Matrix Chain Multiplication

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Matrix Chain Multiplication

• Given some matrices to multiply, determine the best order

to multiply them so you minimize the number of single
element multiplications.
– i.e. Determine the way the matrices are parenthesized.

• First off, it should be noted that matrix multiplication is

associative, but not commutative. But since it is associative,
we always have:

• ((AB)(CD)) = (A(B(CD))), or any other grouping as long as the

matrices are in the same consecutive order.

• BUT NOT: ((AB)(CD)) = ((BA)(DC))

Matrix Chain Multiplication
• It may appear that the amount of work done won’t
change if you change the parenthesization of the
expression, but we can prove that is not the case!

• Let us use the following example:

– Let A be a 2x10 matrix
– Let B be a 10x50 matrix
– Let C be a 50x20 matrix

• But FIRST, let’s review some matrix multiplication

Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Let’s get back to our example: We will show that the way we
group matrices when multiplying A, B, C matters:
– Let A be a 2x10 matrix
– Let B be a 10x50 matrix
– Let C be a 50x20 matrix

• Consider computing A(BC):

– # multiplications for (BC) = 10x50x20 = 10000, creating a 10x20
answer matrix
– # multiplications for A(BC) = 2x10x20 = 400
– Total multiplications = 10000 + 400 = 10400.

• Consider computing (AB)C:

– # multiplications for (AB) = 2x10x50 = 1000, creating a 2x50 answer
– # multiplications for (AB)C = 2x50x20 = 2000,
– Total multiplications = 1000 + 2000 = 3000
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Thus, our goal today is:
• Given a chain of matrices to multiply,
determine the fewest number of
multiplications necessary to compute the
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Formal Definition of the problem:
– Let A = A1 A2 ... An
– Let Mi,j denote the minimal number of
multiplications necessary to find the product:
• Ai Ai+1 ... Aj.
– And let pi-1xpi denote the dimensions of matrix Ai.

• We must attempt to determine the minimal

number of multiplications necessary(m1,n) to find
– assuming that we simply do each single matrix
multiplication in the standard method.
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• The key to solving this problem is noticing the
sub-problem optimality condition:
– If a particular parenthesization of the whole product
is optimal, then any sub-parenthesization in that
product is optimal as well.

• Say What?
– If (A (B ((CD) (EF)) ) ) is optimal
– Then (B ((CD) (EF)) ) is optimal as well
– Proof on the next slide…
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Assume that we are calculating ABCDEF and that
the following parenthesization is optimal:
• (A (B ((CD) (EF)) ) )
– Then it is necessarily the case that
• (B ((CD) (EF)) )
– is the optimal parenthesization of BCDEF.

• Why is this?
– Because if it wasn't, and say ( ((BC) (DE)) F) was
better, then it would also follow that
• (A ( ((BC) (DE)) F) ) was better than
• (A (B ((CD) (EF)) ) ),
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Our final multiplication will ALWAYS be of the form
– (A1 A2 ... Ak)  (Ak+1 Ak+2 ... An)

• In essence, there is exactly one value of k for which we should

"split" our work into two separate cases so that we get an optimal
– Here is a list of the cases to choose from:
– (A1)  (A2 A3 ... An)
– (A1 A2)  (A3 A4 ... An)
– (A1 A2A3)  (A4 A5 ... An)
– ...
– (A1 A2 ... An-2)  (An-1 An)
– (A1 A2 ... An-1)  (An)

• Basically, count the number of multiplications in each of these

choices and pick the minimum.
– One other point to notice is that you have to account for the
minimum number of multiplications in each of the two products.
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Consider the case multiplying these 4 matrices:
– A: 2x4
– B: 4x2
– C: 2x3
– D: 3x1

• 1. (A)(BCD) - This is a 2x4 multiplied by a 4x1,

– so 2x4x1 = 8 multiplications, plus whatever work it will take to
multiply (BCD).

• 2. (AB)(CD) - This is a 2x2 multiplied by a 2x1,

– so 2x2x1 = 4 multiplications, plus whatever work it will take to
multiply (AB) and (CD).

• 3. (ABC)(D) - This is a 2x3 multiplied by a 3x1,

– so 2x3x1 = 6 multiplications, plus whatever work it will take to
multiply (ABC).
Matrix Chain Multiplication
• Our recursive formula:
– Mi,j = min value of Mi,k + Mk+1,j + pi-1pkpj, over all valid
values of k.

• Now let’s turn this recursive formula into a dynamic

programming solution
– Which sub-problems are necessary to solve first?

– Clearly it's necessary to solve the smaller problems

before the larger ones.
• In particular, we need to know mi,i+1, the number of
multiplications to multiply any adjacent pair of matrices
before we move onto larger tasks.
• Similarly, the next task we want to solve is finding all the
values of the form mi,i+2, then mi,i+3, etc.
Matrix Chain Multiplication

•Basically, we’re checking different places to “split” our

matrices by checking different values of k and seeing if they
improve our current minimum value.

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