdrawal of ovarian steroids causes menstruation and
permits a new cycle of follicle development to progress.
Cyclic Changes in the Endometrium
• Three phases can be identified on the basis of changes in the
(1) The proliferative phase
(2) The secretory phase
(3) The menstrual phase
Proliferative(estrogen) phase
• Occurs while the ovary is in its follicular phase.
• The increasing amounts of estradiol secreted by the
developing follicles stimulate growth (proliferation) of the
stratum functionale of the endometrium.
• Coiled blood vessels called spiral arteries develop in the
endometrium during this phase.
Secretory (progestational) phase
• Occurs when the ovary is in its luteal phase.
• In this phase, increased progesterone secretion by the corpus
luteum stimulates the development of uterine glands.
• As a result of the combined actions of estradiol and
progesterone, the endometrium becomes thick, vascular,
and “spongy” in appearance, and the uterine glands become
engorged with glycogen during the phase following ovulation.
• The endometrium is therefore well prepared to accept and
nourish an embryo if fertilization occur.
Menstrual phase
• Characterized by discharge of blood and endometrial debris
from the vagina
• Occurs as a result of the fall in ovarian hormone secretion
during the late luteal phase.
• Necrosis (cellular death) and sloughing of the stratum
functionale of the endometrium may be produced by
constriction of the spiral arteries.
Some Effects of Female Sex Steroids
1. Stimulates growth of ovary and follicles (local effects)
2. Stimulates growth of smooth muscle and proliferation of
epithelial linings of reproductive tract.
3. Stimulates external genitalia growth, particularly during
4. Stimulates breast growth, particularly ducts and fat deposition
during puberty
5. Stimulates female body configuration development during
puberty: narrow shoulders, broad hips, female fat distribution
(deposition on hips and breasts)
6. Stimulates bone growth and ultimate cessation of bone growth
(closure of epiphyseal plates)
7. Has feedback effects on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
8. Stimulates prolactin secretion but inhibits prolactin’s milk-
inducing action on the breasts
9. Protects against atherosclerosis by effects on plasma
• The union of the two germ cells, the ovum and the sperm
• Restores chromosome number to 46 and initiating the
development of a new individual
• Occurs in the ampulla
• Thus, both the ovum and the sperm must be transported from
their gonadal site of production to the ampulla.
Ovum Transport to The Oviduct
• The ovum is released into the peritoneal cavity at ovulation
• It picked up by fimbria of the oviduct
• Within the oviduct, the ovum is rapidly propelled by peristaltic
contractions and ciliary action to the ampulla
Sperm Transport to The Oviduct
• Under estrogen dominance (around the time of ovulation),
cervical mucus becomes thin and watery enough to permit
sperm to penetrate
• Muscular contractions of the vagina, cervix, and uterus; ciliary
movement; peristaltic activity; and fluid flow in the oviducts
assist transport
Process of fertilization
5. The sperm stimulates release of enzymes stored in cortical
granules in the ovum, which in turn, inactivates ZP3 receptors
& harden the zona pellucida leading to the block to polyspermy.
Note : 1. Ovum survives about 24 hrs
- Fertilization must therefore occur within 24 hours after
2. Sperm typically survive about 48 hours but can survive up
to 5 days in the female reproductive tract
- so sperm deposited from 5 days before ovulation to 24hrs
after ovulation may be able to fertilize the released ovum
Early stages of development from fertilization to
• The fertilized ovum progressively divides and differentiates
into a blastocyst as it moves from the site of fertilization in the
upper oviduct to the site of implantation in the uterus
• Zygote blastomeres (24-36 hrs) morula (96 hrs) enters
the uterine cavity (at around 4 days) blastocyst (at 6 days)
implants into the uterine wall (at day 7)
• Implantation: the burrowing of a blastocyst into the
endometrial lining
• Trophoblast :
– the thin outermost layer of the blastocyst
– accomplishes implantation, after which it develops into the
fetal portion of the placenta.
The Physiology of Parturition
•Duration of gestation/pregnancy:
- In human : 38 wks from conception (40 wks from
the end of the last menstrual period)
Mechanisms: not known completely
Mechanical factors
Fertility Control: Contraception
2. Temporary methods
b. Withdrawal method /Coitus interruptus/ Onanism
i. Progestational component:
• Suppresses LH secretion by a -ve feedback effect on H-P
• Produces a decidualized endometrium which is not
receptive to implantation.
• Produces thick cervical mucus
• Alter tubal motility
ii. Estrogen component
• Enhances the -ve feedback of the progestin
• Supresses FSH secretion
Overall effects:
II. Postcoital contraceptives /the morning-after pill
• Interference with implantation & delay or interruption of
III. Subdermal progestin/norplant, 5years
• Inhibition of ovulation
• Thickening of cervical mucus → Preventing sperm
IV. Depo-medroxy progestrone acetate 150mg, im, once/3months
• Prevention of the LH surge + ovulation)
2. Permanent/sterilizations
a. Tubal Ligations (F)
b. Bilateral Vasectomy (M)