Ch3 Linux Administration
Ch3 Linux Administration
Ch3 Linux Administration
What is Linux?
A fully-networked 32/64-Bit Unix-like
Operating System
Unix Tools Like sed, awk, and grep (explained later)
Compilers and tools Like C, C++, Fortran,
Smalltalk, Ada, JDK, Python,
Network Tools Like telnet, ftp, ping, traceroute
What is POSIX?
•standard designed
to facilitate
History of Linux
Development started in 1991
With the help of programmers around the world:
Linux 1.0 in 1994
Linux 2.2 in 1999
GNU project started 1984 to produce a Unix-like Os by
Richard Stallman.
Linux Combined with GNU(gov’t of national policy) to
make an GNU/Linux OS
GNU/Linux, commonly referred to as “Linux”.
GNU stands for “GNU’s Not Unix”
First Distros:
1992 - MCC Interim Linux
1992 - Softlanding Linux System (SLS)
1993 - Debian
Why Linux?
• Today Linux has joined the desktop
• On the server side, Linux is well-
known as a stable and reliable
• Linux provides many applications
– Databases (MySQL,Postgresql),
– Network services(Web Servers,DNS,
Proxy, firewall etc)
– Software development tools(C, Java,
Python,Perl etc.)
Why Linux?
There is excellent and free Internet support
and documentation available.
The graphical user interface (GUI) is similar in
design to that on any other system
A very powerful command line alternative is
also available.
Linux is user friendly.
Why Linux?
It is Open Source
Today, Linux is ready to accept the challenge of
a fast-changing world.
Linux is free:
If you want to spend absolutely nothing, you
don't even have to pay the price of a CD.
Linux can be downloaded in its entirety from the
Internet completely for free.
Why Linux?
Linux is portable to any hardware platform.
Linux was made to keep on running.
As with UNIX, a Linux system expects to run
without rebooting all the time.
Tasks can be scheduled to run at suitable times.
File System
Characteris Windows Linux
File System NTFS, FAT ext2, ext3,ext4
Reference Root of Each partition will Each partitions
each partition be its own root is mounted
point Ex. C:, D:, F: under /
2. Linux Administration
2.1 Introduction to Linux
2.2 Linux Distributions
2.3 Linux VS Windows
2.4 Linux Installation
2.5 Managing Software
2.6 Managing Users
2.7 File System
Linux Installation
Linux Installation
Linux Installation
Linux Installation
Linux Installation
Linux Installation
Linux Installation
2. Linux Administration
2.1 Introduction to Linux
2.2 Linux Distributions
2.3 Linux VS Windows
2.4 Linux Installation
2.5 Managing Software
2.6 Managing Users
2.7 File System
Managing Software
What is software package management?
A way to distribute software and
.tar.gz or tgz (Slackware)
.rpm (Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, …)
.deb (Debian, Ubuntu)
.exe or msi (Windows)
Meta-package managers
Locate packages on the Internet, download, install
and analyze inter-package dependencies. eg.
yum (rpm)
apt-get (deb and rpm)
Managing Software
– Debian binary package file names use the
following convention:
Manage users
The /etc/group File
contains a list of groups, with one group per
Each group entry in the file has four standard
fields, with each field colon-delimited
The fields are:
Group name -The name of the group
Group password-This is optional, but if set, it
allows users who are not part of the group to join
Group ID (GID)-The numerical equivalent of the
group name
Group members-A comma-separated list
Manage users
Command-Line User Management
useradd-As the name implies, useradd allows
you to add a single user to the system.
Manage users
The usermod command allows you to modify
an existing user in the system.
It works in much the same way as useradd.
Manage users
The userdel command does the exact opposite
of useradd—it removes existing users