Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Elasticity of Demand:-
It is defined as the degree of responsiveness of demand for a
product to change in its determinant.
Ed = dQ/dF x F/Q
Introduction to Demand
Demand forecasting is the process of predicting future customer
demand for a product or service based on historical data and market
Helps in inventory management, production planning, budgeting, and
minimizing costs.
Pillars of Demand forecasting:-
Current Demand:
v purpose of estimating current demand for the product is to
plan an appropriate level of short-term production and the price
of the product, given the market conditions…
Future Demand:
The purpose of estimating future demand is to have the
knowledge for making long-term plans for future production,
product pricing, capital investments, organising inventories for
sales promotion by advertisement, if required…
Objectives of Demand
Estimate future demand.
Optimize inventory levels.
Improve customer satisfaction.
Minimize costs and avoid overproduction or
Example: A retail store forecasting demand
to stock the right amount of seasonal goods.
Process of Demand Forecasting
1. Specification of the Objective.
2. Determination of Time Perspective.
3. Determination and Collection of Required
4. Specifying the method of Demand
5. Data analysis and Derivation of
Types of Demand Forecasting
Short Extern
Term al
Long Intern
Term al
Methods of Demand Forecasting
Survey Methods
Consumer Survey - direct interview.
Opinion Poll Methods.
Statistical Method
Trend Projection.
Barometric Method.
Econometric Method
Regression Method
Simultaneous Equation Method
Survey Method: -
In this method the company or desired person directly interview to the customer
or end-customer.
Complete Enumeration: -
• It is used when market size is small and we can ask the question to all Consumers.
• In this method the quantities indicated by the customer are added to find the probable
Demand of customer
Dp = q1 + q2 + q3 +….+qn
Dp = Probable Demand
q = demand by the Individual Households Cont…
1. For very small Market.
2. Hypothetical Answer.
3. Based on own Expectation.
4. Not willing to give right answer i.e. Biased Answer.
• More Reliable
• Yearly all households and Government make budget so forecasting can be easily done.
End User Method:-
This is basically done for forecasting demand for Inputs.
• Identify the potential consumers
• Fixing Norms
• Application of Nomrs
• Collect Data according to product-wise and use-wise.
• Do not give only an aggregate figure as other
• Helps in actual assumption and estimation for future.
Opinion Poll Method:-
This method is aimed to collect the opinions from those possess some
knowledge of market example sale representatives, sale executive, consultant
a) Expert Opinion b)Delphi Method c)Market Studies and Experiment
Expert Opinion:-
Firms having a good network of sales representative can be given a set of
questionnaire and ask to fill it
• Based on SR skills
• Can lead to over or under estimation
• Sales representatives have narrow view of market
Delphi Method:-
The Delphi method seeks as a group of experts are asked to make
a report and submit it to group leader.
Then group leader changes and intermix the report within the
experts and ask for suggestions.
Trend Values of
Now the basic limitation is that Trend Line can changed according to
manager or analyzer and hence sometimes its less reliable
Trend Fitting Equation / Least Square Method:-
Fitting trends equation is a formal technique of projecting the trend in demand.
Under this method, a trend line (or curve) is fitted to the time-series sales data with
the aid of statistical techniques.
It is of two types:-
a) Liner Trends b)Exponential Trends
Linear Trend:- When a time-series data reveals a rising trend in sales, then a
Straight line trend equation of the following form is fitted.
S = a + bT
Σ S = na + bΣ T
Σ ST = aΣ T + bΣ T 2
Exponential Trend:-
When the total sale (or any dependent variable) has increased over the past
years at an increasing rate or at a constant percentage rate per time unit,
then the appropriate trend equation to be used is an exponential trend
equation of any of the following forms.
Y = aebT
log Y = log a + bT
Limitation : -
Diffuse Index
Econometric Method: -
Regression analysis is the most popular method of demand estimation. This method combines
economic theory and statistical techniques of estimation. Economic theory is employed to specify
the determinants of demand and to determine the nature of the relationship between the demand
for a product and its determinants. Economic theory thus helps in determining the general form of
demand function. Statistical techniques are employed to estimate the values of parameters in the
estimated equation. In regression technique of demand forecasting, one needs to estimate the
demand function for a product. Recall that in estimating a demand function, demand is a
‘dependent variable’ and the variables that determine the demand are called ‘independent’ or
‘explanatory’ variables.
Σ XiYi = Σ Xi a + bX 2i
Multi-variate Regression:-
The multi-variate regression equation is used where demand for a commodity is considered to be
a function of more than one explanatory variables.
Qx = a – bPx + cY + dPy + jA
Qx = a Pbx Yc Pdy Aj
Simultaneous Equation Model:-
In contrast, the simultaneous equations model of forecasting involves several simultaneous
equations. These equations are, generally, behavioural equations, mathematical identities, and
market-clearing equations. Furthermore, regression technique assumes one-way causation, i.e.,
only the independent variables cause variations in the dependent variable, not vice versa. In
simple words, regression technique assumes that a dependent variable affects in no way the
independent variables.