Chapter 1 - Collections and Generics

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Chapter 1

Collections and Generics

Computer Science and Engineering Department@SoEEC
Advanced Programming(CSE 3312)
At the end of this lecture students will be able to :
 Describe Java Collection Framework

 Identify Hierarchy of Collection Framework

 Identify Collection interfaces and Classes

 Use Iterator Interface and Generic Classes

 Use commonly used collection algorithms

In order to handle group of objects we can use
array of objects. If we have a class called
Employ with members name and id, if we want
to store details of 10 Employees, create an
array of object to hold 10 Employ details.
Employ ob [] = new Employ [10];
 We cannot store different class objects into same
 Inserting element at the end of array is easy but
at the middle is difficult.
 After retrieving the elements from the array, in
order to process the elements we don't have any
Java Collections Framework
 It is a Pre packaged Implementation
 A Java collection framework provides an architecture to store
and manipulate a group of objects.
 The JCF provides developers to access pre-packaged data
structures as well as algorithms to manipulate data
 Java collections framework includes the following :
 Interfaces:
 are abstract data types that represent collections.
 allow collections to be manipulated independently of the
details of their representation.
 Implementations, i.e., Classes:
 are the implementation of the collection interfaces.
 are reusable data structures.
 Algorithm:
 the methods which are used to perform operations such
as searching and sorting, on objects that implement
collection interfaces
 are said to be polymorphic: that is, the same method can
Hierarchy of Collection Framework
 Collections are used to store, retrieve, manipulate, and communicate aggregate data.
 Iterable: The root interface of the collection hierarchy. The
Collection interface extends the Iterable interface and therefore
all the subclasses of Collection interface also implement the
Iterable interface.
 Collection: The Collection interface is the interface which is
implemented by all the classes in the collection framework. It
declares the methods that every collection will have. In other
words, we can say that the Collection interface builds the
foundation on which the collection framework depends.
 List: List interface is the child interface of Collection interface.
It inhibits a list type data structure in which we can store the
ordered collection of objects. It can have duplicate values. List
interface is implemented by the classes ArrayList, LinkedList,
Vector, and Stack.
 Set: Set interface represents the unordered set of elements
which doesn't allow us to store the duplicate items. We can store
at most one null value in Set. Set is implemented by HashSet,
LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet.
 SortedSet: SortedSet is the alternate of Set interface that

provides a total ordering on its elements. The elements of the

SortedSet are arranged in the increasing (ascending) order. The
SortedSet provides the additional methods that inhibit the
natural ordering of the elements.

 Map: It represents key-value pairs. The keys will be unique and

each key can map to at most one value. Although, it does not
ensure element ordering, some implementations guarantee it. To
interoperate with other collection classes/interfaces, it provides
three collection views, which allow a map's contents to be
viewed as a set of keys, collection of values, or set of key-value
A collection is a container that encapsulates
multiple objects into a single unit, such as a
list of employees, a set of numbers, a set of,
processes, a queue of requests etc..
All the collection classes are available in
the package called 'java.util’
Group of collection classes is called a
Collection Framework.
 Some examples of collections are
the cards you hold in a card game,
your favorite songs stored in your
the members of a sports team and
Collection Interface
 Defines fundamental methods
 int size();

 boolean isEmpty();

 boolean contains(Object element);

 boolean add(Object element);

 boolean remove(Object element);

 Iterator iterator();

 These methods are enough to define the basic

behavior of a collection
 Provides an Iterator to step through the
elements in the Collection
Iterator Interface
 Iterator is an interface that iterates the elements. It is used
to traverse the list and modify the elements.Traverse
forward direction only.
 Defines three fundamental methods

public boolean hasNext() - This method returns true if
the iterator has more elements.

public Object next() - It returns the element and
moves the cursor pointer to the next element.

public void remove() - This method removes the last
elements returned by the iterator.
 These three methods provide access to the contents of the
 An Iterator knows position within collection
 Each call to next() “reads” an element from the collection
 Then you can use it or remove it
public class SimpleCollection {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection c;
c = new ArrayList();

for (int i=1; i <= 10; i++) { java.util.ArrayList
c.add(i + " * " + i + " = "+i*i);
} 2*2=4
Iterator iter = c.iterator(); 4 * 4 = 16
while (iter.hasNext()) 5 * 5 = 25
6 * 6 = 36
7 * 7 = 49
} 8 * 8 = 64
} 9 * 9 = 81
10 * 10 = 100
List Interface

ArrayList LinkedList Vector Stack

The Common Methods in the List Interface
ListIterator Interface
 Extends the Iterator interface

 Defines three fundamental methods

void add(Object o)

boolean hasPrevious()

Object previous()

 The addition of these three methods defines the basic

behavior of an ordered list

 A ListIterator knows position within list.
 ArrayList is the implementation of List Interface
where the elements can be dynamically added or
removed from the list. Also, the size of the list is
increased dynamically if the elements are added
more than the initial size.
 Important Points:

 Java ArrayList class can contain duplicate elements.

