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Unit 5: Staffing Function

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Unit 5: Staffing Function

HR is the most important resources of every

Government is intervening more in work place in terms of

affirmative action, equal job opportunities for all and equal pay for equal

Staffing has taken a new dimension of HRP, job design, recruitment, selection,
developing and training employees.

HR is most important that they create separate department to handle

personnel matters. Without competent employees at all levels organization
will either pursue in appropriate goals or find difficult to achieve appropriate
The staffing process

HRP is a strategy of for acquiring, using, improving and
preserving the firms HR. It is the process of determining
the HR requirements of the organization at different levels
for achieving organizational goals.
It covers 3 distinct activities:
1.Conduct man power inventory ( HR Audit) of the
present conditions of the organization. It provides
information about the current labor force & skilled
Match present personnel strength & weakness and future HR
requirement. It helps to identify who should occupy each
2. Forecast future employee skills need or labor
requirement. Analysis of the plan and objectives of the
organization will help to determine what skills will be
3. Determine appropriate HR actions needed based on
the comparisons of the personnel forecast and
4 Managers decide Qty and quality of personnel needed.

Activities of developing a pool of qualified

candidate from which the organizations may
choose the most appropriate employees. It is the
practices that defines the characteristics of the
applicant to whom the selection procedures are
ultimately applied. It is an attempt to identify and
attract potential candidates to meet requirements of
the organizations.

Recruitment is also announcing and advertising

vacant positions and developing sources of
5 applicant and receiving applications.
Sources of Recruitment
1. Internal Recruiting or promote
Filling higher position from the organization.
a. Less costly
b. Generate higher employee commitment and loyalty
c. Create employee satisfaction
d. Offers opportunities for career advancement and reduce
turn over
2. External recruiting
Recruiting from out side or labor market.
Applicants are provided from variety of out side sources
including news paper advertisement, professional
associations at college and universities liable methods of
recruitment. and employee referrals which is the most
cheapest and most reliable.
Organization must ensure that their recruitment
conform the law. Equal employment
opportunity laws stipulate that recruiting and
hiring decisions can not discriminate on the
basis of religion, race, national origin, or sex.
Affirmative actions is action taken to correct
imbalance because of gender or other social
problem, political or inequalities.
Selection is process of evaluating and deciding the best and qualified
candidate out of the pool of the applicants developed in the
requirement process for job opening based on their abilities, skills
7 and characteristics.
Job analysis
A good place to start in making a selection decisions is job
analysis ( Job description & Job specification).
JA – is the process of gathering, analyzing and recording
accurate and complete information about each job in a firm
through a systematic examination of job content.
JD ( job duties) _ lists the important duties to be performed
on a job. It is a series of statements about the job’s duties
and responsibilities
That specify about the workers duties, how they are
performed and the conditions under which they are
Job Specifications ( human qualifications) – is the knowledge ,
skills and abilities as well as physical characteristics,
experience and other desirable qualifications necessary for
successful job performance.
Job analysis provide valuable data for personnel
forecasting and other HR management activities.
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Induction and Orientation
After hiring decision has been made, the final
phase of the selection process is induction and
orientation. Orientation is the process that
introduces new employees to their new work
It mainly involves:
 Making introduction of new employees
 Discussing specific job duties and responsibilities
 Explaining the organization history, policies,
rules, regulations and objectives.
 Introducing the line and staff authority.

The purpose of induction and orientation
1. To establish environment in which the new
employee will feel comfortable and be
2. Bring the new employee into the main stream
of the organization as quickly as possible.
3. Transfers the clear message that the new
employee are valued and the organization
willing to invest in them.
4. Reduce start up costs that in variably occur
when an employee hired.
5. Reduce the amount fear of job failure that new
employees experience.
T&D represent a planned effort by an organization to
facilitate employees learning of the job related
Training refers to teaching lower levels or technical
employees how to do their present jobs, whereas
Development refers to teaching managers and
professional skills needed for both present and future
Training improves the specific skills., knowledge, &
attitudes needed by individuals to perform the
present job and development helps to provide
adequate knowledge, educate to employees beyond
the current requirement of the job.
Together, they help to develop an individual KSA so as
to improve and future organization performance.
Training Methods
1. On the job training and Job rotations

This is when an experienced employee is asked

to take a new employee and show the new
comer how to perform job duties.
It can reduce costs, easy to transfers
learning back to the job.
2. Off the job Training or Class room training
Include lectures, films, audio visuals' techniques
and simulations such as university’s
management and apparent ship program.
Administration of Staffing
Organizational arrangements

Jobs in staffing

Policies and procedures

Human Resource Information Systems


Performance Appraisal
Evaluating against planned objective developed initially for each
individual is another important technique for developing an effective
work force.
PA is the process of determining the extent to which an
employee is performing a job effectively.
It is the process of observing and evaluating an employees
performance, recording the assessment, and providing feed
back to the employee.
Purposes of PA
 Provides employees with feedback

 It develops valid data for pay, salary or bonus & promotion decisions

 Helps managers to make discharges and retention decisions &

provides means of warning

 Helps managers councils subordinates to improve their performance.
 Develops commitment to an organizations
 Motivate employees through recognitions and support
 Encourages Mgt subordinates r/n
 Provides Inputs to HR planning process

Is moving a person from one job, organizational level or location
to another. It includes:
1. Promotion – more positions, prestigious, status, higher pay, and
greater responsibilities.
2. Demotions – lower positions, less pay , less responsibilities due
to inefficiency/ incompetence's to meet the assigned task.
3. Lateral transfers – from one position to others of similar levels/
pay / responsibilities within an organization.
Separation (Termination)
Is the termination of the relationship between the
workers and the organization due to various reasons
such as retires, others will voluntarily depart and
others will be forced as a result of mergers or cut


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