Emergency Drugs and Its Uses
Emergency Drugs and Its Uses
Emergency Drugs and Its Uses
jigar thakkar
y Introduction y Emergency drug kit y Requirement of drug kit y Emergency drug modules
or levels
y Conclusion y References
y All staffs in dental practice must be trained y All dental offices and the hospitals should maintain at least the basic recommended emergency equipment and drugs
y Course of medicine that include all possible condition like .seizures, chest pain and respiratorty difficulty etc . y BLS [P-positioning, A-airway, B-breathing, C-circulation, D-definitive care]
y Commercially available or designed personally y As simple as possible y 3 things to be remembered
y Primary management of all emergency
situation involves BLS y drug administration- not necessary for the immediate M/o medical emergencies except anaphylaxis y When in doubt, never medicate
complicated. y Should be as simple as possible to use. y It is always best to use a drug with which clinician is most familiar and comfortable. y Should not have too many drugs of similar types, because this leads to confusion and indecision. y All drug package inserts should be kept in it.
aware of drug and equipment that should be included in the kit. y Select the kit which best fits the individual needs of his office or augment the kit with separately purchased items. y Drugs and equipments should be included as per the individual s training.
Emergency drugs
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4
antidotal drugs
must enter the blood stream and be transported to the part of the body where it is needed
y Ideal route for emergency-
y IM route- 10 min y Various sites: y Mid-deltoid region y Vastus lateralis y Gluteal region y The tongue - Onset of action - 5-10 min y Endotracheal route(when available)
Critical emergency drugs and equipment
Injectable drugs
1) 2)
Noninjectable drugs
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Emergency equipment
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Oxygen delivery system Suction and suction tips Tourniquets Syringes Magill intubation forceps
y y y y y y y
Injectable drugs
Anticonvulsants Analgesics Vasopressors Antihypoglycemics Corticosteroids Antihypertensives Anticholinergics
y y
Noninjectable drugs
Respiratory stimulant Antihypertensives
y y y
Emergency equipment
Scalpel or cricothyrotomy needle Artificial airways Laryngoscope and endotracheal tubes
y y y y
Critical emergency drugs and equipment
respiratory and cardiovascular manifestation of acute allergic reaction. B and agonist BProperties
vasopressor action, histamine- blocking properties Baction on heart: HR, SBP, CO, coronary blood flow, DBP
y Therapeutic indication:
y To treat cases of acute allergic reaction y Acute asthmatic attack y Mangement of cardiac arrest
Competitive antagonists of histamine, Chlorpheniramine is less sedative than diphenhydramine Therapeutic indication: M/o delayed-onset allergic reactions Definitive m/o acute allergic reaction As Local anesthetics when the patient has h/o allergy to LA
of bronchial secretion resulting from drug drying action y Contraindication: acute asthma y Availability:
y Chlorpheniramine
10mg/ml (1ml& 2ml ampules) 1ml preloaded syringes y Diphenhydramine- 10 mg/ml (10 & 30ml multidose vial) 50 mg/ml(1ml & 10ml multidose vial
y Contraindicated:
y Rx of hyperventilation
Primary Noninjectable Drug Drug of choice : Alternative drug : Nitrogylcerine Amyl nitrite
y Drug Action: y Coronary and systemic vasodilator - decreases peripheral vascular resistance and preload
y Decreases cardiac workload and oxygen demand
on the heart
y y y y y
2 varieties of available: tab and spray Amyl nitrite-inhalant form-act in 10 sec Applied subligually Onset of action: 1 to 2 mins Shelf life: once exposed to air , is short (abt 12 weeks), stored in pill box
y Therapeutic indication
y y y y
Chest pain Definitive m/o angina pectoris Early m/o actue myocardial infarction m/o acute hypertesive episodes hypotensive patient
y Contraindication:
interaction y Availability
y y
Nitroglycerin tablets , 0.15, 0.3,0.4, 0.6 mg sublingual tablet & 0.4 , 0.8 mg/ dose nitroglycerin spray.
