Presentation1 Class
Presentation1 Class
Presentation1 Class
Easily your most important piece of equipment is...YOU! Make sure you’re in full working order, and check your personal presentation
carefully - if you don't, your audience will!
• Engage the Audience Early: Start with enthusiasm, use eye contact, and move
confidently as you speak. Your tone and body language should signal that the topic is
both interesting and important.
• Vary Your Pace: Speed up when introducing exciting points and slow down when
discussing complex ideas or making key takeaways.
• Use Pauses Effectively: Pauses can create suspense, give your audience time to absorb
information, and make your points land with more impact.
• Be Conversational: Even if you're delivering a formal presentation, try to speak naturally.
A conversational tone can make the material feel more accessible and less stiff.
• End with Confidence: Your conclusion is your final opportunity to leave an impression.
Speak slowly and with conviction, and end on a high note.