Treasury Management and Compliance Issues in Bangladeshi Banks
Treasury Management and Compliance Issues in Bangladeshi Banks
Treasury Management and Compliance Issues in Bangladeshi Banks
and Compliance
Issues in Bangladeshi
Md Habibur Rahman
Additional Director
This presentation explores the
importance of treasury
management and compliance in
the banking sector of Bangladesh
• Objective 1: Understand the concept
of treasury management in banks
• Objective 2: Identify the key
compliance issues faced by banks in
• Objective 3: Explore strategies for
effective treasury management and
Treasury Management in Banks
Despite adequate capital levels Many banks experiences difficulties because they
do not manage their liquidity in a prudent manner.
A substantial impacts of liquidity crisis are:
oBank run oHigh liquidity premium
Special Assignment
oPadma Bank ltd.
SL Statement Frequency
1 CRR Monthly
2 SLR Monthly
3 Amortization of Yearly
4 LCR Monthly
5 NSFR Quarterly
6 SLP Monthly
7 CRF Monthly
8 WBRF Biweekly
9 EFI Monthly
10 CP Quarterly
11 NBA Monthly
12 Refinance Case to case basis
13 Padma Bank related Case to case basis
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR):
Component of CRR
Balance with Bangladesh Bank (unencumbered portion), for Offshore banking operation a bank can use
balance of FC clearing account maintained with BB.
CRR is maintained on bi-weekly basis
1st bi-week : 1-14 days
2nd bi-week : 15 to rest of the day for the month.
Current Rate: for DBO 4% bi-weekly basis; 3.5% daily minimum.
for OBO 2% bi-weekly basis; 1.5% daily minimum.
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR):
Current Rate
for Conventional Bank: 13% of ATDTL
for Islamic Shariah based banks/branches: 5.5% of ATDTL
Component of SLR:
Cash in Hand
Excess Reserve with Bangladesh Bank
Balance with Sonali Bank Ltd as an agent of Bangladesh Bank
Balance with FC Clearing account of BB
Approved Bangladesh Government Securities (Unencumbered)
1. Bangladesh Government Treasury Bill
2. Bangladesh Government Treasury bond.
3. Bangladesh Government Islamic Investment Bond (BGIIB)
4. Sukuk
5. Other approved securities.
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR):
Most of the components of SLR are in cash form except eligible securities. On the other hand,
eligible securities are fully and un-conditionally guaranteed by the Government and their liquidity
can be assured by following manner:
Sale of securities in secondary market
Repo with other commercial banks
Repo with BB and special repo with BB
Assured Liquidity Support (ALS), Emergency Liquidity Support (ELS) from BB
Finally, the Government can buy back
All (61) scheduled banks are maintaining CRR. However, 3 specialized banks
(BKB, PKB, RAKUB) and BDBL are exempted from maintaining SLR.
Penalties for shortfall:
For CRR shortfall: Bank Rate plus 5% (currently 9%) according to BB order, 1972 and DOS Circular
no.03/2010. Penal interest is imposed separately for daily shortfall, bi-weekly shortfall, and continuous
For continuous CRR shortfall: every directors of board, and MD & head of treasury are also personally
For SLR shortfall: Special Repo Rate (currently 8.75%) according to Sec-33(5) of Bank Company Act,
Other Penalties:
Sec.36(7) of BB order, 1972 for misreporting of CRR statement.
Sec.36(6) of BB order, 1972 for delay submission of CRR statement.
Sec.109(11) of Bank Company Act, 1991 for misreporting and delay submission of SLR related
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR):
LCR aims to ensure that a bank maintains an adequate level of unencumbered, high-quality liquid assets
that can be converted into cash to meet its liquidity needs for 30 calendar days.
LCR goes beyond measuring the need for liquid assets over the next 30 days in a normal environment.
It measures the need for liquid assets in a stressed environment.
The NSFR aims to assessment of liquidity risk across all on- and off-balance sheet items.
ASF consists of various kinds of liabilities and capital with percentage weights attached given their
perceived stability.
RSF consists of assets and off-balance sheet items, also with percentage weights attached given the degree
to which they are illiquid or “long-term” and therefore requires stable funding.
The time horizon of the NSFR is one year.
Like the LCR, the NSFR calculations assume a stressed environment.
Wholesale Borrowing
WB covers call borrowing, Short Notice Deposit from banks and financial institutions,
banks) of bank's eligible capital on fortnightly average basis with maximum two
deviations (not more than 90% and 110% of the eligible capital for Non PD and PD
banks respectively) in a particular fortnight.
The eligible capital determined under Basel III for any quarter will be applicable as
Commercial paper (CP) is a short term money-market instrument, which has an original maturity
between a minimum of seven days and a maximum of one year, issued/sold usually by highly
rated large companies.
