Maternal Health in Indonesia

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Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga
Retnayu Pradanie, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep
Email : [email protected]
Hp : +6281334226604
Scopus ID : 57201190282; documents: 29; H-Index: 5
Web of Science ID: ABC-3912-2020, documents: 10, H-Index: 2
SINTA ID : 5981985 ; SINTA Score: 1329
Google Schoolar :
hl=en&user=IPNwpHAAAAAJ; H-index: 14

• Lecturer in Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga since 2007-now

• Editor of Jurnal Ners Universitas Airlangga (Scopus Q3) since 2008 – now
• Student affairs lecturer since 2020 - now
• Research interests: maternity nursing, women’s health, nursing management
Why Maternal Health is Important?

 Foundation for Healthy Societies – Healthy

mothers  healthy children  healthy family 
healthy society
 Improving maternal health directly contributes to
reducing mortality rates
 Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
 Promoting Gender Equality
 Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
 Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being),
 Goal 4 (Quality Education),
 Goal 5 (Gender Equality),
 Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities).
Current Maternal Health Status in Indonesia
Antenatal Care (ANC) Coverage : The
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)
percentage of pregnant women receiving at
the MMR is 177 per 100,000 live births in
least one ANC visit from a skilled provider.
2024 while Sustainable Development Goals
According to the Indonesia Health Profile
aim to reduce the global MMR to less than
2023, 88% of pregnant women received
70 deaths per 100 000 live births and no
complete ANC (K1-K4) from a skilled provider
country should have an MMR greater than
while the target is 90%. The ANC coverage
140 per 100 000.
varies across regions.
Postnatal Care:. According to the Indonesia
Skilled Birth
Health Profile 2023, 87% of mothers and
Attendance: The
newborns received postnatal care. Access to
proportion of births
postnatal care services is particularly limited in
attended by skilled health
rural and remote areas.
personnel. It has improved
by 92% in 2023 compared
to 81% in 2017.
Access to Healthcare Services: Access to quality healthcare
services remains a challenge, especially in remote and
underserved areas where healthcare infrastructure and
human resources may be inadequate.
Factors Influencing Maternal Health Problems in Indonesia:

Limited access to quality healthcare


Poverty and socioeconomic inequality


Inadequate healthcare infrastructure and resources


Limited awareness and education, Cultural beliefs, traditional practices, and social norms

High fertility rates and unintended pregnancies

Nutritional deficiencies: Poor nutrition, including deficiencies in essential micronutrients
6 such as iron, folic acid, and vitamin A

Infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis

Some of my publications about
maternal health:
• Family decision making for Madurese women with pregnancy
complications: A qualitative study. (2024) British Journal of
Midwifery, 32 (4), pp. 172-179.
• Choosing intrauterine device of mothers in rural area, Indonesia:
Based on Health Belief Model Theory. (2021) Enfermeria Clinica,
31, pp. S343-S347.
• Staffing characteristics and their associations with the severe
maternal outcomes at indonesian tertiary hospitals.
(2020) Kontakt, 22 (1), pp. 40-46.
• Factors Affecting Husband Participation in Antenatal Care
Attendance and Delivery. (2018) IOP Conference Series: Earth
and Environmental Science, 116 (1), art. no. 012012.
Strategies to Improve Maternal Health

Community empowerment through Providing basic emergency obstetric Comprehensive obstetrics and
Posyandu (a health care facility carried and neonatal (PONED) services at neonatology services at the hospital
out by, for and from the community Puskesmas (community health centre at (PONEK) should provide stabilization of
guided by health practitioner) and each the first level facility) as well as emergency condition, laparotomy and
region should have 1 Rumah Tunggu increasing the capacity of general Caesarian Section, maternal and child
Persalinan. Activities in Posyandu are health practitioners including doctors, intensive care unit, and high risk
focusing on MCH education and nurses, and midwives. pregnancy management
prevention of complication.
series of activities aimed at mothers since start of labor up to
6 (six) hours after giving birth

Requirements of Normal Childbirth Care: 7 aspects of Intranatal care

1. Carried out in a health service facility 1. making clinical decisions;

2. Personnel are a team of birth attendants, 2. maternal and child health care,
consisting of doctors, midwives and including Early Breastfeeding Initiation
nurses, if there are limited access and (IMD) and newborn resuscitation;
medical personnel, delivery is carried out 3. prevention of infection;
by a team of at least 2 health workers 4. prevention of disease transmission
consisting of midwives, or nurse- from mother to child;
midwives. 5. clean and safe delivery;
3. The birth attendant is able to carry out
6. maternity care medical records; and
initial management of maternal and
7. referrals in cases of complications
neonatal emergencies.
Family Planning Services
These services are provided through various
healthcare facilities, community-based organizations,
and government initiatives, with the goal of promoting
reproductive health and rights, reducing maternal and
infant mortality, and empowering individuals to plan
their families according to their own preferences and

1. Pre-Services
Health promotion and Counseling, screening, and
informed consent
2. Services
Interval period, postpartum period (0-42 days),
post miscarriage (0-14 days), and emergency
contraception (3-5 days after unprotected coitus)
3. Post-Services
Follow up visit and management of side effects
and complications
“Investing maternal
and child health
means saving the
future generations”

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