SIMR - Pratulya
SIMR - Pratulya
SIMR - Pratulya
Advertising research is a crucial component of successful
marketing campaigns. It encompasses various methods to
understand consumer behavior, test ad concepts, and measure the
impact of advertising efforts.
2 Post-testing
Used after the ad has run to measure its impact,
including brand recall and purchase intent.
1 Concept Testing 2 Focus Groups
Evaluating the potential Gathering qualitative
success of an ad concept feedback from a small,
before it is produced and targeted group of
launched. consumers.
3 Predict Success
Pre-testing helps identify strengths and weaknesses of an ad
to optimize its performance.
Brand Recall Purchase Intent Impact Measurement
Measures how well consumers Evaluates the ad's ability to Post-testing provides insights to
remember the ad and associate it influence consumer behavior and optimize future advertising
with the brand. drive sales. strategies.
Qualitative and
Quantitative Methods
Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods
In-depth interviews, focus Surveys, data analytics, and
groups, and ethnographic experimental testing to
studies to understand measure and quantify
consumer behavior and advertising effectiveness.
Qualitative Methods
Focus Groups
Facilitated discussions with a small, targeted group of consumers.
In-depth Interviews
One-on-one conversations to deeply understand individual perspectives.
Observing consumers in their natural environments to uncover insights.
Quantitative Methods
Structured questionnaires to collect quantifiable data from a larger sample.
Data Analytics
Analyzing metrics and performance data to measure advertising effectiveness.
Experimental Testing
Controlled experiments to test the impact of specific advertising elements.
Examples of
Research in
Advertising research in an international context explores how
different markets and cultures respond to similar advertising
campaigns. This can provide valuable insights for businesses looking
to expand their global reach.
Cases Showing Market Differences
US Advertising Japanese Advertising
American audiences often respond best to humorous, Japanese consumers tend to prefer more subtle, group-
bold, and individualistic advertising messages. oriented, and visually-striking advertising that aligns
with cultural values.
Media Research and
1 Audience Insights 2 Content
Analyzing platform usage,
demographics, and Evaluating how different
engagement helps types of content resonate
determine the best on each media platform
channels to reach target guides content strategy.
3 Campaign Optimization
Continuous measurement and adjustment ensures
marketing campaigns are effective and cost-efficient.
Media Planning and
TV & Radio Digital Platforms
Traditional broadcast media Online channels allow for
can provide broad reach and targeted ads, programmatic
impactful messaging. buying, and data-driven