 Java ArrayList class maintains insertion order.

 Java ArrayList class is non synchronized.

 Java ArrayList allows random access because array works at

the index basis.

 In Java ArrayList class, manipulation is slow because a lot of
ArrayList Methods

 The indexed get and set methods of the List interface are

appropriate to use since ArrayLists are backed by an

Object get(int index)

Object set(int index, Object element)

 duplicates are allowed

 insertion object preserved

 hetrogeneus object are allowed [except TreeSet and

 null insertion are possible
Example: ArrayList
import java.util.*;
class ArrayListDemo
{ public static void main(String args[])
{ ArrayList <String> al = new ArrayList<String>();
al.add (“Sheger"); al.add (“Adama");
al.add (“Hawassa"); al.add (“BahirDar");
al.add (“Mekele");
al.add (1,“DireDawa");
al.add (2,“Asosa");
System.out.print("Size of the Array List is: " + al.size ());
System.out.print("\nRetrieving elements in ArrayList using Itera
Iterator it = al.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext () )
System.out.print ( () + "\t");
 This class implements two collection interfaces, List
and Deque and provides all operations of these two
interfaces. It inherits the AbstractList class and
implements List and Deque interfaces.
It uses a doubly linked list internally to store the
 It provides a linked-list data structure.
 Important points:
o LinkedList class can contain duplicate
o LinkedList class maintains insertion
o It is non synchronized.
o Its manipulation is fast because no
LinkedList Methods
Example: LinkedList
import java.util.*;
public class LinkedList1{
public static void main(String args[]){
LinkedList<String> pl=new LinkedList<String>();
Iterator<String> itr=al.iterator();
} } }
• Vectors are similar to arrays, where the elements of
the vector object can be accessed via an index into
the vector. Vector implements a dynamic array. Also,
the vector is not limited to a specific size, it can shrink
or grow automatically whenever required. It is similar
to ArrayList, but with two differences :
 Vector is synchronized.
 Vector contains many legacy methods that are not part of the
collections framework.
 Some legacy methods in vector class
import java.util.*;
public class Vector1{
public static void main(String args[]){
Vector<String> v=new Vector<String>()
v.add(“SoEEC"); import java.util.*;
v.add(“SoMMCE"); public class LegVector1 { public static
void main(String ar[])
{ Vector<String> vec= new
v.add(“SoANC"); Vector<String>(); vec.addElement("B");
Iterator<String> itr=v.iterator();
vec.addElement("A"); vec.addElement("T");
while(itr.hasNext()){ vec.addElement("M"); vec.addElement("A");
System.out.println(; }}}
System.out.println("Vector = "+vec);
System.out.println("Size of Vector = "+
vec.size()); System.out.println("First element
in Vector = "+vec.firstElement());
System.out.println("Last element in Vector =
System.out.println("Element at 2nd index =
"+ vec.elementAt(2));
System.out.println("After removing element
• The stack is the subclass of Vector. It implements the
last-in-first-out data structure, i.e., Stack. The stack
contains all of the methods of Vector class and also
provides its methods like boolean push(), boolean
pop(), java.util.*;
boolean peek() which defines its properties.
public class TestJavaCollection4{
public static void main(String args[]){
Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();
Iterator<String> itr=stack.iterator();
Set Interface
 Same methods as Collection

No duplicate entries

 Implemented by HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and


HashSet LinkedHashSet TreeSet

 HashSet class is used to create a collection that uses a

hash table for storage. It inherits the AbstractSet class

and implements Set interface.
 stores the elements by using a mechanism

called hashing.
 contains unique elements only.

 non synchronized.

 doesn't maintain the insertion order. Here, elements

are inserted on the basis of their hashcode.

 best approach for search operations.
HashSet Example
import java.util.*;
class HashSetDemo{
public static void main(String args[]){
//Creating HashSet and adding elements
HashSet<String> set=new HashSet();
Iterator<String> i=set.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
 LinkedHashSet class represents the LinkedList
implementation of Set Interface. It extends the HashSet
class and implements Set interface. Like HashSet, It
also import
contains unique elements. It maintains the
class order
public static void main(String args[]){
//Creating HashSet and adding elements
LinkedHashSet<String> set=new Linke
Iterator<String> i=set.iterator();
 TreeSet class implements the Set interface that
uses a tree for storage. Like HashSet, TreeSet also
contains unique elements. However, the access
and retrieval time of TreeSet is quite fast. The
elements in TreeSet stored in ascending order.
import java.util.*;
public class TestJavaCollection9{
public static void main(String arg
//Creating and adding elements
TreeSet<Integer> set=new TreeSe
//traversing elements
Iterator<String> itr=set.iterator();
Queue Interface
 Java Queue interface orders the element in FIFO(First In
First Out) manner. In FIFO, first element is removed first
and last element is removed at last.

