Material 7

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Reacting to an Opinion

Piece or a Social Media Post

Mr. Ludovikus

1. Recognize an opinion piece and

differentiate it from a factual news article.
2. Respond appropriately to opinion pieces or
social media posts.
Warm-up: Work with a partner. Take turns reading the dialogue below.
Maria : Hello, welcome to Brewstar88! How are you doing today?
Daniel : I’m good. How are you?
Maria : I’m great, thanks for asking. What can I get for you today?
Daniel : Uh, can I get a cafe latte, please?
Maria : Uh huh, sure. What size will that be?
Daniel : I’ll just have a regular.
Maria : You sure? For just 50 cents more, you can get a large.
Daniel : No, regular is fine.
Maria : Okay. And is that going to be hot or iced?
Daniel : Hot, please.
Maria : Would you like anything else with that? A cookie, maybe?
Daniel : Sure, I’ll get a cookie.
Maria : Okay! And will that be for here or to go?
Daniel : I’ll have it to go.
Maria : All right, that will be $4.60. Thank you!
Explore: Discuss the questions below.

1. Do you use social media? What social media do you

2. What do you often see on social media?
3. Do you think social media is a good source of
information? Why or why not?
4. What are your experiences with social media when it
comes to interacting with strangers?
5. Have you shared your opinions or ideas on social
media? What was that experience like?
Explore: Read the short article below, then answer the questions
that follow.

In our diverse and ever-changing world, the issue of migrant workers demands careful consideration,
especially from a conservative standpoint. As conservative politicians, we value the principles of national
identity, economic stability, and security. Migrant workers, while contributing to the workforce, must align
with our core values.

Firstly, it's important to note that a massive influx of migrant workers will strain our resources, leading to
potential economic instability. While they may contribute to certain sectors, an unchecked flow will
jeopardize the livelihoods of our citizens, particularly in times of economic uncertainty. It's crucial to strike
a balance between welcoming foreign workers and safeguarding the interests of our own people.

Secondly, it is a well-established fact that migrant workers are more likely to engage in criminal activities.
While not all migrants fall into this category, some may pose security threats to our communities. A
stricter screening process is necessary to ensure that those entering our borders share our commitment
to law and order.

In conclusion, a conservative approach to migrant workers seeks to preserve the values that define our
nation. By promoting controlled migration, we can maintain economic stability and safeguard the security
of our citizens. Balancing the needs of our workforce and protecting our national identity is not only a
conservative stance but a responsible one that ensures a prosperous and secure future for all.
Explore: Discuss the questions below.

1. What words or expressions are The article above is called an

editorial or an opinion piece. These
unfamiliar to you? are articles written by all kinds of
people, and these articles are usually
2. What is the topic of the article? an expression of their beliefs or
3. What are the supporting details the ideas. Unlike news articles, editorials
and opinion pieces do not need to be
article provides to support the main written by journalists. These articles
point of the article? do not need to be factually-correct,
and oftentimes a newspaper will say
4. Did the writer of the article provide that the opinions, ideas, and beliefs
in such articles are not necessarily
any evidence to prove the the same as their opinions, ideas,
supporting details? and beliefs.
Explore: Look at the table below to see the differences between
newspaper articles, social media posts, and opinion pieces..

Newspaper Article Social Media Post Opinion Piece

Written to express the

Reports events and news
Written for any reason writer’s opinions and
as accurately as possible
thoughts on current issues

Written by anyone on the Written by any celebrity

Written by journalists
social media site or important person

Does not need to be Does not need to be

Must be factually correct
factually correct factually correct

Discuss this table in your class. How are the three similar?
How are they different?
Explore: When you are on social media, always consider the

1. People can say anything because they feel that they are safe to do so - This can
include hurtful things. Some people online feel that because they don’t see you face to
face, they can be as rude as they want to be. However, you should still try to be polite
and nice when interacting with others online.
2. Not everyone is telling the truth - Anyone can say anything they want on social media,
and sometimes this will include false claims or lies. Always check with other sources to
make sure that what you see in social media is actually true.
3. People may not observe correct spelling or grammar - A lot of people are very casual
and careless when it comes to writing things in social media. This may cause them to
make a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, which might make things difficult for you
to understand.
4. Sometimes, it’s not worth engaging - Internet “trolls” are people who are paid to make
sure that certain posts reach a wide audience online. They do this by angering people,
forcing them to comment on posts so that the social media will think the post is
popular. If you feel that someone is just trying to get you mad online, you can always
just stop talking to them.
Reflect: You just learned about recognizing opinion pieces and
responding to social media posts. Answer the questions below.

1. What do you think young people should learn about social

2. Why do you think opinion pieces are important?

Experience: Read the opinion piece below, then write a short paragraph responding to the opinion piece. You may share
your own opinions and thoughts. You may also correct the writer on some points they raised..

In today's fast-changing world, Generation Z, or Gen Z, plays a big role in shaping how we live and think. People praise them for being open-minded
and caring about important issues, but there are also some worries about their attitudes that we need to talk about.

First, there's this idea that Gen Z really likes things to happen quickly. Because they grew up with smartphones and the internet, they're used to
getting what they want right away. This can make it hard for them to learn to be patient and to keep trying when things don't happen right away.

Write your short paragraph responding to the opinion

Then there's something called cancel culture. It's when people quickly decide they don't like someone or something, and they make it hard for that
person or idea to be heard. It's good to care about important things, but cancel culture might stop people from talking and sharing different ideas. We need
piece. Do you agree or disagree with the points the
to be able to talk openly about what we think without being afraid of getting in trouble.

Some people worry that Gen Z might feel like they deserve success without working hard for it. Growing up with a lot of cool stuff might make them
author raised? What did the author get right? What did
expect things to come easy, but real success usually needs effort and learning from mistakes.

they get wrong? Be ready to share it in class.

Also, spending too much time on social media can be a problem. Gen Z often measures their worth by how many likes or followers they have online.
This can make them feel bad about themselves and forget about real-life connections.

Lastly, some say Gen Z might struggle with paying attention for a long time. Because they're used to quick and fun online content, they might find it
hard to focus on more complicated things. This could make school and learning more difficult.

To sum it up, while Gen Z has great qualities like caring about the world, it's important to talk about the not-so-good stuff too. We should help them
find a balance between caring about important things and thinking about their own well-being. Encouraging them to be patient, open-minded, and to think
about the world in a more complex way will help them become well-rounded adults ready for whatever comes their way.
Reflect: What did you like in today’s lesson?

What did you have a hard time with during today’s lesson?

● I had a hard time pronouncing the words in English. / bahasa translation

● I had a hard time listening to the words in English.
● I did not know enough English words to understand the lesson.
● I could not keep up with the lesson.
Thank you
See you again next

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