First Aid PPT BPT
First Aid PPT BPT
First Aid PPT BPT
Ms. Usha. S
• Any emergency is the unforeseen event which calls for prompt and quick
action to save the life of a person or to prevent from further damage.
• Using basic first aid, you may be able to stop a minor mishap from
getting worse.
For diagnosis, the first aider must Remove the causative agent from the Arrange for the safe transportation of
first know how the accident or causality. the causality to the care of a doctor or
sudden injury has occurred. This can Eg: falling machinery, fire, electrical hospital as soon as possible
be from the victim or from witness. wire, poison etc. Inform the family or relatives at
Watch for symptoms like faintness, once.
bleeding, thirst, pain or shivering.
Watch for abnormal signs like
swelling, baldness.
Essential qualities of a first aider
Prompt and quick: As soon as an accident or injury takes place, the first aider should be
Calm and controlled: He should be a calm and controlled sort of person because he has to
take immediate action, without any fuss or panic.
Wise and intelligent: He should be intelligent and wise enough to decide the immediate
treatment even before a complete diagnosis, especially in case of serious injuries and
severe bleeding.
Resourceful: He should be resourceful enough to make available his first aid material at
once or get the required things on the spot, for giving immediate relief to the victim.
Sweet tempered and sympathetic: The first aider should use sweet and encouraging
words to lessen the victim’s distress. He should keep the victim has comfortable as
possible and should be able to allay the victim’s fears with sympathy.
Skillful and tactful: The first aider should be skillful and tactful to judge the symptom
and history of the case without wasting any time. If need be, he should be able to master
requisite support from the crowd.
Dexterous and clever: Should be able to help the injured without causing and/ or
aggravating pain, and to use the appliances and/ or procedure efficiently and effectively.
Conference and perseverance: He should have perseverance and should not give up. It
may take time for the patient to respond to his handling.
Principles of first aid
Make sure that victim’s airway is not blocked by the tongue, secretions or
some foreign body- restore respiration.
Make sure that person is breathing. If not, administer artificial respiration –
restore respiration.
Make sure that the patient has a pulse, if no pulse is felt, administer
cardiopulmonary resuscitation {CPR} –to restore circulation.
Check for bleeding-take measure to control bleeding.
If the victim is bleeding severely or if he has swallowed poison or if the heart or
breathing stopped, every second count for his survival.
Arrange without delay for shifting of the victim to hospital for medical attention,
although most injured persons can be safely moved.
It is very important, not to move a person with serious neck and/or back injuries
unless taking proper measure to ensure him from further complications.
Keep the victim quiet and make him lie down. Turn the victim on his side to prevent
choking if there is no danger about neck injury. keep him warm with blanket.
Reassure the victim, try to remain calm yourself. Your calmness can allay the
victim’s fear and panic.
Do not try to arouse an unconscious person by slapping or
Do not allow crowd to gather near the victim so that fresh air is
Look for an emergency identification card for medical
information related to victim.
Golden rules of first aid
• Do first things first, quickly-quietly without fuss or panic
• Reassure the casualty through encouraging words.
• Check ABC rule
• Open the airway by tilting the head.
• Give artificial respiration if breathing has stopped
• Perform chest compression if the pulse is not present
• Stop bleeding if any direct pressure
• Treat for shock
• Do not allow people to crowd around
• Don’t remove clothes unnecessarily
• Arrange for transportation of the casualty
• Client or victim should be sent to a hospital or doctor by quickest means of
• Always inform police about serious accidents and the relatives.
Equipments for first aid-first
aid kit
• Wound cleaner/antiseptic {100ml} 1 roll of elastic
• Swabs for cleaning wounds adhesive[25mmx3m]
• Cotton wool for padding • 1 roll of non-allergic adhesive
• Sterile gauze {minimum 10} strip[25mmx3m]
• 1 pair of forceps • 1 packet of adhesive dressing
• 1 pair of scissors strips[10]
• 1 set of safety pins • 4 first aid
• 4 triangular bandages dressing[75mx100mm]
• 4 roller bandages{75mm} • 4 first aid
• 4 roller bandages{100mm} dressing[150mmx200mm]
• Crepe bandage • 2 straight splints
• Bulb syringe and sterile eye • 2 pairs latex gloves
dressings. • 2 CPR mouth pieces
• Thermometer
First aid in cardiac arrest
Definition: It is defined as abrupt cessation of cardiac function, which is
potentially reversible. The heart may be in state of asystole.
