Biochem Experiment Reprt 2

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Presented by group 4 section-I

of water
The majority of us have an innate curiosity
about why water is essential to life and why it
touches every aspect of our daily lives. Water is
the most plentiful material in the planet because
water is essential to so many important functions,
such as maintaining global temperature, providing
habitat, and sustaining life itself. Humans have
60% water in our bodies, which helps to control
body temperature, transport nutrients and oxygen
to cells, cushion joints, protect organs and tissues,
Hydrogen and oxygen make up water, which can
exist in three different states: gas, liquid, and solid. It
is a tasteless, odorless liquid at room temperature
that is referred to as the universal solvent due to its
significant capacity to dissolve a wide range of other
substances. Water also has a high heat capacity and
vaporization, which are both helpful in controlling the
environment's temperature. Its cohesion and
adhesion qualities result in surface tension and
capillary action, both of which are vital to plant
growth. Lastly, the density of water affects
buoyancy, temperature regulation, and nutrient

• Identify the solubility of

different reagents in water

• Describe the
water's surface
A.Water solubility
1. Test tubes
were labeled
with the name
of samples.
2. 2ml
water were
placed in
each test
3. 2ml
and a pinch
of solid
were added
in each test
4. Each test tube was shaken and
stirred well to ensure that the water
reagents are mix together.
035. The stability of
each mixture
B. Surface tension
1. A drop of water was placed
on a wax paper.
2. The beaker contained
a bottle of water. After
being held below the
water's surface, the clip
was released then.
Then, the behavior o the
paper clip were
3. After being taken o of
the water, the paper
clip were dried off. After
that, the paper clip
positioned above the
water. Then, the
behavior of the paper
clip where observed.
4. The paper clip was carefully placed
above the surface of the acetone. After
that, the behavior of the clip was

Yes No
1. Water+NaCI /

2. Water+Sucrose /

3. Water+Cooking /
4. Water+Vinegar /

5. Water+Ethaol /

6. Water+Milk /

7. /
Table 1.2. Observations on water's surface

1. Shape a drop of Since the wax paper did nor

water absorb the water, a droplet of
water dropped within it
formed spherialcal, dome-
Additionally,the water droplet
slides effortlessly throughthe
wax paper without losing its
2. Paper clip The paper clip did not
below the water float back above the
water's surface after
surface it was forcefully place
below it.

3. Paper clip The paper clip floats

above the water when the paper clip is
gently place above
the water's surface.
The paper clip is
4. Paper clip gently put above the
above the acetone surface
acetone using the same
technique as with
the water. The paper
clip shrinks below
the acetone surface,
hence the outcome
is different from the
paper clip
submerged in water.
1. Draw the structure of water molecules bonded by H
2. Explain why water forms beads onward
surface but spreads out on a clean glass surface.

The water forms beads on a waxy surface due to

the strong cohesive forces; the water molecules
were stick to each other, forming beads. On the
other hand, Water spreads out on a clean glass
surface because the adhesive forces between the
liquid and the glass are stronger than the
cohesive forces within the water, allowing it to
3. Why does ice float on water? What is the
biological importance of ice floating on bodies of
water such as ponds, rivers, and lakes during
Ice floats on water due to its lower density
compared to liquid water because when water
freezes, the molecules arrange themselves in a
crystalline structure that is less dense than when
they are in liquid form. Also, the biological
importance of ice floating in bodies of water lies in
its role as a layer on the surface, ice prevents
heat loss from the water, beneath, maintaining
global relatively stable temperature to allow
4. Why is water called the universal solvent?
Water's designation as the univeral solvent
stems from its unique molecular properties,
particularly its polarity and ability to form
hydrogen bonds. These characteristics
enable it to dissolve a wide range of
substances, making it crucial for biological
processes and environmental dynamics.
5. What are hypothermi and hyperthermia? What causes this condition?

HYPOTHERMIA - is a condition that occurs when core body temperature

drops below 95 °C Fahrenheit ( 35 °C ). It is a medical emergency. The
body loses heat faster that it can produce heat, causing dangerously low
body temperature. Symptoms include SHIVERYING, SLOW BREATHING,
MENTAL CONFUSION , and a WEAK PULSE. The key to recovery is to get a
warm as soon as possible. An abnormally high body caused by a failure
of the heat - regulating mechanisms of the body to deal with the heat
coming from the environment.
HYPERTHERMIA - is the state of increased core body temperature
resulting from the body creating more heat that it can dissipate. A
temperature higher than 37.5 °C or 38.3 °C classifies as hyperthermia in
Hyperthermia causes by being DEHYDRATED, AGE - RELATED changes to
the skin such as impaired blood circulation and inefficient sweat glands.
6. Discuss the damaging effects of water's high
specific heat.

- The capability for a molecule to absorb heat

energy is called heat capacity. Water's high heat
capacity is a property caused by a hydrogen
bonding among water molecules when heat is
absorbed, hydrogen bonds are broken and water
molecules can move freely. When the temperature
of water decreases the hydrogen bonds are formed
and release a considerable amount of energy.

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