Dmchap 11
Dmchap 11
Dmchap 11
Directed graph
closed if x=y closed trail: circuit (a-b-c-d-b-e-d-a, one draw without lifting pen) closed path: cycle (a-b-c-d-a)
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU
Def 11.4 Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph. We call G connected if there is a path between any two distinct vertices of G. b a e b a e disconnected with two components d c
d c
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU
a a b e b c d c d
a e
d c
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU
d c
K3 or K3.
There are (3)(24)(24)(24)=41472 possibilities to consider. the bottom cube 6 faces with 4 rotations
W Consider the subgraph of opposite column. 1 4 R 3 W R 1 W 3 4 3 2 1 4 2 4 2 3 4 1 B 3 Y Y 1 B Y 2 B 2 Y B W R Each edge corresponds to a pair of opposite faces. W R Y B R YB W (1) B (2) W (3) R (4) Y
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 10
f g
Corollary 11.1 The number of vertices of odd degree must be even. Ex. 11.11 a regular graph: each vertex has the same degree Is it possible to have a 4-regular graph with 10 edges? 2|E|=4|V|=20, |V|=5 with 15 edges? 2|E|=4|V|=30 not possible possible (K5)
area c Find a way to walk about the city so as to cross each bridge exactly once and then return to the d starting point. c
All degrees are odd. Hence no Euler circuit d for the Konigsberg bridges problem.
by induction on the number of edges. e=1 or 2 e=n find any circuit containing s s
Theorem 11.4 A directed Euler circuit exists in G if and only if G is connected and in-degree(v)=out-degree(v) for all vertices v.
G1 and G2 are called homeomorphic if they are isomorphic or if they can both be obtained from the same loop-free undirected graph H by a sequence of elementary subdivisions. a e c b a d e c b a d e c b a d e c b d
Theorem 11.6 (Euler's planar graph theorem) For a connected planar graph or multigraph: v-e+r=2 number of vertices
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU
number of edges
number of regions
Assume that the result is true for any connected planar graph or multigraph with e edges, where 0 e e e k Now for G=(V,E) with |E|=k+1 edges, let H=G-(a,b) for a,b in V. Since H has k edges, v H e H rH ! 2 And, v G ! v H , e G ! e H 1. Now consider the situation about regions.
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 24
@ v G e G rG ! v H ( e H 1) ( rH 1) ! v H e H rH ! 2
b H2
b H2 H1 a b v H1 v H2 ! v G , e H1 e H2 ! e G 1, rH1 rH2 ! rG 1. And by the induction hypothesis, v H1 e H1 rH1 ! 2 , v H2 e H2 rH2 ! 2 . Therefore, v G e G rG ! ( v H1 v H2 ) ( e H1 e H2 1) ( rH1 rH2 1) ! ( v H1 e H1 rH1 ) ( v H2 e H2 rH2 ) 2 ! 2 2 2 ! 2 a
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 26
deg( Ri ) ! 18 ! deg( Ri ) ! 2 v 9 ! 2 | E |
i! 5
It is possible to have isomorphic graphs with respective duals that are not isomorphic.
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU 30
a bridge g
For planar graphs, cycles in one graph correspond to cut-sets in a dual graphs and vice versa.
c f
start labeling from here y x y 4x's and 6y's, since x and y must interleave in a Hamilton path (or cycle), the graph is not Hamiltonian
3 2 4
6 1,2,3,4,5,6,...,17,1
6 6 1,3,5,2,7,4,...,17,14,16,1 1,5,7,3,9,2,...,16,12,14,1
but by Theorem 11.7, it is possible to list the players such that each has beaten the next player on the list
a contradiction
v2 vm
otherwise assume deg(v1)=k, then deg(vm)<m-k. deg(v1)+deg(vm)<m<n-1, a contradiction Therefore, v can be added to the cycle.
Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU
If (b,vi) is in H, then (a,vi-1) cannot be in H. Otherwise, b vi vn a vi-1 vi-2 v3 is a Hamilton cycle in H. Consequently, deg H ( a ) deg H (b) n, which means deg G (a ) deg G (b) n, a contradiction. n Corollary 11.5 If deg(v ) u for all vertices, then the graph has a 2 Hamilton cycle.
Certain geometry properties (for example, the triangle inequality) sometimes (but not always) make it simpler.
b Ge G'e G In a proper coloring of Ge: case 1. a and b have the same color: a proper coloring of G'e case 2. a and b have different colors: a proper coloring of G. Hence, P(Ge,P)=P(G,P)+P(G'e,P).
P(G'e,P) P(G,P) P(Ge,P) P(G,P)=P(P-1)3-P(P-1)(P-2)=P4-4P3+6P2-3P Since P(G,1)=0 while P(G,2)=2>0, we know that G(G)=2. Ex. 11.34 e = e = -2 G(G)=4
P(G,P)=PP(4)-2P(4)= P(P-1)(P-2)2(P-3)