Chitrasutra 1
Chitrasutra 1
Chitrasutra 1
Chitrasutra of
Vishnudharmottara Purana
Manual of Painting
Amity School of Fine Arts
• The text deals not only with its religious aspects but also, and
to a far greater extent, with its secular applications
Amity School of Fine Arts
• He said it was his firm belief that paintings are the greatest
treasures of mankind as they have the aura and power to
beneficially influence the minds and lives of the viewers
Amity School of Fine Arts
• “Of all arts, the best is chitra. It is conducive to dharma and has the
virtue to liberate (emancipate) an individual from his limited
“Wherever it is established- in home or elsewhere- a painting is
harbinger of auspiciousness.”
“A painting cleanses and curbs anxiety, augments future good,
causes unequalled and pure delight; banishes the evils of bad
dreams and pleases the household -deity. The place decorated by a
picture never looks dull or empty”
Amity School of Fine Arts
Amity School of Fine Arts
Amity School of Fine Arts
• The Chitrasutra says The moving force, the vital breath, the life-
movement (chetana) are to be explicit in order to make the painting
come alive with rhythm and force of expression .
• The imagination, observation and the expressive force of rhythm are the
essential features of painting”.
• So focus is on the expressiveness and rhythm of the work…Bhava-
Amity School of Fine Arts
• Chitrasutra mentions:
• proper position,
• proportion and spacing;
• gracefulness and articulation; resemblances;
• increasing or decreasing (foreshortening)
Amity School of Fine Arts
Amity School of Fine Arts
Artistic Concerns
• While discussing the elements of a painting, the Chitrasutra
says “ The masters praise the rekha's –lines (delineation and
articulation of form); the connoisseurs praise the display of
light and shade; women like the display of ornaments; and , the
richness of colors appeals to common folks. The artists,
therefore, should take great care to ensure that the painting is
appreciated by every one
Amity School of Fine Arts
• Incidentally, the main characteristics of the Ajanta paintings are the use of
free flowing lines for delineating beautiful figures and their delicate inner
feelings; together with use of shading different parts of the body to
produce three dimensional effects in the images.
• The other was use of proper colors at times contrasting and at times
matching to create magical effects. These were precisely the principles
that Chitrasutra emphasized .
Amity School of Fine Arts
• Padamapani from
Ajanta (Cave 2)
Amity School of Fine Arts
Amity School of Fine Arts
Amity School of Fine Arts
• The text again and again cautions that an artist should not
aim to copy. He may depict the resemblance but, more
importantly, he should aim to bring out the essence or the
soul of the object.