Session 23

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The role of non-government

organizations in gender
Non-governmental organizations
or NGOs.
Organizations which are independent of
government involvement are known as Non-
governmental organizations or NGOs.

Non-government organizations are a subgroup of

organizations founded by citizens, which include
clubs and associations which provide services to
its members and others.

They are usually nonprofit organizations. Many

NGOs are active in humanitarianism or the social
Gender Development
A recent framework which reflects change in
outlook from that of women's lack of
participation in the productive sector to that
which recognizes the disparities of women
and men in all aspects/sectors of development.

 An approach that proceeds from the premise

that culturally defined roles of women and
men have reinforced the unequal relations,
resulting in the marginalization of both sexes
in varying circumstances and magnitude.
Gender Development
An approach that seeks not only to fully integrate
women into the development process but also to
continually search for new and innovative
initiatives that will help transform unequal
social/gender relations into creative opportunities
that would equally benefit women and men.

A more realistic tool for analysis to help determine

the extent of the benefits derived by both men and
women from development programs and projects.
All plans, programs and projects must be able to
address the needs of both men and women.
 Hundreds of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)—privately
funded nonprofit groups generally concerned with relief and
development and advocacy for the poor—that brought together
women from all over the world and all walks of life.

 NGOs are largely grassroots organizations, representing a diversity

of opinions and agendas.

 Because inclusiveness both enhances and fuels dissent, the

were marked by divisive cultural issues.

 The gendered issues related to politics, religion, ethnicity, and

economics created the most friction
NGOs and governments
 NGOs continue to monitor governments for pledges made
to women and their families through the ratified UN document.

 This document addressed 12 critical areas of concern, including

education, health, and employment, outlining action steps
needed to implement objectives.

 The number one issue was women’s poverty.

 Actions for this issue included developing gender-sensitive

economic policies, placing economic value on women’s unpaid
work, and offering increased education and training programs
for poor women.
Government and NGOs
Today, all across the globe, NGOs are helping to
establish and strengthen democracy in three key

 First, NGOs are working to establish awareness of and

respect for the right of individuals to exercise
freedoms of expression, assembly and association,
which is crucial to participatory democracy.

 Second, NGOs are working to ensure that there is a

level playing field upon which candidates for elective
office can compete and that the entire elections
process is free and fair.
Third, NGOs are working to build and
strengthen the rule of just laws and
responsive and accountable institutions of
government so that the rights of individuals
are protected regardless of which persons or
parties may be in office at any given time.
Ngos working for women
welfare in Pakistan
Name of foundation in
Wises-women industrial social education
All Pakistan Women Association
Shahina Aftab Foundation
Oriental Women Organization
Kaarvan Foundation
SWSS- Support with Working Solution
WSO- Women Social Welfare Organization
Aurat Foundation
Women Rights Association
Shirkat Gah- Women Resource Center
Objectives of NGOs
To spread gender sensitivity and equality and
we need to come together and work more

To attain happiness — economic resources,

equal opportunities, democratic participation,
self-freedom, and sustainable environment
must be distributed.
 To providing life skills to women in rural areas of

 These skills are opportunities towards attaining economic

and material goods.

 To provide Skills to develop self-confidence and ability

move freely.

 To provide Skills to participate in local decision-making.

 To provide Skills to craft a living as right to development,

right to peace and right to healthful environment.
To impart value based knowledge, technical
skills and guidance to working women
developing competence and character.
To give awareness about their rights and
obligations, to facilitate and struggle for any
Gender equality is considered a critical
element in achieving Decent Work for All
Women and Men, in order to effect social and
institutional change that leads to sustainable
development with equity and growth.

Gender equality refers to equal rights,

responsibilities and opportunities that all
persons should enjoy, regardless of whether
one is born male or female.

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