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KINGDOM : Plantae

PHYLUM : Angiosperms
CLASS : Eudicots
ORDER : Myrtales
FAMILY : Combretaceae
GENUS : Conocarpus L.
SPECIES : Conocarpus Erectus
Scientific name : Conocarpus erectus
English name :Green Buttonwood
Local name : Mangle boton
Tree average height: The species is usually a shrub 1.5 to 4 m in height
but can become a tree up to 20 m or more in height.
Flower tiny greenish-white flowers grouped in spheroidal heads 3 to 5
mm in diameter. Flowering occurs year –round with peak season in
December throughApril.
Fruits : the fruits are button like and is a clutter of red to brown ,small
scaly ,two winged cone like eeds5-15 mm .
Fruit characteristics: does not attract wildlife; no significant litter
problem; persistent on the tree; showy
Native Tropical Americas (Florida, Mexico, Honduras, Bahamas,
Jamaica), tropical west Africa
IUCN status: least concern
Kingdom :Plantae
Class :Mangliopsida
Order :Urticales
Family :Moraceae
Genus Ficus
Scientifi name :Ficus benghalensis
English name:Banyan tree
Local name: Bargad, Bor, Ber, Ala and Pedda mari, Nayagrodha, Ala
mara, Bar, Vad, Vatnam, Bahupada, Peddamarri, Al are the other
names used for the Banyan tree. Indians call it a wish fulfilling tree.
Tree average height: A big tree grows up to 30 m tall
Flower colour :red
Flower month:March to august
Fruit colour : red or orange when ripe.
Fruit month:April and august
Native :India and Pakistan
Native habitat :Terrestrial
Medicinal importance :The bark, leaves, seeds and latex are used to
treat many diseases, such as ulcers, vomiting, inflammations and
erysipelas., Timber & Products (The wood is used in house building and
to make furniture.)
Bird attractive : bird attractive (Fruits)
Associated Fauna :This plant is pollinated by one wasp
species, Eupristina masoni.
IUCN: Least concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :Mangliophyta
Class :Mangliosida
Order : Sapindales
Family :Meliaceae
Genus : Azadirachta
Species :indica
Scientifi name : Azadirachta indica
English name:
Local name: neem, nimtree or Indian lilac
Tree average height: 15–20 metres and rarely 35–40 metres
Flower colour : White, 5-petalled flowers have a light, honey-like
Flower month:March to october
Fruit colour :Green, Green - Light Green
Fruit month:june to september
Native : Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent( India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri
Lanka, Malaysia and Pakistan)
Medicinal importance : (In India, people bathe in water with neem
extracts to treat health problems. In Africa, neem leaves are chewed,
because they are thought to prevent conception and induce abortion.),
Timber & Products
[Others]: The seed oil and its byproducts are used in a wide variety of
products, such as soap, paper glue, pesticides, livestock feed and
Bird attractive :attractive
Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier analis), Black-naped Oriole
(Oriolus chinensis),Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis), Asian Glossy
Starling (Aplonis panayensis strigata) Pink-necked Green-pigeon (Treron
vernans),Lineated Barbet (Megalaima lineata hodgsoni),Asian Koel
(Eudynamys scolopacea)
IUCN:Stable least concerned
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :Mangliophyta
Class :Mangliopsida
Order : Fabales
Family Fabaceae
Genus :Delonix
Species :regia
Scientifi name : Delonix regia
English name :Royal poinciana
Local name :Gulmohar in India,Krishnochura in Bangladesh and west
Tree average height:5 – 12 m
Flower colour:Red, Orange, Yellow
Flower month: March to august
Fruit colour :initially green and flexible become reddish brown or black,
woody and gently curved
Fruit month:August and onwards
Native: Madagascar(Worlwide tropical and sub-tropical regions)
Medicinal importance:
The bark has medicinal properties. An aqueous extract has shown
emetic properties.An aqueous extract of the flowers is active against
Bird attractive :Attractive parrots
IUCNDelonix regia is endemic to the western forests of Madagascar, but
has been introduced into tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. It
has become naturalized in some places, such as parts of southern
Florida in the United States, and is invasive in parts of Australia, where it
competes with native vegetation.
