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• The study of data structures is an essential subject of
every undergraduate and graduate programs related to
computer science. • A thorough understanding of the basics of this subject is inevitable for efficient programming. 1.1. AN INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTUREs • The structural representation of logical relationships between elements of data. • In other words, a data structure is a way of organizing data items by considering its relationship to each other. • Data structure mainly specifies the structured organization of data, by providing accessing methods with correct degree of associativity. • Data structure affects the design of both the structural and functional aspects of a program. • Algorithm + Data Structure = Program • Data structures are the building blocks of a program; here the selection of a particular data structure will help the programmer to design more efficient programs as the complexity and volume of the problems solved by the computer is steadily increasing day by day. • The programmers must strive hard to solve these problems. If the problem is analyzed and divided into sub problems, the task will be much easier i.e., divide, conquer and combine. 1.12. CLASSIFICATION OF DATA STRUCTURE • Data structures are broadly divided into two : • 1. Primitive data structures : These are the basic data structures and are directly operated upon by the machine instructions, which is in a primitive level. • They are integers, floating point numbers, characters, string constants, pointers etc. • 2. Non-primitive data structures : It is a more sophisticated data structure emphasizing on structuring of a group of homogeneous (same type) or heterogeneous(different type) data items. • Array, list, files, linked list, trees and graphs fall inthis category. 13. ARRAYS
• Arrays are most frequently used in programming. Mathematical
problems like matrix, algebra and etc can be easily handled by arrays. • An array is a collection of homogeneous data elements described by a single name. • Each element of an array is referenced by a subscripted variable or value, called subscript or index enclosed in parenthesis. • If an element of an array is referenced by single subscript, then the array is known as one dimensional array or linear array and if two subscripts are required to reference an element, the array is known as two dimensional array and so on. • Analogously the arrays whose elements are referenced by two or more subscripts are called multi dimensional arrays. 1.13.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL ARRAY • One-dimensional array (or linear array) is a set of ‘n’ finite numbers of homogenous data elements such as : • The elements of the array are referenced respectively by an index set consisting of ‘n’ consecutive numbers. • The elements of the array are stored respectively in successive memory locations. • ‘n’ number of elements is called the length or size of an array. The elements of an array ‘A’ may be denoted in C as • A[0], A[1], A[2], ...... A[n –1]. • The number ‘n’ in A[n] is called a subscript or an index and A[n] is called a subscripted variable. If ‘n’ is 10, then the array elements A[0], A[1]......A[9] are stored in sequential memory locations as follows : • A[0] A[1] A[2] ...... A[9] Reading and writing array • In C, array can always be read or written through loop. To read a one-dimensional array, it requires one loop for reading and writing the array, for example: • For reading an array of ‘n’ elements for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) scanf (“%d”,&a[i]); • For writing an array for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) printf (“%d”, &a[i]); MULTI DIMENSIONAL ARRAY
• If we are reading or writing two-
dimensional array, two loops are required. Similarly • the array of ‘n’ dimensions would require ‘n’ loops. The structure of the two dimensional array is illustrated in the following figure : • int A[10][10]; 3. SPARSE ARRAYS • Sparse array is an important application of arrays. A sparse array is an array where: • nearly all of the elements have the same value (usually zero) and this value is a constant. • One-dimensional sparse array is called sparse vector and two- dimensional sparse arrays are called sparse matrix. • The main objective of using arrays is to • minimize the memory space requirement • improve the execution speed of a program. • This can be achieved by allocating memory space for only non-zero elements. • For example a sparse array can be viewed as SPARSE ARRAYS
Store only non-zero elements in the above sparse
matrix because storing all the elements of the sparse array will be consisting of memory sparse. The non-zero elements are stored in an array of the form. A[0......n][1......3] Where ‘n’ is the number of non-zero elements in the array. In the above Fig. 1.5 ‘n = 7’. The space array given in Fig. 1.5 may be represented in the array A[0......7][1.....3]. SPARSE ARRAYS representation • The element A[0][1] and A[0][2] contain the number of rows and columns of the • sparse array. A[0][3] contains the total number of nonzero elements in the sparse array. • A[1][1] contains the number of the row where the first nonzero element is present in the • sparse array. A[1][2] contains the number of the column of the corresponding nonzero element. • A[1][3] contains the value of the nonzero element. In the Fig. 1.4, the first nonzero element can be found at 1st row in 3rd column. 14. VECTORS • A vector is a one-dimensional ordered collection of numbers. Normally, a number of contiguous memory locations are sequentially allocated to the vector. A vector size is fixed and, therefore, requires a fixed number of memory locations. A vector can be a column • vector which represents a ‘n’ by 1 ordered collections, or a row vector which represents a 1 by ‘n’ ordered collections. • The column vector appears symbolically as follows :
• A row vector appears symbolically as follows :
• A = (A1, A2, A3, ...... An) • Vectors can contain either real or complex numbers. When they contain real numbers, they are sometime called real vectors. • When they contain complex numbers, they are called complex vectors. .15. LISTS
As we have discussed, an array is an ordered set, which consist of a
fixed number of elements. • No deletion or insertion operations are performed on arrays. • Another main disadvantage is its fixed length; we cannot add elements to the array.