PriorityQueue class: The PriorityQueue class provides the

facility of using queue. But it does not orders the elements in
FIFO manner.
ArrayDeque class: ArrayDeque class implements the Deque
Map Interface
 A map contains values on the basis of key, i.e. key and value p

 Each key and value pair is known as an entry. A Map contains

 A Map is useful if you have to search, update or delete elemen

basis of a key.
 You can create a map using one of its three concrete classes:


LinkedHashMap, or TreeMap.
Map Methods
Map.Entry interface
 Entry is the subinterface of Map. So,will be accessed it by Map.Entry

 It returns a collection-view of the map, whose elements are of this c

 It provides methods to get key and value.

TreeMap Example
import java.util.*;
class TreeMap1{
public static void main(String args[]){
TreeMap<Integer,String> map=new TreeMap<Integer,St

for(Map.Entry m:map.entrySet()){
System.out.println(m.getKey()+" "+m.getValue());
Generic Class and Methods
Generic Class: A class that can refer to any type
is known as generic class. Here, we are
using T type parameter to create the generic class
of specific type.
Type Parameters: the commonly type
parameters are as follows:
1. T - Type
2. E - Element
3. K - Key
4. N - Number
5. V - Value
Creating Generic Class
class MyGen<T>{
T obj;
void add(T obj)
T get()
return obj;}

The T type indicates that it can refer to any type (like String, Integer, Employee etc.).
The type you specify for the class, will be used to store and retrieve the data.
Using Generic Class

public class TestGenerics {

public static void main(String args[])
MyGen<Integer> g1=new MyGen<Integer>();
//g1.add("CSE");//Compile time error
Generic Method
• Like generic class, we can create generic method that can accept any type of
argument. Let’s see a simple example of java generic method to print array elements.
We are using here E to denote the element.

