Church Development

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Based on the New Testament teaching

 To revised what we have seen earlier for the sake of new

comers, and sum-up what we have seen so fare:
The church
It come from the Greek word ‘ekklesia’ which means the
collection of people who ‘called out’ from the world to one
The three foundation of the church are:
1. Jesus Christ: Who He is the only access to God. Who
gave His life to the Cross. Who give freedom and right
to approach heavenly father with confidence that we
will be accepted, welcomed and loved. Christ continue
to intercede to mediate and plead our case . He is the
chief coroner stone (Eph. 2: 19-20b 1Cor. 3:11)
2. Apostles: Through the confession Peter, the
teaching of the apostles and life testimony of
His disciple (Matt. 16:13-18 Eph. 2: 20a the
book of Act)
3. God’s word: the word of God clearly talk about
the church its mission and the purpose and the
reason of its foundation /establishment on this
earth. To be God’s representative. (Col. 1፡24-27,
Ac. 2፡42-27, 1Th. 2፡13-14)
Key terms and concepts

 Human development
 Social development
 Community development
 Holistic development
 Sustainable development
We will look the following ideas
 Meaning and Concept of development
 Economic development
 Development and Environmental
 Millennium Development Goal of Ethiopia

Development comes from French word called

developper. the word “developper” dichotomize in to two
“de” means apart and “voluper” to “wrap” the two words gives
the idea of “unwrap” gradually it change to “unfold”, revel step
by step”. Therefore the definition of development is a
movement to grow or unfold in some way: to become larger,
fuller, more complete:
Thus, development defines as movement towards realizing a
In the broader sense, all of life and in the human history
and in the history of the universe itself has to do with
development, a myriad/countless movement of all
animate/living and even inanimate/lifeless objects
emerging, growing , aging, dying, decaying ,
weathering, ever moving towards their potentials.
When was a development agenda became an issue in
the world?
According to Carl E. Hansen’s explanation on
his biblical basis for development note:
development became an issue at the middle of
20th century
In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s modern governments,
United Nation experts, non-governmental organizations
(NGO’s) and Christian missionary organization; began to
talk about ‘development’ agenda for the colonies as they
prepared for independence.
Natation's where classified as “developed” or
In related, the classification of nations changed from
one terminology to the other ‘developed’ or
‘undeveloped’ and ‘first world’ or ‘third world’ to ‘more
developed’ and ‘less developed’
Then after, the terminology changed into developed and
developing. That is why often we heard this in different
world summits and classification of counters
development measurements
It was believed that if the rich nations would implement
a kind of “Marshall Plan” by pouring their money,
equipment, expertise they could help the poor nation to
develop as a new nation and quickly emerge as
mature trading partners in marketplace of the world.
It was also anticipated that strong friendly new nation
would become partners in the great economic and
political alliance of the West in its’s “cold War”
confrontation with the East.
Therefore, they created slogans like “the development
decade”, and institutions like the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) to promote
“development” in the “third world”.
In all of their programs and activities,“development “was
usually couching in economic and material terms. They
spoke of capital investments, resource development,
infrastructure, institution building. And also Government
services, hospitals, schools, manpower development,
GNP, per capital income/consumption, and “trickle-
down” benefits for the poorest
Others, sensitized to the barrenness of economic and material objectives
alone. Therefore, they introduced terms like “human betterment”, “holistic
development”, “people-centered development”, “social development”,
“community development”, etc.
This time the world is thinking of sustainable development. Which emphasis
using the resource, thinking of the coming generation or without
compromising the coming generation . To me, it really is a good progress. The
idea of sustainable development is compatible with the word of God. God give
the law to think of the coming generation and being steward. Because God the
owner of the universe who created from out of nothing is God.

Source: updated from Citizenship, development and politics: a biblical perspective and the role of the church by Melisachew Mesfin and
As a Christian who followed the guidance of the word of God,
this is the truth; though, human kind reach to the highest level in
any discipline, should not own the universe, but just steward this
See citizinship..
God Bless!