Causes of cardiac arrest Signs of cardiac arrest
• Unresponsiveness
• Coronary heart disease • Sudden loss of
• Cardiomyopathy consciousness
• Congestive heart failure • Absence of carotid
• Noncardiac causes-any pulse
trauma, drowning, • Cessation of respiration:
suffocation, electric No chest wall
shock and severe allergic movement
reactions. • Dilation of pupils
• Marked cyanosis
• Ventricle fibrillation
• Ventricular tachycardia
Indications • Asystole
• Pulseless electrical activity
• Drowning
• Stroke
• Foreign body in the throat
• Smoke inhalation
• Drug overdose
• Electrocution or injury by lightning
• Suffocation
• Accident, injury
• Coma
• Epiglottis paralysis
DEFINITION: It is a maneuver that aims at maintaining a certain level
of circulation until more definite treatment with advanced life support
can be given. Management of collapsed client requires prompt
assessment and restoration of circulation airway and breathing.
DEFINITION: In this, the steps of resuscitation combined with the use
of medical equipments and drugs in the hospital setting are used to
improve the survival rates. Early CPR coupled with early defibrillation is
a very powerful combination.
Three Apnea
cardinal Absence of
signs of carotid and
femoral pulse
cardiac Dilation of
Purposes of CPR
To maintain blood circulation by chest compression. {C}
To provide basic life support till advanced life support arrives.
Steps of bls/acls
Scene safety:
Check responsiveness:
• Look for normal breathing. Call national helpline number 102 for ambulance if there is
no response.
Breathing assessment:
Scan the chest at eye level from head end, sides or foot end to find out chest movements.
Check carotid pulse
By doing head tilt, chin lift method
Find the groove between the thyroid notch and the sternomastoid muscle. Here
pulse can be felt.
Check the pulse of only one side at a time.
Call ambulance
Give all information like:
• Self identification
• Place {venue} from where you are calling, number of patients{single or mass causality }
• Ask them to send an emergency medical service {EMS} team with automated external
defibrillator {AED}
• DO not disconnect the call, unless you get the reply or message to do so from the other end.
Do chest compression:
Place the victim on a hard surface in supine position, push the clothes aside, and start with early chest
Kneel at victims side.
Locate the lower rib margin using index finger of the hand and move the fingers up to the point where rib
connects the sternum.
Place the heel of the hand on the center of the person’s chest along the nipple line, lower half of the
Place the heel of the other hand on top of the first hand , interlacing fingers together, do not allow them to
touch the chest.
Keep arms straight and the shoulders directly over the hands {chest of the victim}. Begin 5 cycles of CPR.
Compress the chest of adult for 2-2.4 inches depth @ rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
Allow complete recoil of the chest and do not lift hands off chest.
Technique 1
Open the airway, unless you suspect neck injury. Place the victim on his back.
Wipe any foreign substance-solid or liquid-out of his mouth with the cloth.
Place the palm of one hand on the forehead and tilt the head back, place the fingers of the
other hand under the chin and lift to bring it forward. This position prevents obstruction of
airway by the tongue.
Opening the airway may start the person’s breathing again. Watch the chest rise and fall,
listen to the sound of breathing by placing your cheek close to the victim’s mouth and nose,
to feel any exhaled air.
Technique 2
• Pinch the nostril closed. Use the thumb and index finger of the hand
that is on the victim’s head to exert the necessary pressure and maintain
proper tilt.
• Place your mouth over the victim’s mouth, and give two full breaths,
each ventilation should cause the victim’s chest to rise and fall.
• When you are able to ventilate the victim quietly take technique 3.
Technique 3
o Feel the carotid pulse in the neck, if there is no pulse, give CPR. If there is pulse
but still no breathing, begin technique 4.
