Guidance and Counseling for Adolescent

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psychology of learning and

Presentation on: guidance and
counseling for adolescents.
Prepared by : Dr. Moses e. maguzu
Tables of context

 Introduction about guidance and

 Guidance and counseling for
 About adolescents period.
 Conclusion.
 References.
About guidance and counseling

 Literally “Guidance “ means to direct ,’to point out’ ,or

to show the path’, . It is the assistance or help
rendered by a more experienced person to a less
experienced person to solve certain major problems of
the individual ( less experienced) i.e, educational ,
vocational, personal etc.
 Guidance is considered a concept as well as a process.
As a concept , it is concerned with the optimal
development of the individual . As a process , it helps
an individual in self_ understanding and self_ direction.
About counseling
 Counselling is an interactive learning process in which the
counsellor (sometimes termed therapist), helps the
counsellees (those seeking help) to understand the cause(s) of
difficulties and guides them to sort out issues and reach
decisions. The approach in counselling is holistic, addressing
social, cultural, economic and emotional issues.
 The qualified professional counsellor speaks with the
counsellee in a way to help that person solve a problem or
helps to create conditions that will cause the person to
understand and improve life circumstances.Counselling may
be concerned with addressing and resolving spesocieties
problems, making decisions, coping with crisis, improving
relationships and developing personal awareness. It also
involves working with feelings, thoughts, perceptions and
conflicts. The overall aim is to provide counsellees with
opportunities to work in positive ways so as to live
About adolescence period.

 Adolescence is the most important period of human life.

 The term “ adolescence “ is derived from Latin word ‘
adolescere’ which means to grow toward maturity.
 It emerges from childhood and merges into adulthood .
 Adolescence is a period of stress and strain. This is called the
crucial period because the incidents of this period greatly
affects the whloe personality of the individual.
 According to Terslid ‘ Adolescence is that span of years during
which the boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood ,
emotionally, socially , mentally, and physically.’
Why guidance and counseling
for adolescents....

 Adolescence is the phase Which makes a person enter into the

world of adult World . Growing into an adult A child makes us
experience problems In various domains such as :
 Personal
 Social
 Educational
 Vocational and career related.
 Through guidance and counseling Sevices adolescents can be
helped to solve these problems. With the help of career
counseling and vocational guidance they can be helped with
insights into the Various career opportunities and education
choices that are available. Personal and Social counseling can
help them In resolving their problems.

 The process of guidance and counseling can help the

adolescents for
Smooth transition of adulthood.

 Toconclude, we can say that adolescence as

being the period of rapid changes and
growth, proper guidance should be provided
from time to time, so that the difficulties and
problem they are facing with the rapid
growth may be overcomed at the proper
time and thy can be protected from getting
indulged into maladjustment.

 www.
 Ugc net paper second by dr M.S Ansari.
 NTA UGC net paper second by arihant.
 Https:// ncert.

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