Defence Mechanism Microbiology
Defence Mechanism Microbiology
Defence Mechanism Microbiology
General objectives
Both the skin and the mucous membranes form the first line
of defence and belong to Nonspecific defence mechanisms.
The intact skin provides a barrier through which most micro-
organism cannot pass it Provides a good defence against
invasion. Most microorganisms enter the body through a
break in the skin.
The secretions of the skin by sweat and sebaceous glands
which are acidity and have chemicals which have anti-
bacterial properties tend to eliminate pathogenic bacteria
B. Mucous Membranes/Surfaces
Bacteria are removed mechanically from
mucous membranes such as the nose,
mouth and vagina as mucus secretions trap
in the sticky secretion on the surface
(mucus) and then swept away by the action
Of cilia, minute hair-like ladies projecting
from the cells lining the cavity.
All organs in the body which are in contact with the
external environment produce secretions which act in
2 ways ;
a)Mechanical action e.g. secretions of the bronchi
entrap organisms and these are propelled away from
the alveoli by the action of cilia in the bronchi and
expelled tears by sneezing and coughing in the eye
b)Chemical action Secretions may be acidic like sweat
and gastric juice or strongly alkaline like bile
Specific defense mechanism