adrenergic agonist
Brochial muscle-relaxing properties with little/no stimulatory action on the CVS & GIT
Contraindicatied : in patients with preexisting tachydysrhythmias from prior use of the drug Dose: 2-4mg oral, 100-200 mue g by inhalation Availability: Albuterol inhalers Metaproterenol inhalers Suggested for emergency kit: 1 metered albuterol inahaler
y Therapeutic indications:
Hypoglycemic states secondary to DM or fasting hypoglycemia in conscious pt Emergency m/o unconscious pt: in absence parenteral medication
antithrombotic effects lasting > 3 days Therapeutic indication Patient with suspected myocardial infarction or unstable angina Contraindicated
Availability: 65, 81, 162, & 325mg tablets Suggested for emergency kit : 3 or 4 chewable
aspirin ( 162mg)
y Precaution
For uncomplicated forceps extraction of 1 to 3 teeth, there is usually no need to interfere with aspirin treatment In patients receiving up to 100mg daily, bleeding during oral surgical procedures is controllable with suturing and direct packaging. with gauze, resorbable gelatin sponge, oxidized cellulose, or microfibrillar collagen. In patients receiving higher doses of Aspirin, - bleeding time > 20 minutes - surgery should be postponed if emergency surgical treatment is needed :medical advice should be sought to discontinue the use of aspirin intake 7 days before oral surgery procedures
Emergency equipment
y O2 delivery system
y y y
inflating bag-valve-mask device y Minimum of one child, one small adult and one large adult full face mask y One pocket mask
y Syringes:
right-angle bend y Aids in placement of endotracheal tube during nasal intubation y Suggested for emergency kit
y 1 pediatric size
y Types
y Rubber or Velcro tourniquet y Rubber tubing y Sphygmomanometer
dental office under several circumstances. y Including epileptic seizures, overdose reaction to LA, obstructive airway in an unconscious patient, and febrile convulsion, y Midazolam preferred over diazepam because its lack of water solubilitylimited iv use
y Therapeutic indication:
y y y y
To treat prolonged seizures Local anasthetic- induced seizures Hyperventilation Thyroid storm
or arrest y Availbility
y y
Midazolam : 5mg/ml in (1,2,5, and 10 ml vial) and 2ml preloaded syringes 1mg/ml in (2ml ampules and 10ml vials) and in 2ml preloaded syringes Diazepam : 5mg/ml (2ml ampules and 10ml vials) and 2ml preloaded syringes one 5ml vial of midazolam(5mg/ml)
Intense, prolonged pain or anxiety, acute myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure
y Side effects: CNS and RS depressants y (recent year n2o -o2 are used)
y Precaution:
y y
Infant and elderly are more susceptible to respiratory depressant action of morphine Dangerous in pt with respiratory insufficiency, sudden death have occurred
Morphine sulfate 8,10,and 15mg/ml (in 2 ml ampules and 20 ml vials Meperidine : 50 100 mg/ml (in 1ml ampules and 20 and 30 ml vials
10mg/ml of morphine sulfate two 2ml ampules 50mg/ml of meperidine 2ml ampules
y MOA :
y Therapeutic indication:
y y y y y
To manage hypotension, in which the status of the pt s heart is unknown and the intent is to raise the BP without undue cardiac stimulation Syncopal reactions Drug overdose reactions Postseizure states Acute adrenal insufficiency Allergy
y Contraindicate in pt with high BP/ventricular tachycardia y Precaution: hyperthyrodism, bardycardia, partial heart block, myocardial disease, or severe atherosclerosis y Availability:
sugar (hypoglycemia)
y Therapeutic indication:
y y
y Glucagon administeretd
50% dextrose in 50ml glass ampules Glucagon : 1mg of dry powder with 1 ml of diluent and 10mg of dry powder with 10ml of diluent.
