Section 5 - Stress - Anxiety
Section 5 - Stress - Anxiety
Section 5 - Stress - Anxiety
Level 3
Unit 6: Sport Psychology
Learning Aims
A – Understand how personality, motivation and competitive pressure
can affect performance
B – Examine the impact of group dynamics in team sports and its effect
on performance
Eustress Distress
- ‘Good’ form of stress, gives
you feeling of fulfilment
- Some athletes seek out
stressful situations, as they
like the challenge of pushing
themselves to their limits
- Helps increase skill level and
focus attention on their sport
- Increases intrinsic motivation
- ‘Bad’ form of stress, normally
what you mean when you
discuss stress.
- Extreme form of anxiety,
nervousness, apprehension
or worry resulting from
perceived inability to meet
- Can lead to excessive increase
in arousal
- Potential decrease in
performance levels
Stress Process
e.g. last penalty in shoot-out