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :Manliophyta
Class :Mangliosida
Order : Fabales
Family Fabaceae
Genus :Parkinsonia
Species :aculeata
Scientifi name :Parkinsonia aculeata
English name:(wonder tree,Mexican palo verde,blue palo verde,takataka
tree,Barbados flower fence,Jerusalem thorn,horsebean,hardbean
Local name: ); Hindi (adanti,sima tumma,vilayati babul,vilayati kikar); Indonesian
(adjao kase) Amharic (filfile,Ye eyerusalem eshoh); Arabic (sessaban,sesaban);
Bengali (balati kikar); Bislama (shewina); Creole (madame naiz,madame yass); Dutch
(boonchi strena).
Tree average height :shrub or small tree, up to 4 m tall.
Flower colour :Flower has 5 golden petals with a hairy. Yellow / Golden
Flower month: March to june
Fruit colour :Brown
Fruit month:march to june
Native :Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States of
America, Venezuela
Exotic:Cuba, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guadeloupe, Haiti, India,
Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Martinique, Mozambique, Netherlands Antilles,
Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Uruguay,
Medicinal importance :The sap is used as a remedy for arthritis, diabetes, bronchitis,
and asthma, and is eaten as a sweet aswell….A tea brewed from the bark is said to
be good for bruises, sprains, and strains but supposedly turns urine dark.
Bird attractive : Associated Fauna :Butterfly Food Plant
IUCN: Not evaulated
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :Spermatophyta
Class : Dicotyledonae
Order : Causirainales
Family Causirainacae
Genus :Causiraina
Species equisetifolia
Scientifi name : Causiraina equisetifolia
English name: Australian beefwood; Australian oak; Australian pine;
beach casuarinas; beach she-oak; beefwood; casuarinas; coast
ironwood; coast she-oak; horsetail beefwood; horsetail tree; ironwood;
she-oak; swamp oak; whistling pine; whistling tree.
Local name:Casuarina; jangli saru; jau; savukku in india ,sri lanka kasa
Tree average height:6-35m
Flower colour :yellow
Flower month:round througout the year in warm climate
Fruit colour :brown
Fruit month:Throughout the year
Native :Brunei Darulsalam,Christmas island,Cocos
Medicinal importance:Root extracts are used for the treatment of
dysentery, diarrhoea and stomach-ache.A decoction of the twigs is used
for treating swelling.The fresh bark is astringent. It is used in the
treatment of dysentery. A decoction of the inner bark, combined with
the inner bark of Terminalia catappa, is taken as a treatment for asthma
and shortness of breath.The powdered bark is used for treating pimples
on the face.The cambium layer beneath the bark is squeezed and used
to sedate a mentally ill or aggressive patient
Bird attractive :AttractiveBlue-crowned Hanging parrot (Loriculus
galgulus), Common Iora (Aegithina tiphia), Scaly-breasted Munia
(Ionchura punctulata)
IUCN:Least concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :Tracheophyta
Class :Mangliosida
Order : Rosales
Family :Rhamancea
Genus :Ziziphus
Species jujube
Scientifi name :Ziziphus jujube
English name:Chinese date,Chinese jujube
Local name:ban ber,Kandiari,kandika,pitni ber,singli
Tree average height:5-12m
Flower colour : yellow green
Flower month: From June to November
Fruit colour :yellow brown ,red or black
Fruit month:From December to April.
Native :southern Asia and china 11000 years
Medicinal importance :It is used to treat irritability, insomia and
heart palpations.
Bird attractive : attracts birds insect and mammals
IUCN:Least concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Family :Amaranthaceae
Genus :Atriplex
Species nummularia
Scientifi name :Atriplex nummularia
English name: arroche nummulaire
Local name:Kangroo grass, Old man saltbush, bluegreen saltbush, giant
Tree average height:3m
Flower colour: red
Flower month: winter months
Fruit colour :brown
Fruit month:spring
Native :Austarlia
Medicinal importance: Old man saltbush is a valuable source of fodder
in arid and semi-arid regions, particularly where soils are alkaline or
saline. It is recommended for range rehabilitation projects and it is also
used as an ornamental shrub in many seaside resorts
Bird attractive :does not attract birds
IUCN :Data deficient
Kingdom: Plantae
Order :Fabales
Family :fabaceae
Genus :Albizia
Species: julibrissin
Scientifi name : Albizia julibrissin
English name: Silk tree
Local name: pink siris., acacia or bastard tamarind
Tree average height:5-16m
Flower colour : white, pink ,red or pale yellow
Flower month:throughtout the year summer
Fruit colour :brown
Fruit month:late summer and early autumn
Native: North America
Medicinal importance : for the treatment of mild states of
depression and anxiety.