Technique 4
• With victim’s head tilted as in technique 1, and his nose pinched shut, place
your mouth over the victims and blow hard.
• Remove your mouth and allow the victim to exhale and you take another
deep breath.
• Watch for the rise and fall of the chest and listen for the sounds of inhaled air.
• Then blow again. Repeat the procedure, giving one vigorous breath every
second until the victim starts to breathe spontaneously or help arrives.
Musculoskeletal injuries-fractures, dislocation
muscle injuries
Definition: Any injury that affects the bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves
or tendons resulting in pain are considered as musculoskeletal injuries.
• Shoulders
• Acute pain • Wrists
• Swelling, • Back
numbness, tingling • Hips
• Fatigue • Legs
• Sleep disturbances • Knees
• Feet
Types of musculoskeletal injuries
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Bone fractures
Muscle/tendon strain
Ligament sprain
Tension neck syndrome
Radial tunnel syndrome
Degenerative disc disease
Sprains and strains
A sprain is an overstretching or tearing of ligaments of a joint and a
strain is an overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons.
Symptoms in Swelling,
• Severe pain
• Sudden twist • Unnatural
• Fall
• Swelling
• Accident • Bruising
• Contact sport injuries • Deformity at the
• Muscle weakness joint
First aid for dislocation
Electric shock
Bacterial infection
Types of shock
Hemorrhagic shock
Neurogenic shock
Respiratory shock
Cardiac shock
Circulatory shock
Hypovolemic shock
Metabolic shock
septic shock
Anaphylactic shock
Traumatic shock
Insulin shock
Electric shock
Signs and symptoms of shock
Cold and clammy skin
Pale and cyanosis
Pulse is weak and rapid
Low BP
Diminished vision
Increased breathing pattern
Dilated pupils
Nausea and vomitting
First aid management for shock
Firstly reassure the victim.
Elevate foot end side to improve blood supply to heart and reduce blood flow to extremities.
In case of head injury, reduce the pressure by raising the head slightly.
If breathing problem is observed, then raise head and shoulder by providing comfortable position to victim.
Stop bleeding by pressure and immobilise the fracture part to treat cause of shock.
Scald: It is defined as when the person’s skin and body are damaged by
wet heat. It may happen when a person comes in contact with boiled
water, steam, hot oil, hot coal tar, hot food, and any kind of hot liquid.
Causes of burn
Chemical burns{by acid or alkali}
Sun burn
Thermal burn
Types of burns
Partial thickness
Full thickness burn
Extent of a burn
Rule of NINE
• Head-9%
• Upper chest-9%
• Upper back-9%
• Arms-9%+9%
• Abdomen-9%
• Lower back-9%
• Thigh-9%+9%
• Lower legs-9%+9%
• Perineum-1%
Signs and symptoms
• Redness of skin
• Blister formation
• Swelling
• Draining of fluid
Reduce pain
• Place the victim on the floor, cover him with the blanket tightly and put off the fire by rolling him.
• If the fire is in a closed room first aider should cover his/her mouth with a wet face towel with all precaution and approach the
victim by crawling on the floor.
• If the burn is superficial, then immerse the burnt area in the cool water.
• Make arrangements for transport, send victim to the nearest hospitals as soon as
Management of electric burns
Put off the source of current.
Slurred speech
Dizziness or lightheadedness
• Take the arm that is closest to you and position it so that it is perpendicular to his body, forming a right
angle. The head should be facing upward.
• Take his other hand and position it so that the back of the hand is presses against the cheek that is closest to
• With your free hand, bend his knee that is farthest from you. His foot should be resting flat against the floor.
• Help him get onto his side by pulling on the bent knee. After you roll him over, ensure that his top arm is
still helping to support his head.
• Tilt his head back and lift his chin. This helps open airway.
• Keep an eye on his condition, and remain with him until emergency personnel arrives.
If person is not breathing:
Do not move patient unnecessarily, because of the possibility of spinal injury. Never
attempt to make an unconscious person sit or stand.
Do not let people gather around, give him fresh air.
Never give water to an unconscious person to drink, it might get into his windpipe.