Hernia 2024
Hernia 2024
Hernia 2024
• About 4 to 6 cm
• Beginning at the deep inguinal ring and end at Superficial inguinal ring .
• Contents:
• Male:
• Spermatic cord
• Ilioinguinal nerve
• Female
• Round ligament
• Ilioinguinal nerve
Deep(internal)inguinal ring
• is a small opening in the fascia transversalis immediately above
the midpoint of the inguinal ligament and represents the lateral and deep
opening of the inguinal canal.
• The inferior epigastric vessels are medial to the deep ring.
Superficial (external )inguinal
ring :
• is a vertical triangular cleft in the external oblique aponeurosis
• that represents the medial opening of the inguinal canal just superior
and lateral to the pubic tubercle.
• It transmits the structures of the female and male inguinal canals.
Wall of inguinal canal :
Anterior wall :
• Aponeurosis of external oblique( along entire length)
• Internal oblique on lateral half of the ant wall
Posterior wall :
• Fascia transversals
• Conjoint tendon on medial half of the post. wall
• Roof :
• Arching fibres of internal oblique & Tranversus abdominis
• Floor :
• Reflection point of inguinal ligament
• Lacunar ligament
Triangle of Hasselbech’s
(inguinal triangle):
• It is a part of the posterior wall of the
inguinal canal
• It is bounded by:
• Laterally : inferior epigastric vessels.
• Medially: Lateral border of rectus sheath.
• Inferior: inguinal ligament (only medial
• Floor : transversalis fascia
• Surgical importance : It is the triangle
through which direct inguinal hernia
Conjoint tendon :
• is formed by the combined arching fibers
of the internal oblique and the
transversus abdominis muscles that
insert on the pubic crest posterior to the
superficial inguinal ring.
• It forms & strengthens the medial part of
the posterior wall of inguinal canal.
• Nerve supply : ilio-inguinal nerve.
Covering of the spermatic cord: ( 3 covering from outward )
• Structures: 3
1. Vas deferens
2. Pampiniform plexus
3. lymphatic
• Arteries: 3
1. Testicular artery
2. Vas deferens artery
3. Cremasteric artery
• Nerves: 3
Although a hernia can occur at various sites of the body, these defects most commonly involve
the abdominal wall, particularly the inguinal region.
Classification :
• According to : ( Visualization . Site . Etiology )
A) Visualization : internal and external
Diaphragmatic hernia
B) Site : inguinal , femoral , umbilical , Obturator....
• 1) Inguinal hernia:
• 2) Femoral Hernia:
• Less common are hernias through the inferior lumbar triangle (Petit
triangle), which is bounded by the iliac crest, latissimus dorsi muscle,
and external oblique muscle
C ) Etiology : congenital and acquired
1) Congenital :
congenital inguinal hernia )persistence remnant of processes virginals(
congenital umbilical hernia (exomphalos)
2) Acquired: due to
1.Chronic straining:
Respiratory system ……… Cough
GIT system ………. constipation
Urology …….. BPH
2.Occupational : worker …. lifting heavy object .
3. Abdominal swelling :
Pregnancy. Ascites & Organomegaly(Hepatomegaly)
b) Weakness of abdominal wall :
Defect :
through which the sac bulges out
Coverings :
These are the structures that are stretched over the sac
Sac :
This is the peritoneal pouch which bulges out through the abdominal wall defect.
It has a neck (its junction with peritoneum), body and fundus
Contents :
Any abdominal viscus can protrude out into the sac except the pancreas
(it is retroperitoneal and fixed structure ).
The usual contents are intestine, omentum or both.
Basic feature of Hernia: ( ventral hernia )
last part is more difficult to reduce First part is more difficult to reduce Ease of reduction
than the last
Parastomal Hernia :
Parastomal hernia is a common complication of
stoma creation.
• Sliding hernia:
• A sliding hernia occurs when an internal organ composes a portion of the wall
of the hernia sac.
• The most common viscus involved is the colon or urinary bladder.
• The primary danger associated with a sliding hernia is the failure to recognize
the visceral component of the hernia sac before injury to the bowel or
• The sliding hernia contents are reduced into the peritoneal cavity, and any
excess hernia sac is ligated and divided.
Littre's hernia :
The content is Meckel's diverticulum.
Amyand hernia :
• Pantaloone ( dual hernia ) :
Contains of both indirect & direct hernia .
The inferior epigastric vessels between tow sacs .
( Interstitial hernia ) Spigelian Hernias :
A spigelian hernia occurs through the spigelian fascia, which is composed of
the aponeurotic layer between the rectus muscle medially and semilunar
line laterally.
Almost all spigelian hernias occur at or below the arcuate line.
