Day 4 - Chapter III (Classification of Data and GFD)

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tabulation of
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data
The collected data, also identified as raw
data or ungrouped data is always in an
unorganized form and requires to be
organized and displayed in a meaningful
and readily understandable form in order
to help further statistical analysis.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data
Definition:- Classification is the
process of arranging data into
homogeneous (similar) groups according
to their common characteristics.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data
For example, the population of a town
can be grouped according to sex, age,
marital status, etc.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )
Types of classifications:
 Spatial /Geographical
 Chronological classification
 Qualitative classification
 Quantitative classification
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

Geographical / Spatial classification

Under this type of classification, the

data are classified on the basis of area
or place, and as such, this type of
classification is also known as areal or
spatial classification.
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

The areas may be in terms of countries,

states, districts, or zones according as
the data are distributed. This type of
classification is suitable for those data
which are distributed geographically
relating to a phenomenon namely
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

population, mineral resources, production,

sales, students of universities etc.
Example1 :- Coffee suppliers of the
different regions of Ethiopia to the central
Example2 :- The coffee exporters in the
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

Chronological classification

Under this type of classification, the data

collected are classified on the basis of
time of their occurrence. As such, the
series obtained under this classification
is purely known as a time series.
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

This type of classification is suitable for

chose data which take place in course of
time namely population, production,
sales, results etc.
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

The different classes obtained under this

classification are arranged in order of
the time which may begin either with the

earliest, or the latest period.

The following table refers to the second Growth &
Transformation Plan of the government of
Ethiopia (Ethiopia Coffee Annual Report: Global
Agriculture Information Network.)
Table 1: Status of GPT II Production Target (1,000 Metric
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

GTP II Target 504 605 726 871 1,103

Production 391 417 423 438 444

% Achived 78 69 58 49 40
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

Qualitative Classification
Under this type of classification, the data
obtained are classified based on certain
descriptive character or qualitative aspect of
a phenomenon namely sex, citizenship,
qualification, marital status,, religion etc.
Classification and tabulation of statistical data(Contd. . . )

Quantitative Classification

Under this type of classification, the

collected data are classified on the basis
of certain variable namely mark,
income, expenditure, profit, loss, height,
weight, age, price, production etc
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

We divide quantitative classification in

to two variables:
 Discrete variables
 Continuous variables
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Discrete and continuous variables are two

broad categories of numerical data.
Numeric variables represent characteristics
that you can express as numbers rather
than descriptive language.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Discrete variables can only assume

specific values that you cannot
subdivide. Typically, you count
discrete values, and the results are
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

For example, if you work at a zoo,

you’ll count the number of lions.
Discrete data can only take on specific
values. For example, you might count
20 lions at the zoo.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

These variables cannot have fractional or

decimal values. You can have 20 or 21
lions, but not 20.5! Natural
numbers have discrete values.
Other examples of discrete variables
include the following:
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

 The number of books in the library.

 The number of heads in a sequence of
coin tosses.
 The result of rolling a die.
 The number of patients in a hospital.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )
While discrete variables have no decimal
places, the average of these values can be
fractional. For example, families can have
only a discrete number of children: 1, 2, 3,
etc. However, the average number of
children per family can be 2.2.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Continuous variables can assume any

numeric value and can be meaningfully
split into smaller parts. Consequently,
they have valid fractional and decimal
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

In fact, continuous variables have an

infinite number of potential values
between any two points. Generally, you
measure them using a scale. When you see
decimal places for individual data points,
you’re looking at a continuous data.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Examples of continuous variables

include weight, height, length, time,
and temperature, salary of workers,
marks of students, telephone bills etc.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Frequency Distributions
Frequency Distributions are tabular
representations of a quantitatively
classified data.
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

We divide Frequency Distributions

into two measure groups:
 Ungrouped Frequency Distributions
 Grouped Frequency Distributions
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Ungrouped data is data given as individual data

points. Grouped data is data given in intervals.
Example The following table refers to the marks in
statistics and probability course (out of 25) of the
sample of 20 students at HiLCoE in Winter 2022
Classification and tabulation of statistical
Classification and tabulation of
statistical data(Contd. . . )

Grouped Frequency
Definition:- A Grouped Frequency Distribution
(GFD) is a table in which the values for a
variable are grouped into classes together with
the numbers of observed values falling into each
class. The number of observed values that
Grouped Frequency Distribution
 Number of Classes
 Class Width
 Class Limits
 Class Boundaries
 Class Mark
 Frequency
 Rules for forming a GFD
 Graphs of a GFD

• Histogram
• Frequency Polygon
Grouped Frequency Distribution

Example 2:- The following table refers to the weight

(to the nearest kg) of a sample of 50 students of the
2021 graduating class of the computer science
department of Jimma University.
Weight (in kg) Number of students
45 – 52 5
53 -60 8
61 – 68 13
69 – 76 16
77 – 84 5
85 - 92 3
Class Limits and Frequency

Class Limit Frequency

45 – 52 5

53 -60 8

61 – 68 13

69 – 76 16

77 – 84 5

85 - 92 3
Class Limits, Class Boundaries and
Class Limit Class Boundary Frequency

45 – 52 44.5 – 52.5 5

53 -60 52.5 - 60.5 8

61 – 68 60.5 – 68.5 13

69 – 76 68.5 – 76.5 16

77 – 84 76.5 – 84.5 5

85 - 92 84.5 – 92.5 3
Class Limits, Class Boundaries, Class Marks
and Frequency

Class Limit Class Boundary Class Mark Frequency

45 – 52 44.5 – 52.5 48.5 5

53 -60 52.5 - 60.5 56.5 8

61 – 68 60.5 – 68.5 64.5 13

69 – 76 68.5 – 76.5 72.5 16

77 – 84 76.5 – 84.5 80.5 5

85 - 92 84.5 – 92.5 88.5 3

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