See you about a

Meaning and Concept of

As we have seen in the introduction and historical

background of development, it is not easy just to
give a single definition to development. However,
we need to notice in any disciple; development
defines as movement towards realizing a
potential. Having this in mind;
It can be define:
- ‘The act of developing’
- ‘The state of being developed’
- ‘A significant event. occurrence, or change’
- The way to growth etc.

The act of developing or disclosing that
which is unknown; a gradual unfolding
process by which anything is developed, as a
plan or method, or an image upon ‘a
photographic plate’; gradual advancement
or growth through a serious of
progressive changes; also, the results of
developing, or a developed state.
Development is a process, not a level. It is a
path to achieve certain goals.

Development means meeting basic needs,

reducing poverty, inequality and
unemployment raising living standards,
improving access to education, raising life
expectancy, expanding economic and social
choice through appropriate economic
growth. This meaning indicate economic
development then let us look what economic
development is all about
Economic Development and environment

Economic development and developmental environment are

related each other let us look how they related ;
Economic Development
 Economic development is “ a process whereby an economy's real
national income increases over a long period of time.” the field
introduces basic economics like
 Economical growth. Has two main area, microeconomics and
 According to the discretion of economist; economics basically
deals with the concept of two branch of economy; (microeconomics
and macroeconomics). According to Dr. Melisachew Mesfine
discerption, its primary concern is with ‘production,’
‘distribution,’ and ‘consumption’ of goods and services” P.57
 Therefore, this discipline deals with(growth national product
(GNP) or growth domestic products (GDP)
Economic …

“The most common approach to calculating GDP is

expenditure approach. Which is (GDP= C+I+G+N)”
C=consumption spending, I=investment spending
G=government spending and N=export-imports
Economic development and growth
Economic growth refers to an increase in the ‘real
output of goods and services’ in the country. That
is the ‘increase in a nation’s total wealth’. It is
measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product(GDP)
or Gross National Product (GNP)
Economic …

The three ways of measuring GDP are; ‘income

approach’, the ‘output approach’ and the
‘expenditure approach,’. Thus , the calculation of
growth rate is GNP in particular year is compered
with the previous year
Worth to noting that, economic growth is a narrower
concept than economic development. Economic
development includes ‘more characteristics than a
rise in per capita income alone’, so it has brooder
sense than economic growth.
Economic growth is short run concept while
economic development is long term process.
Economic …

Economic development is define as “a

process whereby an economy’s real national
income increases over a long period of time.”
(ibid, 61) It represent, certain change in the
national economy.
Development and the environment

As nations enter into industrial era; the primary focus

was economic growth. On the process to bring this
growth all kinds of natural resources used without
reservation therefore, our environment is affected. As
a result renewable resources are depleted due to
misuse and over consumption without appropriate
For instance deforestation followed with loss of
natural habitat do to the constriction of , roads,
intestinal estates and so on.
The environmental threats, including pollution ‘and
the extinction/death of species, leading to a loss of bio-
Development and …

Worth to noting here, economic development

cannot be separated from its impact of natural
environment (I would say God’s environment).
Therefore, development should be concerned
with sustainability.
The term sustainability implies; using the
resource without the compromising of the
generation to come. "Sustainable development
is development that meets the needs of the
present, without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.”
Development and …

Coming to the relationship between economic

growth and environment; “each generation should
pass at least as much environmental quality and
stock of natural resources as it inherits.” (ibid, 71)
Especially Christians, who follows and guided by the
word of God or the church of Jesus Christ should
understand this very well. Because, the primary
mission or call from God who own the universe, is to
protect and proper use of His environment. Human
kind never owned any resource it is given to use
mange as stewardship but not as ownership.
Ethiopia in the world development ladder

Please be informed most of the following date is taken from Dr. Melesachew Mesfin book in
title ‘citizenship, Development and politics’