These hernias are often interparietal, with the hernia sac dissecting
posterior to the external oblique aponeurosis.
Patients often present with localized pain in the area without a bulge due to
small in size & because the hernia lies beneath the intact external oblique
aponeurosis. …..
Ultrasound or CT of the abdomen can be useful to establish the diagnosis.
Need surgical treatment
Umbilical hernia : he umbilicus is formed by the umbilical ring of the linea alba
types :
1)congenital : minor & major exomphalos
2)infantile: weakness of umbilical scar from infection of the umbilical cord stump,
increase with cough or crying
Paraumbilical hernia
• Definition: hernia passes through defect in the linea alba above or below umbilicus
• Etiology: as before This is because linea alba is wider and weaker above umbilicus than below it
• More frequent in middle aged females especially in obese multiparous women,
found partially irreducible with positive expansile cough .
• Pathology :
• Defect: in the linea alba
• Sac:
Starts small, gradually enlarging . Narrow neck.
Multilocular fundus due to: Adherence of content to the fundus
. Site & shape : Crescentic in shape
• i. Usually above umbilicus (Supra-umbilical hernia).
• ii. Occasionally below the umbilicus (Infra-umbilical hernia).
• Contents: Omentum, transverse colon, and small intestine.
• Covering: Skin - Superficial fascia
• Descent: At first, directly forward then downward .
* Treatment Paraumbilical hernia : Surgery: the ONLY line of treatment
Small defect: anatomical repair.
Moderate size defect: → Mayo's Operation - (The standard repair)
• Incision: Transverse elliptical incision done over the dome of the hernia & enclosing
• Steps:
• The sac is opened at neck (due to adhesions at fundus & multilocation) & contents are
reduced after division of adhesions.
• The sac is excised
• Multiple overlapping transverse mattress sutures are inserted 3.5cm from the edge of upper
flap & 0.5cm from lower flap → the lower flap is drawn under cover of upper flap
• The remaining free edge of upper flap is then sutured to anterior rectus sheaths
• Large defect: → Hernioplasty
• In-lay to fill the defect
• On-lay after closure of defect
• Underlay: mesh is sutured to under surface of the peritoneum followed by closure of the
• Differential diagnosis: From other causes of umbilical swelling
• 1- Umbilical granuloma.
• 2- Umbilical adenoma or polyp.
• 3- Umbilical endometrioma.
• 4- Caput medusa.
• 5- Iry carcinoma
• 6- Sister-mary-Joseif nodule
• 7- Vitillo-intestinal duct cyst
• 8- Urachal cyst.
• 9. lipoma
• 10. sebaceous cyst
• 11. abscess
• 12. Umbilical PNS
Epigastric hernias :
are defects in the midline of the abdominal wall located between the
umbilicus and the xiphoid process (Linea alba).
These hernias are usually small but may be associated with multiple defects.
They result from multiple factors, including:
muscle weakness, congenitally weakened epigastric fascia, or increases in
intra-abdominal pressure.
Epigastric hernias rarely contain bowel and usually contain portions of the
omentum or falciform ligament.
Treatment : as paraumbilical hernia
Incisional Hernias :
Hernias that develop at sites of previous abdominal incisions .
Incisional hernias occur due to
Surgical site infection.
As a result of excessive tension and inadequate healing of a previous incision,
Obesity, advanced age, malnutrition, ascites, pregnancy, and conditions that increase intraabdominal
pressure are factors that predispose to the development of an incisional hernia .
Incisional hernias can be the most challenging and difficult to treat.
Treatment : hernioplasty
• Recurrent hernia : s/p hernial repair
• Incomplete removal of the sac
• Missing a second sac
• Inadequate repair bad choice of repair
• Suture: under tension - absorbable
• Imperfect haemostasias
Three types of hernias occur in
inguinal region :
A) Due to later descent of the right testis and a higher incidence of failure of closure of processes vaginalis.
Herniotomy for children is a different operation from herniorrhaphy for adults as there is no need to repair
the posterior wall of the inguinal canal in children because there is no defect there.
• Workup for inguinal hernia begins with a detailed history.
• The most common symptom of inguinal hernia is a groin mass that protrudes
while standing, coughing, or straining. It is sometimes described as reducible
while lying down.
• The pain is thought to be due to compression of the nerves by the sac,
causing generalized pressure, localized sharp pain, or referred pain. Referred
pain may involve the scrotum, testicle, or inner thigh.
• Symptoms that are extra inguinal such as a change in bowel habits or urinary
symptoms are far less common
• Picture of complication ( obstruction .strangulation) which need urgent
surgical intervention .
• Physical examination is essential to the diagnosis of inguinal hernia.
