Lecture 3.1.4 Advanced Egde Detection

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University Institute of Engineering


Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Engineering)
Subject Name : Computer Vision
Subject Code: 21CSH/ITH-422
Topic: Lecture-3.1.4
Lecture- Advanced Edge Detection


•UNIT-3: Image Segmentation, Representation and Description

•CHAPTER-5: Image Segmentation:

•Point, Line and Edge Detection, Thresholding, Edge and Boundary linking, Region Based

• CHAPTER-6: Image Representation & Descriptions:

• Boundary representations, Region Representations, Boundary Descriptors, Regional

Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

Advanced Edge Detection

• Although point and line detection certainly are important in any discussion on
segmentation, edge detection is by far the most common approach for detecting
meaningful discontinuities in gray level. About the edge detection, we discuss
approaches for implementing first- and second-order digital derivatives for the
detection if edges in an image.
Point Detection (cont…)
Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

• It is stable under local and global perturbations in the image domain as

illumination/brightness variations, such that the interest points can be reliably
computed with a high degree of repeatability.
• Optionally, the notion of interest point should include an attribute of scale, to make
it possible to compute interest points from real-life images as well as under scale
• Historically, the notion of interest points goes back to the earlier notion of corner
detection, where corner features were in early work detected with the primary goal
of obtaining robust, stable and well-defined image features for object tracking and
recognition of three-dimensional CAD-like objects from two-dimensional images.
In practice, however, most corner detectors are sensitive not specifically to corners,
but to local image regions which have a high degree of variation in all directions.
Point Detection (cont…)
Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

• The use of interest points also goes back to the notion of regions of interest, which
have been used to signal the presence of objects, often formulated in terms of the
output of a blob detection step. While blob detectors have not always been
included within the class of interest point operators, there is no rigorous reason for
excluding blob descriptors from this class. For the most common types of blob
detectors (see the article on blob detection), each blob descriptor has a well-
defined point, which may correspond to a local maximum, a local maximum in the
operator response or a centre of gravity of a non-infinitesimal region. In all other
respects, the blob descriptors also satisfy the criteria of an interesting point
defined above.
Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

• In terms of applications, the use of corner detection and blob detection are also
overlapping. Today, the main application of interest points is to signal
points/regions in the image domain that are likely candidates to be useful
for image matching and view-based object recognition.
• For this purpose, several types of corner detectors and blob detectors have been
demonstrated to be highly useful in practical applications (see respective articles
for references). Blob detectors and corner detectors have also been used as
primitives for texture recognition, texture analysis and for constructing 3D
models from multiple views of textured objects.
Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

• If one aims at drawing a distinction between corner detectors and blob detectors,
this can often be done in terms of their localization properties at corner structures.
For a junction structure in the image domain that corresponds to an intersection of
physical edges in the three-dimensional world, the localization properties of a
corner detector will in most cases be much better than the localization properties
that would be obtained from a blob detector.
• Hence, for the purpose of computing structure and motion from multiple views,
corner detectors will in many cases have advantages compared to blob detectors in
terms of the smaller localization error. Notwithstanding this, blob descriptors have
also been demonstrated to be useful when relating object models to temporal
Images taken from Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing (2002)

• In terms of concepts, there is also a close relationship between the notion of

interest points and ridge detectors, which are often used to signal the presence
of elongated objects. Moreover, with regard to features that extend along one-
dimensional curves in image space, there is the related notion of edge
detectors which satisfy similar requirements in terms of operational definitions,
well-defined extent, locally high information contents and repeatability.

3. Weblink (cse.unr)

• Books and Journals
• Gonzalez and Woods: Digital Image Processing ISDN 0-201-600- 781, Addison Wesley 1992.
• Forsyth and Ponce: Computer Vision A Modern Approach Pearson Education Latest Edition.

• Video Link-
• https://youtu.be/qMqv99rxk_o
• Web Link-
• https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/point-processing-in-image-processing-using-python-opencv/


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