In this context, a Guidelines on Commercial Paper (CP) for Banks has been issued by BRPD
(Circular No-07, Date: 25/09/2016).
Banks shall maintain provision against outstanding balance of the defaulted CPs at the
following rates:
o If it is past due/overdue for 03 months or beyond but less than 06 months, the provision
requirement is 20%.
o If it is past due/overdue for 06 months or beyond but less than 09 months, the provision
requirement is 50%.
o If it is past due/overdue for 09 months or beyond the provision requirement is 100%.
Non Banking Assets (NBA)
The first crisis of former the farmers bank ltd was liquidity crisis. Hence, we tool the
first remedial actions like reconstruction of board, removal of MD, injection of
capital etc.
As the part of reconstruction, we embargoed on loan disbursement on 4 January
Merging ongoing
Investment in Securities Market
• Stock Market
What is Government Securities?
Marketable Securities:
a) Treasury Bills
b) Bangladesh Government Treasury Bonds (BGTB)
c) Sukuk
Non-Marketable Securities:
• G-Sec Market in Bangladesh The G-Sec market in Bangladesh offers both tradable
and non-tradable instruments.
• Tradable Securities: As marketable instruments, the government issues 91-day, 182-
day, and 364-day T-bills, as well as 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20-year T-bonds.
• In 2019, the Floating-Rate Treasury Bond (FRTB)
• Treasury Bills (T-bills): T-bills are risk-free money-market instruments issued by the
government and traded on the secondary market. T-bills are issued by the government
to meet its short-term funding needs. T-bills are scripless and sold at a discount, with
the face value redeemed when they mature.
• Treasury Bonds (T-bonds): T-bonds are plain vanilla bonds with periodic (halfyearly
coupon payments and face value redemption at maturity.
Types of Government Securities Available in BD
• Bangladesh Government Investment Sukuk: Till now, the government has issued
three Bangladesh Government Investment Sukuk.
• The first one, an Ijarah (lease) Sukuk, was issued in 2020 to fund a project to provide
safe drinking water to the public.
• The second one, also Ijarah (lease) Sukuk, was issued in 2021 for the development of
infrastructure in government primary schools.
• The third, istisna'a (manufacturing) and Ijarah (lease) Sukuk, was issued in 2022 to
finance the implementation of the Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project
(IRIDP)-3 for social impact. BB served as both the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and
the trustee in the issuance of the Bangladesh Government Investment Sukuk.
Issuance of Treasury Bill and Treasury Bond
Registered Pension funds from NBR are exempted from tax payments on interest, while
individuals, corporate body and institutions have to pay 5% tax at source on interest
income . They can adjust it with their final tax.
Central Bank Liquidity Support
• Reverse repo operations are used by BB to reduce or mop up the excess liquidity
of the banking sector. They are available on an overnight (one-day) basis.
• BB Bill is a mechanism used by BB to control the liquidity of the banking sector
as an alternative to reverse repo facilities. BB issues BB bills with maturities of
7, 14, and 30 days.
Money Market(secured)
• Interbank Repos & Reverse Repos are transactions in which one bank agrees to
sell securities (T-bill & T-bond) to another bank and then to repurchase the same
securities after a specified time, at a given price, and including interest at an
agreed-upon rate.
Money Market(unsecured)
• In 1 st December 2021, BB has launched an automated dealing and settlement system named
“EDSMoney” for inter-bank lending and borrowing (call money, short-notice product and term product).
• EDSMoney Guidelines issued on 16 November 2021 for smooth functioning of interbank unsecured
money market transactions. All scheduled banks and FIs (except Shariah compliant institutions) are
participants of this platform.
• 50 Banks and 30 FIs are now operating through EDSMoney. For the purpose of EDSMoney, the
products or instruments are categorized as Overnight, Short Notice and Term.
a) Overnight Refers to funds placed/borrowed on an overnight basis that automatically matures on the
following business day. Here, „call money‟ means overnight transactions in the EDSMoney platform.
b) Short Notice Refers to funds transacted for a period beyond overnight and not exceeding 14 days
(maturity ranges from 2 days to 14 days). c) Term Refers to placement or borrowing of funds for periods
from 15 days up to 1 year.
Foreign Exchange Management
Updates and Proactive engagement with regulators
Culture Employee training and awareness
• Capital Management
• Ensuring Sufficient Cash Reserves
• Minimizing Idle Cash
• Cash Forecasting Techniques
• Types of Investments: Government Securities,
Bonds, Money Market Instruments
• Investment Strategies for Optimal Returns
• Managing Currency Risks
• Hedging Techniques: Forwards, Options, Swaps
• Importance of Exchange Rate Forecasting
Automated Trading Systems
Capital Risk Management Software