y Availability:
y hydrocortisone sodium succinate
1 adrenergic blocker
(cardio selective) receptor blocking agent with a very short duration of axn. Acute hypertensive episodes For m/o intra and postoperative tachycardia and hypertension bradycardia, Heart block, cardiogenic shock 10mg/ml in 10ml vial
1selective adrenergic
y Therapeutic indications
y y
y contraindication:
y Availability
y Therapeutic indications
To treat bradycardia & haemodynamically significant bradydysrhythmias over dose can produce hot , dry skin, headache, blurred vision, dry mouth & throat, hallucination
y Side effects:
Aromatic ammonia
respiratory stimulant
which irritates MM of URT Stimulates respiratory and vasomotor centre of medulla Resp Bp Movement of hand and leg Rx respiratory depression
y y
y Therapeutic indications
brochospasm y Availability: silver-gray vaporoles containing 0.3ml of aromatic ammonia. y 1 or 2 boxes of vaporoles,
ca channel blocker
y Therapeutic indication:
Hypertension, Acute anginal pain 10mg and 20mg capsules
y Availability:
cricothyrotomy device
Artificial airways
y Suggested for emergency kit
y One set each of adult and
pediatric airway
Nasopharangel airway
endotracheal tubes
y Therapeutic indication:
y y
Premature ventricular contraction occur >6 times/min sustained ventricular tachycardia with pulse Ventricular fibrillation increase dose - Myocardial, circulatory, and CNS depression More sever overdose- tonic clonic seizure
y S/E:
y Avaibility:
y y
50 or 100 mg (5ml prefilled syringes) 100mg- 5ml ampule One 100mg preloaded syringe, 5ml ampules
& receptors y small dose (dilates renal , mesenteric and cerebral arteries,)
y Therapeutic indication:
y S/E:
y y y
y Avaibility:
dopamine (80mg/ml)
ACLS essential:
paroxymal supraventicular tachycardia
Drug of choice : Drug class: Verapamil
Ca channel blocker
y Therapeutic indication:
y S/E: y transient decrease arterial pressure y Contraindicated in ventricular tachycardia y 2.5mg/ml in 2ml and 4ml ampules y One or two 4ml ampules
Thebaine derivative
y Therapeutic indication:
y Use in opioid induced depression, including
respiratory depression
y S/E: y Recurrance rs depression may be observed if the opioid previously administerd in longer duration so give second dose IM after IV y Adult: 0.4mg/ml in 1-ml ampules and 10ml vials y Pediatric: 0.02mg/ml in 2ml ampules
y Uses: y Its reduce the duration of anterograde amnesia associated with midazolam (frm 121 min to 91 min) y Use to reverse the clinical actions of parenterally administered benzodizepines
y Emergence delirium:
Pt appear lose contact with reality, increase muscular movement and may seem to speak but make only unintelligible sound. Scopolamine and benzodiazepines most likely produce this phenomenon reversible anticholinesterase that can cross BBB
y MOA:
y uses: y To manage vasospasm and compromised circulation following intra-arterial drug injection y To manage pain and vascular compromise following extra vascular administration of irritating drugs
y Available
y 10 mg / ml in 2ml ampule
y Dose
y 20mg IV / IM
y Dose
y 1mEq / kg as IV bolus
y Aminophylline y Indications
y Bronchial asthma
y Dosage
y 12.5 mg / min IV (250 mg diluted in 250cc of sterile
y Availability
y 250mg / 2 ml in 10ml vial
y Availability
y 10 ml ampule with 10% w/v (1gm)
y Dosage
y 100-200mg /kg
Other equipments
Defibrillators ECG
Other essentials
y Alcohol sponges y IV infusion sets y IV catheters y Disposable gloves y Crystalloids
y NS y DNS y RL
References:y Essentials of Medical Pharmacology - KD Tripathi y Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - Satoskar y Medical Emergencies in the dental office- Stanley f.
Malamed y Principles and practice of medicine- Davidson s y Principle of contemporary Peterson y The pharmacological basis of therapeutics y Goodman and Gillman s