Tumours (Neoplasms)

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Tumours (Neoplasms)

 Nomenclature
 Classification
 Epidemiology
 Characteristics of tumuors
 Etiology
 Description of carcinogenesis
 Clinical features
 A neoplasm is an abnormal mass of tissue,
the growth of which exceeds and is
uncoordinated with that of the normal
tissues and persists in the same excessive
manner after cessation of the stimuli which
evoked the change
• Neoplasm is often referred to as a tumour
• The study of tumours is called oncology
(from Greek, oncos, ‘tumours, and ‘logos,’
study of
• In oncology, neoplasms are categorized into benign and
malignant tumours.
Benign Tumour Nomenclature
• benign tumours are designated by attaching the suffix -
oma to the cell type from which the tumour arises
• Examples are;
• Mesenchymal tumors
 chrondroma- cartilaginous tumor
 fibroma -fibrous tumor
 osteoma- bone tumor
Epithelial tumor
 Adenoma
neoplasms derived from glands
 Papillomas
growing on any surface, that produce microscopic
or macroscopic finger-like fronds.
 Polyp
mass that projects above a mucosal surface, as in
the gut, to form a macroscopically visible structure
 Cystadenomas
hollow cystic masses, typically they are seen in
the ovary
Nomenclature of Malignant Tumours

Malignant neoplasms arising from mesenchymal
 fibrosarcoma,
cancer of fibrous tissue origin
 chondrosarcoma.
malignant neoplasm composed of chondrocytes
Malignant neoplasms of epithelial cell origin
 adenocarcinomas
grow in a glandular pattern
 squamous cell carcinomas
produce squamous cells
Group discussion
• In group of 5
1.Decribe charactericts of
2.Classes of carcinogenic agents
3. What are four tumour markers and their
corresponding tumours?
4.Clinical symptoms of tumuors.

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