Ethiopia is one of the ancient and the only

independent country in Africa and the second
largest in terms of population. Its per capita
income (PCI) among the lowest in the world.
However, ‘currently, Ethiopia is rated one of
the fastest growing economies in the world,
and in the last decade its GDP growth has
remained high.
Ethiopia’s economy depend on agriculture
and following agriculture lead industry

Its economy based on agriculture, ‘which accounts for

46% for GDP , 60% of exports and 85% of total
‘Ethiopia has a comparative advantage in agriculture as
many other economic activities depend on this sector’
As it is known that, Ethiopia's export almost entirely
agricultural products/commodities. like coffee; which
‘provides about a quarter of Ethiopia’s foreign exchange
earnings and more than 15 million people derive
their livelihood from this sector.’ sesame, soybean,
mashow, fruits, cattle's/meat etc. The sector still
depends on rainfall, and ‘the sector suffers from poor
cultivation practices, soil degradation and drought.’

The manufacturing sector like food and beverage

following by textile and leather 'constitutes about 5%’ of
GDP. Most of its industry concentrates in Addis Ababa
or big cites.
Ethiopia is depends on waterpower and forests for its
energy sources. ‘About 90% of the country’s electricity
supply originates from hydropower’
The mining sector in Ethiopia is in its infancy. Yet seems
on progress. “The country is reported to have deposits
of coal, iron ore, soda ash, tantalum, topazes, marvel
etc.” for long time only gold is mined in significant
quantities. ‘ Ethiopia carries out exploration for other
deposits such as petroleum, gas’ and stones.

Almost 50% of Ethiopian population is youth;
‘under age of 18 years.’ enrollment at
primary and tertiary levels has increased
significantly with a considerable increased
output from education institutes. Yet, almost
two thirds of its people are illiterate’
Dates shows Ethiopia still lags with adult
Major economic indicators-Ethiopia/ Dr.Melesachew

Indictors Value

1. GDP/purchase of power(PPP) $ 101.1 billion(2012)

2. GDP $43.13 billion (2012)
3. GDP-PCI (per capita income ) PPP $ 1,200 (2012)
4. GDP-composition by sector (2012)
 agriculture 46.6%
 industry 14.6%
 service 38.8%

5. Labor by occupation force (2009)

 agriculture 85%
 service 10%
 industry 5%
6. Life expectancy 58 yrs.(men) 62 yrs.
7. Human Development Index (HDI) 174 out of 187 countries
8 Major Export • Coffee
• Leather product,
• Live animals
• Oil seeds, sesame etc.
• Gold
GDP international comparison
Country Name GDP- per capita (PPP) (USD)
United State of America 49,000
South Africa 11,100
China 8,500
Kenya 1,800
Ethiopia 1,100

 The above table have used PPP,  The Human Development Index
to compare Ethiopia's standing (HDI) put Ethiopia at the last ladder.
with a selection of some  ‘HDI is a summary measure of
countries, because of PPP rates average achievement in key
better facilitate international dimensions of human development:
comparisons of income In general.’
Ethiopia’s development aspirations

Millennium Development Goal of Ethiopia

 The millennium Development Goals (MDGs) the world
time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme
poverty. Poverty has different dimensions such as ‘income
poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter, and
 The goal also promote gender equality, education , health,
environmental sustainability.
 Dr. Meslesachew discrips, MGDs aspiration is based on a
collection of poor nation in computing of good governance
since based development policies, with rich countries
committing to much greater financial aids, access to
markets and expanded knowledge transfer.

