16 Gestational Diabetis
16 Gestational Diabetis
16 Gestational Diabetis
Laston Kastom,
• A metabolic disorder of multiple aetiology that
affects the normal metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats and protein characterized
by chronic hyperglycemia as a result of
defective in insulin secretion, insulin action or
• Fasting plasma concentration: >7.8 mmol/L
• 2 hour plasma concentration(OGTT): >11.1
• If two hours level are between 7.8 and
11.1,most likely pt. have impaired glucose
tolerance test.(pre diabetes)
1. Type 1(IDDM)
2. Type 2(NIDDM)
3. Gestational diabetes
4. Others -genetic defects in insulin processing or action
-exocrine pancreatic defects
-genetic syndromes associated with dm
Diabetes in pregnancy
Antenatal management
• Plasma glucose level should be maintained between 4-6 mmol/L
• Early dating and scan to exclude fetal abnormalities
• Diet control should be attempted first. If failure insulin should be
• Admission-poor blood sugar control, PIH, polyhydramnios. BSP should
be monitored
• Timing for delivery-if on insulin,38 weeks, if on diet control, can
prolonged to term
• Mode of delivery-lscs if macrosomia baby,malpresentation,evidence of
fetal compromise
• Check BP
• Fetal growth chart
• Monitor closely with continuous ctg
Oral hypoglycemic drug are generally not recommended as
it can cause teratogenic effect towards fetus and can cross
placenta causing hypoglycemia
• Diet therapy
– Total calories advised is 24-30 kcal/kg of the present body
weight.In obese diabetic pt. 24kcal/kg is advised
– The calories should be distributed between 3 meals and 3
– Dietary control decrease postprandial glucose level and it
also improve insulin action.
– Blood glucose level and weight gain can be used to
formulate a meal plan
• Exercise
– Light exercise help by lowering fatty acid
– Contracting muscle help stimulate glucose
transport hence decrease blood sugar
– Better done after meals
– Exercise involving the muscle of upper part of the
body is sufficient to lower down glucose level.
• Insulin regimes
– 15% required insulin therapy
– Insulin is indicated in all pregestational diabetes
and poorly controlled gdm
– The popular regimes use a mixture of short acting
and medium acting insulin
Pre-pregnancy counselling