Abortions Grroup Work
Abortions Grroup Work
Abortions Grroup Work
Def. The expulsion of products of conception
from the uterus through the birth canal
before 24 weeks gestation.
Sponteneous abortions: occur on their
own examples;
Threatened abortion,
Inevitable abortions
missed abortion
2. Induced abortions: examples
Theraputic abortion
Criminal abortion
Septic abortion
Types of sponteneous abortion
1. Threatened abortion:- Onset of vaginal bleeding
before 20 weeks gestation with or without uterine pain
with closed cervix.
2. Inevitable abortion:- Onset of vaginal bleeding and
abdominal pain in early pregnancy accompanied by
cervical dilatation
3. Incomplete abortion:- Vaginal bleeding and pain with
dilatation of the cervix and some of the products of
conception having come out while others are retained
4. Missed abortion:- The fetus dies in the uterus while
cervix remains clossed. The fundal height is usually
smaller than the actual dates. It may follow threatened
5. septic abortion:- Abortion complicated by infections
6. Harbitual abortions:- Where there are three or more
consecutive sponteneous abortions
Theraputic abortions: deliberate induction of
abortion before 20 weeks gestation especially when
the pregnancy is threatening the life of the mother
Onset of abortions
The onset may either be
1. Spontaneous or
2. Induced
There is therefore need for proper assessment
through history taking, physical examination
and ultra sound scanning where possible for
proper diagnosis and subsequent
Causes of sponteneous abortion
Divided into 3 causes
1. Maternal causes
2. Fetal causes
3. Paternal causes
Maternal causes
May be general or local
4. General maternal causes
Acute febrile illness especially in septicaemia with
infection of the fetus and placenta
Untreated syphilis particularly after 20 weeks.
Severe high BP, renal disease, diabetes,
hypothyroidism, trauma, emotional stress
Local causes of sponteneous
Tumors of pelvic organs eg fibroids
Congenital malformations of the uterus eg
displacement or retroversion
Incompetence of the internal Os: the
commonest cause of habitual abortion
This may be congenital, acquired or as
result of birth injury or operations such as
Inadequate amount of progesterone
Folic acid deficiency leading to anaemia
Infections and diseases of the
Fetal causes
Congenital malformations of the fetus
Faulty implantation
Multiple pregnancy
Paternal causes
Abnormal form of sperms
This may also be associated with congenital
malformations of the fetus
Threatened abortion
When a woman who has missed her period for
some months and she passes dark PV
discharge and bright red bleeding
Signs and symptoms
History of amenorrhea and early signs of
pregnancy eg active breasts
Slight lower abdominal pains and backache
Scanty vaginal bleeding which is bright red
On examination uterus is enlarged and
corresponds with history of amenorrhea
Cervix is closed
Management of threatened abortion
Put patient on bed rest until bleeding has
stopped and several days later
Give sedatives e.g. phenobarbitone 30mg tds
to help the patient relax and rest
Inspect any vaginal discharge
Monitor vaginal bleeding by means of sanitary
After bleeding has stoped patient should avoid
any for of exertion eg travelling, lifting,
bending and coitus until after about 12 weeks.
Prognosis (outcome)
Pregnancy may proceed to full term or
Fetus may die in uterus- missed abortion or
Bleeding may continue to become inevitable
Inevitable abortion
This is when the bleeding is accompanied by
severe abdominal pains, back ache and
dilatation of the cervix
Severe abdominal crums
Increased vaginal bleeding
Patient may start passing parts of the
products of conception
O/E internal os is dilated and products of
conception felt at the external cervical os
Patient is taken for evacuation either under GA or
under local anaesthesia
If pregnancy within the first trimester manual
vacuum aspiration (MVA) is recommended as it is
easier, faster and has less complications
For pregnancies beyond 12 weeks if bleeding is not
severe an oxytocin drip may be started and
products of conception allowed to come out
If abortion is incomplete do evacuation either by
mva or dilatation and curratage
Complete abortion is when all the products of
conception have come out and there is less bleeding
Allow bed rest for some time
Missed abortion
It occurs when the embryo dies in uterus and
sponteneous abortion fails to occur
Pregnancy signs disappear
Brownish PV discharge seen
O/E cervical os is clossed
Pregnancy test is negative if done 7-8 days after
Treatment: Evacuation of the uterine contents is
done if pregnancy is within first trimester by
MVA or D&C
After 12 weeks sponteneous abortion can be
induced by oxytocin drip
Septic abortion
Commonly occurs as a result of criminal
abortion or as a result of retained products of
Fever, tarchycardia, general malaise and
O/E the uterus is tender
PV bleeding increases which becomes
Management of septic abortion
Patient requires isolation
Broad spectrum antibiotics which may be give
iv/im if she is unable to take orally
Iv fluids and Iv metronidazole
Antipyretic analgesics
Good vulval hygiene
Patient may require blood transfusion
If patient improves and there are still signs of
retained POCs evacuation can be done
Criminal abortion
An attempt to procure an abortion by
unauthorized persons
Can be procured by taking drugs, instruments
and insertion of foreign bodies to the uterus
through the vagina
Infections such as salphingitis, infertility ,
Uterine perforation
Drug poisoning, and
Death due to haemorrhage, air embolism and
Therapeutic Abortions
Carried out by an authorized person (medical expert) to
safeguard the health of the mother
Can also be considered in cases of severe fetal
Habitual abortions
Occurs when a woman has 3 consecutive sponteneous
abortions. Causes include:-
Commonest cause is cervical incompetence
Can also occur due to systemic maternal conditions such
as brucellosis and syphilis
Can also arise from localized tumors of the uterus eg
uterine fibroids
Maternal hormonal imbalance
Management of habitual abortions
Proper assessment and investigations to establish the
cause so that the underlying cause is treated
Manage the patient according to her clinical presentation
ie the nature of the abortion eg threatened, inevitable,
complete, incomplete or septic.
After stabilizing the patient investigate and treat the
underlying cause to prevent similar occurrences in future.
For cervical incompetence, clinic follow up should start
the earliest time possible after confirming any future
A cervical stitch called McDonald’s stitch may be put in
situ early in pregnancy to strengthen/reinforce the
cervical sphincter muscles to bear the weight of the
growing uterus. The mother is booked for theatre
Post abortion care (PAC)
This is medical and nursing care provided to patients
who come to the health facility with abortion related
symptoms where conservative management to
preserve the pregnancy is not possible
The abortion is usually inevitable, incomplete,
complete or septic
The objectives include:-
prevent shock by controlling haemorrhage through fast
evacuation of the products of conception
Prevent other complications such as infections
Treat any infections which may have set in
Counseling the woman on prevention of unwanted
pregnancies through use of contraceptives
The commonest and most cost effective procedure is
MVA which can be done in OPD, special room in the
ward or in minor theater. Can also be done by specially
trained nurses and clinical officers
For pregnancies above 12 wks gestation dilation &
curettage is done