Financial Management (Introduction)
Financial Management (Introduction)
Financial Management (Introduction)
Financial Management
The role of financial management is as such that it has a direct impact on all the
financial aspects/activities of a company. Certain aspects affected by financial
management decisions are
1. Size and composition of fixed assets: The amount of money invested in fixed
assets is an outcome of investment decisions. So, if more amount of capital is
decided to be invested in fixed assets, then it will increase the value of the
total share of fixed assets by the amount invested.
2. Amount and composition of current assets: The quantum of current assets and its
constituents like cash, bills receivable, inventory etc. is also influenced by
management decisions. It is also dependent on the amount invested in fixed
assets, decisions about credit and inventory management etc.
3. Amount of long-term and short-term funds to be used: Financial management
determines the quantum of funds to be raised for the short term and long term.
In case a firm requires more liquid assets, then it will prefer to have more
long-term finance even
when their profits will decrease due to payment of more interest in comparison
to short- term debts.
4. Proportion of debt and equity in capital: Financial management also takes
decisions regarding the proportion of debt and/or equity.
5. All items in profit and loss account: All items in the profit and loss account are
by financial management decisions. For example, higher amount of debt will
lead to increase in the expense in the form of interest payment in the future.
1. The basic objective of financial management is to maximise the wealth of shareholders.
2. It aims at taking financial decisions which prove beneficial for shareholders. Such
financial decisions are taken wherein the anticipated benefits exceed the cost
incurred. This in turn implies
an improvement in the market value of shares.
3. An increase in the market value of shares is gainful for shareholders.
4. It focusses on taking those financial decisions which lead to value addition for the
company, so
the price of the equity share rises.
5. As this basic objective gets fulfilled, other objectives such as optimum utilisation
of funds, maintenance of liquidity etc. are also fulfilled automatically.
6. It involves choosing the best alternative which will prove to be beneficial.
A. Investment Decisions
A firm must decide where to invest the funds such that it can earn maximum returns.
Such decisions are known as investment decisions and can be classified as long-term and
short-term investment decisions.
Long-term investment decisions:
o It refers to long-term investment decisions such as investment in a new fixed
asset, new machinery or land.
o They are also known as capital budgeting decisions.
It affects a firm’s long-term earning capacity and profitability and also has long-
term implications on the business.
o Moreover, such investment involves a large amount of money, so it is very difficult to
revert such decisions.
o Example: Decision to purchase a new fixed asset, opening a new branch etc.
Factors Affecting Capital Budgeting Decisions
B. Financial Decisions
Financing decisions involve decisions with regard to the volume of funds to be raised
from various sources.
These decisions also include identification of sources of finance.
There are two main sources of raising funds, namely shareholders’ funds (equity) and
borrowed funds (debt).
Taking into consideration factors such as cost, risk and profitability, a company must
decide an optimum combination of debt and equity.
For example, while debt proves to be cheaper than equity, it involves greater financial risk.
Financial decisions must be taken judiciously as they have an impact on the overall cost
of capital
of the firm and also involves financial risk.
Generally, a mixture of both debt and equity funds proves to be beneficial for the
Factors affecting the Financial Decision
Cost Cost of raising funds is an important factor taken into
consideration while
choosing a source of fund. Generally, the source of fund which is
the cheapest will be chosen.
Risk Risk involved in each source of fund is different. However,
funds with
moderate or low risk are chosen.
Flotation Cost Higher the flotation cost, less attractive is the source of fund.
Cash Flow Position Cash flow position of a company also impacts its decision when
choosing a
source of fund. A company with a strong cash flow position will
invest in debt, whereas a company with a weak cash flow position
will opt for investment in equity.
Fixed Operating Cost Companies having a high fixed operating cost must refrain from
investing in
debt, whereas companies with less financing cost may opt for
investing more in debt. This is because fixed operating costs like a
building or rent require a lot of finance. Hence, the company must
avoid sources of finance which will add more to their expenses.
Control Companies which do not want to dilute the level of control must
Considerations invest in
debt, as investing in equity will result in dilution of
management’s control over the business.
State of capital market The status of the capital market is also a crucial factor in
determining the
choice of the source of fund. In case the market is bullish,
more people invest in equity, whereas when the market is
bearish, it is difficult for companies to issue equity shares.
C. Dividend Decisions
Dividend decisions involve decisions regarding how the company would distribute
its profit or surplus.
Dividend is basically a part of profit which is distributed to shareholders.
The company decides whether to distribute it to equity shareholders in the form of
dividends or to keep it in the form of retained earnings.
So, the main decision is regarding how much profit is to be distributed and how much is
to be retained in the business.
This decision is generally taken considering the objective of maximising shareholder’s
strength and also retaining earnings to increase the future earning capacity of the
Factors affecting the Dividend Decision
1) Amount of earning A firm decides the dividends to be paid on the basis of its current
past earnings.
If the company has higher earnings, then it would be in a
position to pay dividends.
As against this, if a company has low earnings, it would be
able to pay lower dividends.
2) Stable earnings A company with stable or smooth earnings can pay higher
dividends to shareholders than a company which has unstable
and uneven earnings.
3) Stable Generally, companies try to stabilise their dividends such that
dividends there is not
much fluctuation in the dividends they distribute.
They opt for increasing the dividends only when there is a
consistent increase in their earnings.
4) Growth Companies with higher growth prospects prefer to retain a
prospects greater portion of their earnings for future reinvestment.
Accordingly, they pay lesser dividends.
5) Cash flow Payment of dividends implies a cash outflow from the company.
position If a company has less cash (low liquidity), then it will pay less in
the form of dividends. Similarly, if a company has surplus cash
(high liquidity), then it
will pay out more dividends.
6) Preference of The preference of shareholders must also be considered while
shareholders taking
dividend decisions.
For instance, if the shareholders prefer that a certain minimum
amount of dividends be paid, then the company is likely to
declare the same.
7) Taxation policy Taxation policy of the government is an important factor in
taking the dividend decision.
For instance, if the rate of taxation on payment of dividend by
companies is high, then the company may distribute less by way
of dividends.
Financial Planning
Financial planning involves designing the blueprint of the overall financial operations of a
company such that the right amount of funds are available for various operations at the
right time.
6) Reduces wastage & Detailed plans of action helps in reducing wastage and avoids
duplicity duplication of efforts