• The patient should be examined in a standing position to increase intra-
abdominal pressure, with the groin and scrotum fully exposed. Also to see
number of hernia
• Inspection is performed first, with the goal of identifying an abnormal
bulge along the groin or within the scrotum.
• If an obvious bulge is not detected, palpation is performed to confirm the
presence of the hernia.
• Thiers may maneuvers that can be performed to help distinguish direct vs.
indirect inguinal hernias. (Occlusion test . Zeman test .Invagination test )
• Invagination test :Palpation is performed by advancing the index finger
through the scrotum towards the external inguinal ring . The patient is
then asked to perform a Valsalva maneuver to increase intraabdominal
• In addition to inguinal hernia, a number of other diagnoses may be
considered in the differential of a groin bulge.
Differences between indirect and
Direct herniaIndirect
: Feature
Pass through hesselbech’s triangle Coming down the inguinal canal, may Pathway of protrusion
and rarely inter the scrotum inter the scrotum
Sac neck is medial to it Sac neck is lateral to it Relationship of sac neck with inferior
epigastric artery
Low High Incarcerated incidence
1. Inflammation
4. Strangulation
5. Traumatic rupture of hernia:
This is usually due to blunt trauma to the abdomen .
It can occur during overenthusiastic attempts at reduction.
Rupture usually occurs at the neck of the sac.
Urgent laparotomy is needed.
-This is an uncommon problem in a hernia, it means inflammation of the contents. .
-Causes :
fitting truss.
Spontaneous inflammation of contents (appendix, fallopian tube or ovary).
-Clinical features.
The hernia is tender but not tense, and the overlying skin is red and edematous.
Operation is essential, as strangulation cannot be excluded.
It means failure to return the contents into the abdomen.
1)Adhesions that form within the sac either …..between the contents and the sac
or between the contents themselves.
2)Protrusion of more omentum or intestine within the sac.
Irreducibility predisposes to obstruction and strangulation and so operation is
Irreducibility without other symptoms of obstruction is almost diagnostic of
incarceration .
This occurs in irreducible hernias due to occlusion of the intestinal lumen .
In a purely obstructed hernia the blood supply is unaffected.
There are symptoms of intestinal obstruction as vomiting, distension, colic's, and
The picture simulates strangulation but is less severe.
Its difficult to distinguish between these two types so its better to do an early procedure
as it is strangulated
Strangulation : (Strangulation is the most serious hernia complication )
Length :
Lateral wall vertical 4cm
Medial wall oblique 1cm
• Content of femoral sheet :
• Divided into three compartments by ant. Lateral septa
• Lateral compartment : femoral artery & femoral branch of Genito-femoral
• Intermediate compartment : femoral vein
• Medial compartment : femoral canal
Femoral canal :
• Site : medial compartment of femoral sheet
• Shape: conical wide above & narrow below
• Size : ½ inch long & ½ inch at base
• Contents: lymph node of Cloquet
lymph vessels
small amount of areolar tissue CT
Function :
lt act at dead space which accommodate the distention of the femoral vein that
occurs in case of increase venous return during exercise
Canal wide in female due wide pelvis & small diameter of femoral vein
Anatomy of femoral ring :
• Oval in shaped
• Bounders
• Anterior: Inguinal ligament
• Posterior: Ilio-pectineal ligament
• Laterally : femoral vein
• Medially : the sharp edge of lacunar ligament
Femoral Hernias
is the 3rd Most common type of primary hernia
• More common in women than men
• But indirect most common type for both genders
More common in multipara
Etiology : always acquired & never congenital
due to increase of abdominal pressure ( pregnancy )
More common on right side; Bilateral in 20%
• Defect :Hernia through femoral ring
• Medial to femoral vessels
• Bowel protrudes below inguinal ligament & lateral to pubic tubercle
• Differentiates from both types of inguinal hernias
• Complication ……High risk of strangulation
• Femoral ring is small opening
• sharp edge of lacunar ligament
• Adhesions
• Retort shaped of hernia ( U shape )
….. Downward through femoral canal then
…… Forward through saphenous opening
…… Upward in the SC tissue may over lie the inguinal ligament
Treatment of femoral hernia :
• Main aims
Reduce hernia contents
Remove peritoneal sac
Repair defect Three main approaches
Low crural (Lockwood)
High inguinal (Lotheissen)
High extraperitoneal (McEvedy)
Preop preparation:
similar to inguinal hernias. • Suitable for day case? spinal or general anaesthetic? Urgent
or emergency repair? • Open or laparoscopic? Crural, inguinal or extraperitoneal
approach? •
Patient must be consented (mention relevant hazards and complications)