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storage devices naming convention

/dev/nvme0n1 -> advanced SSD

/dev/sda -> scsi hard disk
/dev/vda -> virtual hard disk
/dev/hda -> sata hard disk

lsblk -> list block devices

ls -l /dev/nvm* -> list storage devices

cat /proc/partitions -> Kernel perspective of devices

BIOS -> MBR -> 4 Partitions -> logical partitions numbering starts with 5

UEFI -> GPT -> 128 Partitions

Master Boot Record (MBR) is part of the 1981 PC specification

512 bytes to store boot information

64 bytes to store partitions
Place for 4 partitions only with a max size of 2 TiB
To use more partitions, extended and logical partions must be used
GUID Partition Table is newer partition table (2010)

More space to store partitions

Used to overcome MBR limitations
128 partitions max

parted /dev/sdb
print will show if there is a current partition table
mklabel msdos | gpt
mkpart part-type name fs-type start end
part-type: applies to MBR only and sets primary, logical, or extended partition
name: arbitrary name, required for GPT
fs-type: does NOT modify the filesystem, but sets some irrelevant file system
dependent medadata
start end: specify start and end, counting from the beginning of the disk
Example: mkpart primary 1024MiB 2048MiB
Alternatively, use mkpart in interactive mode

print to verfy creation of the new partition

quit to exit the parted shell
udevadm settle to ensure that the new partition device is created
cat /proc/partitions to verify the creation of the partition
File System Differences

XFS is the default file system

 Fast and scalable
 Uses CoW to guarantee data integrity
 size can be increased not decreased
Ext4 was default in RHEL 6 and is still used
 Backward compatible to Ext2
 Uses Journal to guarantee data integrity
 size can be increased and decreased
Master Boot Record

Assembly code boot loader 446 bytes.

Partition table for 4 primary partitions 16 bytes each.
sentinel 2 bytes
parted /dev/sdc print
parted /dev/sdc mklabel msdos
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc count=1 bs=512
parted /dev/sdc print
fdisk vs parted

fdisk /dev/sdb : If there is no partition table then it will create a partition

table of msdos. Will work only on MBR disks.
parted /dev/sdb mklabel msdos : works with gpt as well as MBR disks

Limitations of MBR
 Limited to 4 primary partitions
 Single byte partition code
 32 bit address limits disk size to 2TB
 Extended partition uses linked logical partitions but one lost link can
lose all
making File Systems

mkfs.xfs creates an XFS file system

mkfs.ext4 creates an EXT4 file system
use mkfs.[Tab] [Tab] to show a list of available file systems
Do Not use mkfs as it will create an Ext2 file system
After making the file system, you can mount it in runtime using the mount

/etc/fstab is the main configuration file to persistently mount partitions

/etc/fstab content is used to generate systemd mounts by the systemd-fstab-
generator utlity
To update systemd, make sure to use systemctl daemon-reload after
editing /etc/fstab
Persistent Device Naming

In datacenter environments, block device names may change.

UUID is automatically generated for each device that contains a file system or
anything similar
Label while creating file system, the option -L can be used to set an arbitrary
name that can be used for mounting the file system
Example: tune2fs -L Label Device for ext3,ext4
xfs_admin -L Label Device for xfs
blkid shows label and UUID
Unique device names are created in /dev/disk

Lets us see a demo to show the importance of Persistent Device Naming!

Systemd Mounts

/etc/fstab mounts already are systemd mounts

Mounts can be created using systemd .mount files
Using .mount files allows you to be more specific in defining dependencies
Use systemctl cat tmp.mount for an example
mount | grep tmp
Use systemctl enable --now tmp.mount
mount | grep tmp
cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system/sales.mount
vim /etc/sales.mount
To create your Systemd Mounts

cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system/sales.mount
Name of the mount unit should be same as that of the directory. If it is a sub-
directory then the naming of the mount unit will be sales-mydir.mount
vim /etc/sales.mount
systemctl daemon-reload
Systemctl --enable now sales.mount
Xfs File Systems

The xfsdump utility can be used for creating backups of XFS formatted
devices and considers specific XFS attributes
xfsdump only works on a complete XFS device
xfsdump can make full backups(-l 0) or different levels of incremental
xfsdump -l 0 -f /backupfiles/data.xfsdump /data creates a full backup of the
contents of the /data directory
The xfsrestore command is used to restore a backup that was made with
xfsdump using xfsrestore -f /backupfiles/data.xfsdump /data
xfsrepair command can be manually started to repair broken XFS file
GUID Partition Table
Advantages of GUID Partition Table

GUID used to identify partition type

provides disk GUID and partition GUIDs
128 partitions by default per disk
64 bit addressing allows for 2 ZB disk
Backup header and MBR stored at end of the disk for recovery
CRC32 checksums to verify integrity of partition table
kernel must support GPT
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)

Originally developed by Intel for its Itanium based systems

New way to boot OS moving away from BIOS and MBR
Can Include Secure Boot, cryptographic signing of the boot loader
Requires EFI system partition usually FAT32
As such UEFI is not limited to reading the 446 byte boot strap code in the
GRUB2 and Syslinux support BIOS and UEFI.
Gummiboot and Clover support UEFI Only.
Grub Legacy and LILO support BIOS Only.

