Recruitment HRM
Recruitment HRM
Recruitment HRM
Recruitment is the process of searching for and
obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the
right people can be selected.
Strategy Development
Cost of advertisement
(iii) For posts requiring innovations and creative thinking, this method
of recruitment cannot be followed.
(iv) If only seniority is the criterion for promotion, then the person
filling the vacant post may not be really capable.
5. Factory Gates:
Certain workers present themselves at the factory gate every day for employment.
6. Casual Callers:
Those personnel who casually come to the company for employment may also be
considered for the vacant post. It is most economical method of recruitment. In the
advanced countries, this method of recruitment is very popular.
7. Central Application File: A file of past applicants who
were not selected earlier may be maintained. In order to keep
the file alive, applications in the files must be checked at
periodical intervals.
8. Labour Unions: In certain occupations like construction,
hotels, maritime industry etc., (i.e., industries where there is
instability of employment) all recruits usually come from
It is advantageous from the management point of view
because it saves expenses of recruitment. However, in other
industries, unions may be asked to recommend candidates
either as a goodwill gesture or as a courtesy towards the union.
9. Labour Contractors: This method of recruitment is still prevalent
in India for hiring unskilled and semi-skilled workers in brick klin
industry. The contractors keep themselves in touch with the labour
and bring the workers at the places where they are required. They
get commission for the number of persons supplied by them.
own, they may be taken back if they are interested in joining the
concern (provided their record is good).
Then there are video films which are sent to various concerns and
institutions so as to show the history and development of the
company. These films present the story of company to various
audiences, thus creating interest in them.
1. Availability of Suitable Persons: Internal sources,
sometimes, may not be able to supply suitable persons from
within. External sources do give a wide choice to the
management. A large number of applicants may be willing to
join the organisation. They will also be suitable as per the
requirements of skill, training and education
2. Brings New Ideas:
The selection of persons from outside sources will have the
3. Economical:
This method of recruitment can prove to be economical
1. Demoralisation:
When new persons from outside join the organisation then present
employees feel demoralised because these positions should have gone to
them. There can be a heart burning among old employees. Some
employees may even leave the enterprise and go for better avenues in other
2. Lack of Co-Operation:
The old staff may not co-operate with the new employees because they
feel that their right has been snatched away by them. This problem will be
acute especially when persons for higher positions are recruited from
3. Expensive:
The process of recruiting from outside is very expensive. It starts with
inserting costly advertisements in the media and then arranging written
tests and conducting interviews. In spite of all this if suitable persons are
not available, then the whole process will have to be repeated.