Maternal Health in Indonesia
Maternal Health in Indonesia
Maternal Health in Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga
Retnayu Pradanie, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep
Email : [email protected]
Hp : +6281334226604
Scopus ID : 57201190282; documents: 29; H-Index: 5
Web of Science ID: ABC-3912-2020, documents: 10, H-Index: 2
SINTA ID : 5981985 ; SINTA Score: 1329
Google Schoolar :
hl=en&user=IPNwpHAAAAAJ; H-index: 14
Limited awareness and education, Cultural beliefs, traditional practices, and social norms
Community empowerment through Providing basic emergency obstetric Comprehensive obstetrics and
Posyandu (a health care facility carried and neonatal (PONED) services at neonatology services at the hospital
out by, for and from the community Puskesmas (community health centre at (PONEK) should provide stabilization of
guided by health practitioner) and each the first level facility) as well as emergency condition, laparotomy and
region should have 1 Rumah Tunggu increasing the capacity of general Caesarian Section, maternal and child
Persalinan. Activities in Posyandu are health practitioners including doctors, intensive care unit, and high risk
focusing on MCH education and nurses, and midwives. pregnancy management
prevention of complication.
series of activities aimed at mothers since start of labor up to
6 (six) hours after giving birth
1. Pre-Services
Health promotion and Counseling, screening, and
informed consent
2. Services
Interval period, postpartum period (0-42 days),
post miscarriage (0-14 days), and emergency
contraception (3-5 days after unprotected coitus)
3. Post-Services
Follow up visit and management of side effects
and complications
“Investing maternal
and child health
means saving the
future generations”