Ethiopia has embarked/get on, on a journey to meet the

8 MDGs goal
Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3: promote gender equality and empower women
Goal 4: reduce child mortality
Goal 5: improve maternal health
Goal 6: combat HIV/AIDS pandemic, malarias and
other diseases
Goal 7: ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 8: develop a global partnership for development
Biblical Economic Development

“The word economics is derived from the two

Greek words Oikos meaning household and
nomos, meaning the law” (ibdi) thus this two
words can be ‘interpreted’ the law ‘or the
‘management of the household’. It may
implies the particular household
management. Like the allocation of resource
of once household.
 So one part of viewing the economy is ‘as a house hold,
all individuals in it are part of the economic life
 ‘And participate in it’

‘Economics deals with human material desire and

how it is satisfied.’ related with this meaning there
are a lot of theories by different scholars of the field
yet for the time being this is not our focus
When we come to biblical worldviews of economics
Melesachew explains it ‘the basic assumptions in
economics are fitting to the human nature.’ since
human kind created with free will in the image of
God; which implies there is rationality and
responsibility as the same time, can choose between
‘various competing products.’ Meanwhile;

A. God owns everything: I totally agreed with what

Melsachew says, ‘in economics almost all wealth
is the product of resources that come from the
land and human capital,’ from the earth
including the atmospheres
We have to answer the question who crated
the earth and man? Our Bible clearly tells
us “in the beginning God created the heavens
and the earth” (Gen. 1:1) also “God created
man in his own image” (Gen 1:27). Thus,
since He created both the earth and man God
is the owner of everything

B. Human being is steward of God’s resources

God is creator and sustainer of everything's. The
primary responsibility of man as steward of God is
self management. Because a person never has self
ownership; human not own even own body.
Therefore, we are accountable to God how ‘we
used everything entrusted to our care, including
wealth and money
Second ‘man is given a mandate stewardship of
nature.’ Therefore, human kind should not be
carless about nature, instead has given the
responsibility to care for it but not abuse it.

“God given resource should be used in used in ways

that do not carelessly destroy and pollute nature;
this is wise and faithful stewardship.” (ibdi)
Third every individual have prosperity right
however the Bible clearly tell us ‘ ownership of
property starts from the fact that all the land
belongs to God. When He order that the land must
not sale permanently, God was thinking the
generation to come. Otherwise all the land will
monopolized by few and rest become tenants. (Lev.
25:23-24) ‘this is check and balance to prevent
extreme poverty in the land’ Lev.19:35-36

Fourth being hard worker: man kind need to work

hard to gain wealth, yet with obedient Deut. 28:1 if
not, being against God’s will, followed curse; God will
curse the fruit of the land (Deut. 28:15-18) in other
word man could not be fruitful. Worth to noting here
the principle of sowing and reaping is applied here too
(Gal. 6:7-10) balm
Fifth treat employees fairly: in out Bible God warns
the employers how they should treat their employees,
especially with regard to their wage. If they didn’t get
what they deserve and they cry to God, their cry heard
by God (Jam 5:4, Eph. 6:9, Jer. 22: 13) Lord will judge
those who “defraud laborers of their wages” (Mal. 3:5)

Six fairness in trade and transactions

expected: ‘Honesty and integrity are guiding
principles for God honoring trade and
transactions.’ the business person should be
honest should not involved with deceitful
practices. Especially believers, must treat their
customers fairly, but not take unreasonable profit.
 Christians relationship with costumers must be
with honesty and justice.
“a false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a
just weight is his delight” (prov. 11:1)

Seventh honor God from your income:

our purpose for living on this earth is
honoring our God ‘from the biblical point of
view, the goal of economic success is
glorifying God.” after all everything belongs
to God including ourselves so God deserves
our praise and recognition for our success.
Church and Development

The purpose of God
The mission of God
Good citizen
Good governance
True steward
Church and Development

The question, should Christians and the church of
Jesus Christ be involved in development is no
longer be the issue this days. Because it is
understood that, church not involved in
development is a contradiction to the word of God.
The main issue is how can Christian best
encourage, to plan for, and implement programs
that are designed to bring about certain
development and getting involved in development
The Practical Response of the Chuch

