16 Ucsp Kinship, Marriage and The Household

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i a g e

a rr d
i p , M h o l
n s h u s e
K i e H o
d T h
a n
• The bond of blood or
marriage which
binds people
together in group.
Types of Kinship
Kinship by Blood
• Affinal Kinship
Relationships based upon marriage or cohabitation
between collaterals (people treated as the same

• Consanguineous Kinship
Connections between people that are traced by
Descent Systems
Unilineal Descent
• This traces descent only through a single line
of ancestors, male or female. Both males and
females are members of a unilineal family, but
descent links are only recognized through
relatives of one gender. The two basic forms
of unilineal descent are referred to as
patrilineal and matrilineal.
Patrilineal Descent
Matrilineal Descent
Bilateral/Bilineal Descent
• When both patrilineal and matrilineal
descent principles are combined
Kinship by Marriage
What is
the legally or formally
recognized union of two
people as partners in a
personal relationship
• the practice of having
only one spouse at one
time. In some cases,
monogamy means
having only one spouse
for an entire life span.
• Social monogamy: Two persons/creatures that
live together, have sex with one another, and
cooperate in acquiring basic resources such as
food, clothes, and money.

• Sexual monogamy: Two persons/creatures that

remain sexually exclusive with one another and
have no outside sex partners.

• Genetic monogamy: Two partners that only

have offspring with one another.
• Marital monogamy: Marriages of
only two people.

• Serial monogamy: A series of

relationships. One person has only one
partner at a time, and then moves on
to another partner after severing the
relationship with the first.
Two different types of Polygamy:
• Polygyny is the practice of
one man having more than
one wife or sexual partner at
a time.

• Polyandry involves one

woman having multiple
husbands, within Polyandry
there are many variations on
the marriage style
• the custom of
marrying only
within the limits of
a local
community, clan,
or tribe.
• the custom of
marrying outside
a community,
clan, or tribe.
Postmarital Residency Rule

• Patrilocal
• Matrilocal
• Biolocal
Arranged Marriage
Child Marriage
• It happens when
parents arrange
for the marriage of
their child long
before the
marriage takes
place. The
marriage will be
consummated in
the future
Exchange Marriage
form of marriage involving an
arranged and reciprocal exchange of
spouses between two groups
Diplomatic Marriage
• Established
between two royal
or political families
in order to forge
political or
diplomatic alliances
Modern Arranged Marriage
Kinship by Ritual

Family and the Household
The basic unit of social
Nuclear Family

• A family consisting
of a married man
& woman and
their biological
Extended Family

• A family where Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles

play major roles in the children’s upbringing. This
may or may not include those relatives living with the
children. These family members may be in addition
to the child’s parents or instead of the child’s parents.
Blended Family
• A type of family
where the parents
have a child or
children from
previous marital
relationships but
all the members
stay and
congregate to form
a new family unit.
Structural Functionalism Theory
• Agent of socialization
• Provides emotional and practical
support for family members
• Controls sexual activity and sexual
Conflict Theory
• Family is a cause of social inequality
because it strengthens economic
inequality and allows the continuity
of patriarchy.
Symbolic Interactionist Theory
• The family members’ interaction can
produce a shared understanding of
their institutions
Kinship of Politics:
Political Dynasties and Alliances
• Kinship politics is commonly found in
tribal societies across the world where
kin genealogy is applied to determine
the system of communal leadership. It
is the traditional pattern of bequeathing
political power among family members.
• Political dynasties have long been
present in the Philippine political

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