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• Presented By

•Mrs. Pol Dhanashree

• Mrs.Chavan Sakshi

•Mrs.Vaishnavi Doiphode
• Computer Graphics

Computer graphics is an art of drawing

pictures, lines chart , etc using computer
with the help of program and
software.Computer graphics is a branch of
computer science that deals
representation, manipulation and storage
of images with the help of computer.In
computer graphics, objects are presented
as a collection of discrete picture element
• Applications of Computer
• Moving Helicopter
using Computer
Graphics :
Moving Helicopter Using Computer Graphics project is a
desktop application which is developed in C/C++
platform. This C/C++ project with tutorial and guide for
developing a code.. This is simple and basic level small
project for learning purpose. Also you can modified this
system as per your requirements and develop a perfect
advance level project. Zip file containing the source
code that can be extracted and then imported into turbo
c. We have a great collection of C/Ct+ projects.
• Header Flies
• #include<stdio.h> :- Is the file to be included in our
program so that we can used-built-in functions in our program.

• #include<conio.h>:-Is a C header file used mostly by MS-

DOS compilers to provide console input/output.

• #include<Dos.h> :-Dos.h header file of Language contains

functions for handling iinterrupt's, producing sound, date and
time functions etc.

• #include<graphics>:-This header file used to draw

different shapes, display text in different fonts, change
• Graphic Drivers:
 initgraph(&gd,&gm,”C:\\Turboc3\\BGI”):-
To start the graphics system, first call the initgraph function.
initgraph loads the graphics driver and puts the e system into graphics

 Main function: It usually controls program execution by

directing the calls to other functions in the program.

 For loop : A for loop is a repetition control structure which allows

us to write a loop that is executed a specific number of times.
• Graphics Mode
 Ellipse(): Ellipse function is used to draw an ellipse.
 Line(): line function is used to draw a line.
 Pieslice():Pieslice draws and fills a pie slice with center at (x,
 Bar() :Bar function is used to draw 2-dimensional,rectangular
filled in bar
 Circle() :Circle function is used to draw a circle with center
 Floodfill() :-This function is used fill the area.
• Graphics Mode
 Setcolor ():This function is used to set color.

 Dely(): delay function is used to suspend execution of a

program for a particular time.

 Cleardevice():-cleardevice function clears the screen in

graphics mode.

 Closegraph():- This function closes the graphics mode.

• Program Code
• Output Of Program
• Conclusion
 Using Computer Graphics Methods We
Successfully perform Translation on created
object. Also Computer Graphics is responsible
for displaying art and image data effectively
and meaningfully to the Consumer. Using
Computer graphics we can create fine and
commercial art which include animation
packages, paints packages. These package
provides facilities for designing object shapes
and specifying object motion.

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