Ronald J. Sider, on the book he edited ‘

Evangelicals and development said, “ all
Christians agree that Christian involvement
in development flows out of Christ’s
command to love our neighbor.” p. 19
 By loving others as scripture teaches us, we
are linking with God’s own work in our
society's . Though there was a debate how to
work in the society; now reach to consensus
or agreed with the idea by understanding
how God works in society.
 Sider implies , God works in two major ways:
The Practical…

 First God work in providence. God concern

to all creation, he is working to ‘sustain and
preserve human life.’ Therefore, development
is the activity of the church to put God’s
concern into practice.
The Practical…

 The church of Jesus Christ is God’s representative to

fulfil God’s intentions to preserve human life.
Second, The activity of God in Christ. God’s
activity in the world is more than ‘providential
intention’ to sustain human life, He works in human
history ‘within and beyond the church’ to apply what
Christ has done to redeem the world .
Hence, the whole process of God’s work in creation;
‘judgement and redemption is seen and achieved in
the person and work of His son Jesus Christ. As sider,
underlined ‘the role of the church is to c0-operate
with God’s dynamic activity and be instruments of his
Church and….

I. Development is God’s Agenda:

For his people implicit in the “good news” they are to
preach. Thus, development projects should not be
viewed as less spiritual ministries than preaching the
gospel or the word of God, praying or counseling.
 Indeed the scripture tells us; being a temple of God,
He made us, Christian royal priesthood, holy nation,
a people belonging to God to declare his praises
and Lordship both in word and action. One thing
worth to noting here is that we have to follow the
teaching and deeds of Jesus Christ and the apostles
those who are His successor.
Church and….

There are two things very essential in

obeying the command of Jesus Christ. His
command is preaching the good news to the
whole nation.
 His commandment to His disciples is “go
and made all nation my disciples” (Matt
28: 19). For those who believe and follow
Him; obeying His commandment is showing
love to Him, replying the love He showed to
The Practical…

How? This command has the say part and the

deed part. It referees to do holistic ministry, as
we know human kind has different needs;
physical needs, emotional needs, psychological
needs and spiritual needs. Thus, Jesus said,
address all these needs, as you serve or minister
Since we have learned and practice a lot with the
say part. Let us focus with the deed part;
primarily the deed part begins with loving our
neighbors and mercy ministry. To care for
widows, orphans and strangers.
The Practical…

Jesus on His earthly ministry was holistic. He

teach and preach the kingdom of God. He
was also healing and compassionate to those
who are in need; he fed people, cleanse
lepers. Moreover, He healed peoples bodies,
minds, emotions and relationship therefore
His ministry was loving ministry(Mark 6:35-
When God calls His people to “preach the
gospel” to a society in desperate physical
need, what does He mean and how does He
want us to respond?
The Practical…

What is “ good news” to a hungry child? What does

God want us to do about “development needs”?
What does the Bible say? What is the biblical basis
for Christian churches to be involved in
“development”, and what are the implication ?
These are the questions will address as follows;
A. The Example of God: The Divine Developer
Carl E Hansen, who was a farmer in his early
childhood and rich with many years of development
work, mostly in Africa explains; The Bible is the story
of development from the first verse Genesis to the
last verse of Revelation .
The Practical…

Whether it is God tackling His cosmic development

project bringing order and form and life and
purpose and predictability to matter that was
“void” and “chaotic”, or
God imparting grace to His people, in both cases
we see the Divine Developer at work unfolding
matter or people moving them towards reaching
their full potential.
God is ever involved in ‘creating’, ‘preserving,’
providing, calling, rebuking, punishing, saving,
forgiving, ‘restoring’ healing, ‘pursuing,’ ‘directing
and rescuing; in other words, developing
The Practical…

B. The First Great Commandment; to be co-developer

The first job “description” given to human kind was
that of an agricultural developer (Gen. 1:28-29). It
was a global but also a local responsibility. Adam
was given custodial responsibility over God’s
Garden which became man’s first “development
project” (Gen. 1:8,9,15)
Hansen also emphasized, as God is interested in
making “the whole earth His special “garden
project” organized and cared for, enhanced and
beautified, in full cooperation with His human
The Practical…