swap is RAM that is emulated on disk

All Linux systems should have at least some swap
The amount of swap depends on the use of the server
Swap can be created on any block device including swap files
while creating swap with parted, set file system to linux-swap
For fdisk mark id 82
After creating the swap partition, use mkswap to create the swap FS
Activate using swapon -a
Note: swap cannot be mounted on / but uses swap kernel interface in fstab
free -m
swap storage on existing file system

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1G generates a file that we

can overlay a swap file system on of size 1G
mkswap /swapfile
swapon –v /swapfile
swapon –s shows current swap configuration
swapon -a reads /etc/fstab
swapoff /dev/device disables swapping on specific device
free -h displays amount of used and free memory

Create a 10GiB hard disk on virtual machine

Create a primary partition with a size 1GiB. Format it with Ext4 and mount it
persistently on /mounts/files using its UUID
Create an extended partition that includes all remaining disk space. In this
partition, create a 500MiB XFS partition and mount it persistently on
/mounts/xfs using label myxfs
Create a 500 MiB swap partition and mount it persistently
Linux Storage Options

Partitions the classical solution, used in all cases

Use to allocate dedicated storage to specific types of data
LVM Logical Volumes
Used at default installation of RHEL
Adds flexibility to storage (resize, snapshots and more)
Next generation Volume Managing Filesystem that uses thin provisioning
by default and Implemented in user space, which makes API access possible
Virtual Data Optimizer
Focused on storing files in the most efficient way
Manages deduplicated and compressed storage pools

Physical Volumes can be disks, partitions, Luns of SAN, etc.

Volume Group is used to create Logical volumes
There is no direct connection between PVs and LVs.
Size of the Logical Volumes can be bigger than the actual physical volume
Logical Volumes Logical Volumes

Volume Group

Physical Volumes Physical Volumes

LVM Steps

Create a partition from parted use set number lvm on

pvcreate /dev/sdb1 will create the physical volume
vgcreate vgdata /dev/sdb1 will create volume group
lvcreate -n lvdata -L 1G vgdata to create logical volume
mkfs.fs /dev/vgdata/lvdata to create file system
/etc/fstab to mount persistently
UUID or Labels not required as LVM names are device independent
Device Mapper Names

Device mapper is the system that the kernel uses to interface storage devices
Device mapper generates meaning less names e.g. /dev/dm-0 /dev/dm-1
Meaningful names are provided as symbolic links through /dev/mapper
e.g. /dev/mapper/vgdata-lvdata
Alternatively use LVM generated symbolic links /dev/vgdata/lvdata
LVM Resize

df -Th queries the file system for disk space

vgs to verify availability in the volume group
vgextend vgdata /dev/sdc1 to add one or more PVs to the volume group
lvextend -r -L +1G to grow the LVM logical volume, including the file system
 e2resize is an independent resize utilty for ext file system
 xfs_growfs can be used to grow an XFS file system
Shrinking is not possible on XFS volumes

Note:- While extending use lvextend and then resize2fs for resizing file
system size and while reducing first reduce file system size and then use
LVM Resize Reduce

umount /mnt/directory
e2fsck -f /dev/vgdata/lvdata
resize2fs /dev/vgdata/lvdata 500M
lvreduce /dev/vgdata/lvdata -L 500M
mount -a
LVM Snapshots

lvcreate -L 30m -s -n backup /dev/vgdata/lvdata

mount /dev/vg1/backup /mnt -o nouuid,ro
for xfs file system use nouuid and ro as nothing to be written in snapshot
tar -cvf /root/backup.tar /mnt
lvremove /dev/vg1/backup
setup user and group quotas for filesystems

Enable quotas on extended file systems like ext4

Check quotas using mount | grep /dev/sdb1
umount /dev/sdb1
vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb1 /data ext4 usrquota, grpquota 0 0
mount -a
Create quotadatabase -m to make database, -a for all partitions, -u for users
quotacheck -maug
The above command will create .user .group database files at /data
quotaon /dev/sdb1
setup and report on ext4 quotas

repquota -uv /dev/sdb1

This command will report quota status as root
setquota -u user1 20000 25000 0 0 /dev/sdb1
Block limit size is in KB and File limits soft limits & hard limits is unlimited
Group quotas will be for group and one user can use whole limit in that case
repquota -uv /dev/sdb1
edquota -u user1 command is used to edit quota and can be used to copy
quota settings from one user to another
edquota -u newuser -p user1
chmod 777 /data
su - user1
setup and report on ext4 quotas

echo hello >> /data/myfile.txt

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null count=1 bs=20M
This generates a warning if soft limit is exceeded for user1
repquota -uv /dev/sdb1
This report show + symbol for user1 who exceeds the soft limit
xfs quotas

mount | grep sdb2

some mount options for xfs file system could be gqnoenforce, uquota,
gquota, uqnoenforce i.e user quota noenforce to only monitor hard limit
xfs_quota -x for expert mode in interactive way
xfs_quota -x
 report /data
 quit
xfs_quota -xc ‘limit -u bsoft=20m bhard=30m user1’ /data
The above command is to set quota in non interactive mode for user1
xfs_quota -xc ‘report -h’ /data

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