Lists overcome all the above limitations.
A list is an ordered set consisting of a varying number of elements to
which insertion and deletion can be made.
A list represented by displaying the relationship between the adjacent
elements is said to be a linear list. Any other list is said to be non linear. List can be implemented by using pointers. Each element is referred to as nodes; therefore a list can be defined as a collection of nodes as shown below : FILES AND RECORDS • A file is typically a large list that is stored in the external memory (e.g., a magnetic • disk) of a computer. • A record is a collection of information (or data items) about a particular entity. More • specifically, a record is a collection of related data items, each of which is called a filed or • attribute and a file is a collection of similar records. • Although a record is a collection of data items, it differs from a linear array in the • following ways: • (a) A record may be a collection of non-homogeneous data; i.e., the data items in a • record may have different data types. • (b) The data items in a record are indexed by attribute names, so there may not be a • natural ordering of its elements 17. CHARACTERISTICS OF STRINGS
• In computer terminology the term
‘string’ refers to a sequence of characters. • A finite set of sequence (alphabets, digits or special characters) of zero or more characters is called a string. • The number of characters in a string is called the length of the string. • If the length of the string is zero then it is called the empty string or null string. • . STRING REPRESENTATION
• Strings are stored or represented in memory by using following
three types of structures : • • Fixed length structures • • Variable length structures with fixed maximum • • Linear structures
• FIXED LENGTH REPRESENTATION. In fixed length storage each
line is viewed as a • record, where all records have the same length. That is each record accommodates maximum of same number of characters Fiexed length representation The main advantage of 1. To access data from any given record easily. representing the string in the 2. It is easy to update the data in any given record. above way is :
1. Entire record will be read even if most of the storage
consists of inessential blank space. Time is wasted in reading The main these blank spaces. disadvantages are : 2. The length of certain records will be more than the fixed length. That is certain records may require more memory space than available. Variable Length Representation • In variable length representation, strings are stored in a fixed length storage medium. This is done in two ways. • One can use a marker, (any special characters) such as two- dollar sign ($$), to signal the end of the string. • Listing the length of the string at the first place is another way of representing strings in this method. Linked List Representations • In linked list representations each characters in a string are sequentially arranged in memory cells, called nodes, where each node contain • An item and link, which points to the next node in the list (i.e., link contain the address of the next node) 17.2. SUB STRING
• Group of consecutive elements or characters in a string
(or sentence) is called substring. • This group of consecutive elements may not have any special meaning. To access a sub string from the given string we need following information : • (a) Name of the string • (b) Position of the first character of the sub string in the given string • (c) The length of the sub string • Finding whether the sub string is available in a string by matching its characters is called pattern matching. 3. RELEASING THE USED SPACE • Dynamic memory allocation allocates block(s) of memory when it is required and deallocates or releases when it is not in use. • It is important and is our responsibility to release the memory block for future use when it is not in use, using free() function. • The free() function is used to deallocate the previously allocated memory using malloc() or calloc() function. • The syntax of this function is free(ptr); • ‘ptr’ is a pointer to a memory block which has already been allocated by malloc() or calloc() functions. • Trying to release an invalid pointer may create problems and cause system crash. .2. DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION IN C+ • Although C++ supports all the functions (i.e., malloc, calloc, realloc and free) used in C, it also defines two unary operators new and delete that performs the task of allocating and freeing the memory in a better and easier way. • An object (or variable) can be created by using new, and destroyed by using delete, as and when required. • A data object created inside a block with new, will remain in existence until it is explicitly destroyed by using delete. Thus, the lifetime of an object is directly under our control and is unrelated to the block structure of the program. • The new operator can be used to create objects of any type. It takes the following general form: • Pointer_Variable = new data_type; • Here, Pointer_Variable is a pointer of type data_type. • The new operator allocates sufficient memory to hold a data object of type data_type and returns the address of the object. • The data_type may be any valid data type. The Pointer_Variable holds the address of the memory space allocated. For example: • int *Var1 = new int; • float *Var2 = new float; • Where Var1 is a pointer of type int and Var2 is a pointer of type float. • When a data object is no longer needed, it is destroyed to release the memory space for reuse. • The general form of its use is: • delete Pointer_Variable • The Pointer_Variable is the pointer that points to a data object created with new. • delete Var1; • delete Var2