God created human kind as His co-creator. Thus,

the directive to be fruitful and increase in number,
fill the earth and subdue it, rule over animals and
plants/trees on this planet earth (Gen. 1:28-29)
indicates all human kind called to be a
developer, responsible for a small garden
development project.
This is the truth when human kind obey and follow
this natural order; organizing, enriching,
beautifying, and caring for it, the natural order
also be kind too in terms of providing with health,
security, nourishment, and prosperity.
The Practical…

The “garden project”, faithfully tended,

would transform the natural order of the
created earth order would transform the
natural order off the created earth into a
marvelous “utopia”, a display of the amazing
potentials that can be reached when the
Divine Creator and His human counterparts
cooperate together fully, combining God’s
resources with human creative ingenuity and
enthusiastic energy inputs.
The Practical…

C. A unique Creature: In the image of the

Divine Developer:
The meaning of being made in the “image of
God” is the fact that God is a developer and
so human kind. ‘God is creative, and human
are also creative’. This means God develops
the macro cosmos and humans organize the
micro cosmos of God’s “little garden project”,
the special place where God comes in the
cool of the day to relax and enjoy the
company and creativity of His human kind”
(Gen. 3:8-10)
Church and….

God is a lover: those who bearing Him

image are also capable of loving. They can
choose to love God; and if they love Him, they
also love what God loves and care about it.
Love will drive humankind to work for justice
in their society, sometimes suffering
opposition of imprisonment, may be even
martyrdom on behalf of the victims of
oppression. In the same way, “God so loved
the world that He gave His only begotten Son
that whoever believers in Him should not
perish but have everlasting life” (Jn. 3:16)
The Practical…

God, in His son took on human flesh and lived among

us as a servant. We who bear His image are asked to
follow in His steps serving one another (Jn.13:1-17,
34-35; Phil. 2:1-8. His attitude and being servant
Messiah should motivate the church to be servant
leader and to do all He can empower others to
become all that their potential allows.
God is a reconciler: God reconcile us to Himself, to
one another, and to establish a community. In His
image we also are capable of being peacemakers,
seeking justice with reconciliation, building bridges of
understanding, establishing circuits of
The Practical…

And fostering mural respect and cooperation. God is

a community developer, and so should be those
bearing His image.
God is generous Giver: He gives the birth of life
to all the living. He pours out the blessings of rain
and sunshine on the just and the unjust, not
counting whether they deserve it or not, more than
all He gave His only Son, who laid down His life so
that other could live! He freely gives eternal life to
those who ask Him! Humankind too, find deep joy
and fulfillment in generous cheerful giving. Giving
is natural to the image of God in which one is made.
The Practical…

God is Just and cares deeply about justice:

there is nothing that grieves God’s heart like
injustice. It is then only natural for those in His
image, reconciled, close to the Father's heart to
feel the same heart pains that afflict the Father.
It should be quite normal then for His people to
dedicate themselves to seek justice and
liberation for those who are victimized so that
they might be free to reach their full potential.
Please read your reader pp 6-19 it will included
to your exams
Church Mandate to Help the

It is God’s challenge to the church, as people

everywhere are suffering with different
issues. Could be marginalized people who live
in situations of poverty, powerlessness, and
oppression. God allowing us a privilege of
sharing our lives with one another, and to
others as well. This includes addressing
human needs. This is one aspect of human
development. We are more than ever aware
of the liberating and healing power of the
Good News of Jesus (Eph. 2:14-17)
Church Mandate…

The Church in Response to Human Need

We acknowledge, furthermore, that only by
spreading the gospel can the most basic need
of human be met; to have fellowship with
God. In what follows we do not emphasize
evangelism as a separate theme, because we
see it as an integral part of our total Christian
response to human need (Matt. 28: 18-21

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