public class TestGenericsMethod {

public static <E> void printArray(E[] elements){
for(E element : elements){
public static void main( String args[] ) {
Integer[] intArray = {10,20,30,40,50};
System.out.println("Printing Integer Array");
System.out.println("Printing Character Array");
Collection Algorithms
 The collections framework defines several algorithms that can be
applied to collections and maps.
 These algorithms are defined as static methods within the
Collections class.
 The methods defined in collection framework's algorithm are
summarized in the following:
 static int binarySearch(List list, Object value, Comparator
Searches for value in list ordered according to c. Returns the
position of value in list, or -1 if value is not found.
 static int binarySearch(List list, Object value)
Searches for value in list. The list must be sorted. Returns the
position of value in list, or -1 if value is not found.
 static void copy(List list1, List list2)
Copies the elements of list2 to list1.
 static Enumeration enumeration(Collection c)
Returns an enumeration over c.
 static void fill(List list, Object obj)
Assigns obj to each element of list.
static int indexOfSubList(List list, List subList)
Searches list for the first occurrence of subList.
Returns the index of the first match, or .1 if no match
is found.
static int lastIndexOfSubList(List list, List
Searches list for the last occurrence of subList.
Returns the index of the last match, or .1 if no match
is found.
static ArrayList list(Enumeration enum)
Returns an ArrayList that contains the elements of
static Object max(Collection c, Comparator
Returns the maximum element in c as determined by
static Object min(Collection c)
Returns the minimum element in c as determined by
natural ordering.
static List nCopies(int num, Object obj)
Returns num copies of obj contained in an immutable list.
num must be greater than or equal to zero.
static boolean replaceAll(List list, Object old,
Object new)
Replaces all occurrences of old with new in list. Returns
true if at least one replacement occurred. Returns false,
static void reverse(List list)
Reverses the sequence in list.
static Comparator reverseOrder( )
Returns a reverse comparator.
static void rotate(List list, int n)
Rotates list by n places to the right. To rotate left, use a
negative value for n.
static void shuffle(List list)
Shuffles (i.e., randomizes) the elements in list.
static Set singleton(Object obj)
Returns obj as an immutable set. This is an easy way to
convert a single object into a set.
static List singletonList(Object obj)
Returns obj as an immutable list. This is an easy way to
convert a single object into a list.
static Map singletonMap(Object k, Object v)
Returns the key/value pair k/v as an immutable map. This
is an easy way to convert a single key/value pair into a
static void sort(List list, Comparator comp)
Sorts the elements of list as determined by comp.
static void sort(List list)
Sorts the elements of list as determined by their natural
static void swap(List list, int idx1, int idx2)
static Collection synchronizedCollection(Collection
Returns a thread-safe collection backed by c.
static List synchronizedList(List list)
Returns a thread-safe list backed by list.
static Map synchronizedMap(Map m)
Returns a thread-safe map backed by m.
static Set synchronizedSet(Set s)
Returns a thread-safe set backed by s.
static SortedMap
synchronizedSortedMap(SortedMap sm)
Returns a thread-safe sorted set backed by sm.
static SortedSet synchronizedSortedSet(SortedSet
Returns a thread-safe set backed by ss.
static Collection unmodifiableCollection(Collection
Returns an unmodifiable collection backed by c.
static Map unmodifiableMap(Map m)
Returns an unmodifiable map backed by m.
static Set unmodifiableSet(Set s)
Returns an unmodifiable set backed by s.
static SortedMap
unmodifiableSortedMap(SortedMap sm)
Returns an unmodifiable sorted map backed by sm.
static SortedSet
unmodifiableSortedSet(SortedSet ss)
Returns an unmodifiable sorted set backed by ss.
Algorithms: Example
public class AlgorithmsDemo " ");}
{ public static void main(String System.out.println();
args[]) Collections.shuffle(ll);
{ // Create and initialize linked // display randomized list
li = ll.iterator();
LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
System.out.print("List shuffled:
ll.add(new Integer(-8)); ");
ll.add(new Integer(20)); while(li.hasNext()){
ll.add(new Integer(-20)); System.out.print( + "
ll.add(new Integer(8)); ");
// Create a reverse order }
comparator System.out.println();
Comparator r = System.out.println("Minimum: "
Collections.reverseOrder(); + Collections.min(ll));
// Sort list by using the System.out.println("Maximum: "
comparator + Collections.max(ll));}}
Collections.sort(ll, r); This would produce the following
// Get iterator result:
Benefits of Java Collections
 The Java Collections Framework provides the
following benefits:
 Reduces programming effort: By providing useful data
structures and algorithms, the Collections Framework frees
you to concentrate on the important parts of your program
rather than on the low-level "plumbing" required to make it
work. By facilitating interoperability among unrelated APIs,
the Java Collections Framework frees you from writing
adapter objects or conversion code to connect APIs.
 Increases program speed and quality: The Collections
Framework provides high-performance, high-quality
implementations of useful data structures and algorithms.
The various implementations of each interface are
interchangeable, so programs can be easily tuned by
switching collection implementations. Because you're freed
from the drudgery of writing your own data structures,
you'll have more time to devote to improving programs'
quality and performance.
Reduces effort to learn and to use new APIs:
Many APIs naturally take collections on input and
furnish them as output. In the past, each such API
had a small sub-API devoted to manipulating its
collections. There was little consistency among these
ad hoc collections sub-APIs, so you had to learn each
one from scratch, and it was easy to make mistakes
when using them. With the advent of standard
collection interfaces, the problem went away.
Reduces effort to design new APIs: This is the
flip side of the previous advantage. Designers and
implementers don't have to reinvent the wheel each
time they create an API that relies on collections;
instead, they can use standard collection interfaces.
Fosters software reuse: New data structures that
conform to the standard collection interfaces are by
1) Discuss the difference between List, Set and
2) Write a program to create three list objects l1,l2,
and l3. and copy the content of l1 and l2 in to l3
3) Create a Map object of minimum 20 employees
in ASTU as m1<empname,salary> and
1) find total, minimum, and maximum salary.
2) display name of employee with minimum,
maximum and Average salary.
3) Sort and display employee detail by name
4) Explain why and when we use List,set and Map
with concrete example
Here are 10 potential exam questions based on the provided document excerpts:
1.What are the benefits of using the Java Collections Framework?
2.Explain the core differences between the List, Set, and Queue interfaces in Java. Provide
examples of situations where each would be the most suitable choice.
3.Describe how an Iterator works and its role in traversing collection elements.
4.What are the key features and differences between ArrayList, LinkedList, and Vector? When
would you choose one over the others?
5.Explain the concept of a stack data structure and how it is implemented in Java using the Stack
6.Discuss the characteristics of HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet. Highlight their differences
in terms of element ordering and storage mechanisms.
7.What is a Map in Java, and how does it differ from other collection types? Describe the key
features of HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap.
8.Explain the concept of Generic Classes and Generic Methods in Java. Provide examples to
illustrate their usage.
9.Describe some commonly used algorithms provided by the Collections class. Explain their
purpose and usage with examples.
10.Write a Java program that demonstrates the use of at least two different collection types and
one algorithm from the Collections class. You can draw inspiration from the code examples
provided in the document.
11. you could write a program that:
This comprehensive response should help prepare for your exam on Java Collections and
Generics! Good luck!

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