Bird attractive: humming bird,butterflies,bees
IUCN:least concerned
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Mangnoliales
Family Annonacae
Genus :polyalthia
Species longifolia
Scientifi name : Polyalthia longifolia
English name: Cedrus deodara
Local name: false Ashoka in indian, dabdarun in bengali,asopalav in
gujrati,ulta shok
Tree average height:30ft
Flower colour :pale green
Flower month:From February to May
Fruit colour :intially green but turn into purple or red when ripen
Fruit month: From June to August.
Native :India and sri lanka
Medicinal importance :for the treatment of fever, skin diseases, diabetes,
hypertension and helminthiasis
Bird Attractive:Asiankoel,Eudynamyscolopaceus and bats including flying
IUCN:Data Deficient
Kingdom: Plantae
Genus : Cascabela
Species :thevita
Scientifi name :Cascabela thevita
English name:yellow oleander
Local name:peeli kaner,marathi bitti
Tree average height:
Flower colour : orange yellow
Flower month:throughout the year
Fruit colour :red and black
Fruit month:through out the year
Native :Mexico and Central America
Medicinal importance :seeds are poisonous and tested for
experiments for use in biological pest to make anti bacterial and
anti fungal paint
Bird attractive :Asian koel, indian grey hornbill
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Roslaes
Family Moraceae
Genus :Ficus
Species :religiosa
Scientifi name : Ficus religiosa
English name:Sacred fig
Local name:bodhi tree.pipala tree,peepul tree, peepla tree or
ashwattha tree (in india and nepal)
Tree average height:30m
Flower colour :red
Flower month:june and october
Fruit colour :initially green and red
Fruit month:june and october
Native :indian subcontinent,indo china, Pakistan 900-1500
Medicinal importance : Ficus religiosa has been traditionally used
in Indian system medicine for treatment of asthma, diabetes,
diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders etc.
Bird attractive :F. Birds attractive including mynah birds
(Acridotheres tristis tristis), blue faced doves (Geopelia
striata), lace necked doves (Streptopelia chinensis), Japanese
white-eye (Zosterops japonicus), Northern cardinals (Cardinalis
cardinalis), house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Fabales
Family :Fabaceacae
Genus :Prosipus
Species :cenaria
Scientifi name :Prosipus cenaria
English name:Spunge tree
Local name:Jammi,Shammi,khejri tree,jandi,thand,kandi
Tree average height:6.5m
Flower colour :yellow
Flower month:march to may
Fruit colour:brown
Fruit month:june to august
Native :arid portion of wetern asia and indian subcontinent
Medicinal importance
Bird attractive:humming bird
IUCN: least concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Division :Manliophyta
Class :Mangliosida
Order : Rosales
Family :Moracae
Genus :Ficus
Species :racemosa
Scientifi name :Ficus racemosa
English name:cluster fig
Local name: goolar,umbar,rumbal
Tree average height:10-20m
Flower colour :
Flower month:august to february
Fruit colour :intially green and become orange,dull reddish and
darl crimson on ripening.
Fruit month:from january to june
Native :Australia,Malesia,indo-china,indo subcontinent
Medicinal importance :. In countries like India, the bark is rubbed
on a stone with water to make a paste, which can be applied over
afflicted by boils or mosquito bites. Allow the paste to dry on the
skin and reapply after a few hours. For people whose skin is
especially sensitive to insect bites, this is a very simple home
Bird attractive:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Fabales
Family :Fabaceae
Genus :Acacia
Species :Farnesiana
Scientifi name :Acacia farnesiana
English name:Cassie flower
Local name:Kikar,briar bush
Tree average height
Flower colour :yellow
Flower month:november to march
Fruit colour: brown
Fruit month:april to august
Native :Africa and Australia ,philpines
Medicinal importance :In Brazil some people use the seeds of V.
farnesiana to kill rabid dogs.[24] V. farnesiana has been used in Colombia
to treat malaria, and in one in vitro study an ethanol extract from the
leaves showed some activity against the malarial pathogen
Plasmodium falciparum with an IC50 value of 1 to 2µg/mL (as did
almost everything tested), though it showed no activity in
animal models or a ferriprotoporphyrin biomineralization inhibition test.
In the Philippines the leaves are traditionally rubbed on the skin to
treat skin diseases in livestock.[33] In Malaysia, an infusion of the plant's
flowers and leaves is mixed with turmeric for post-partum treatment
Bird attractive: eaten by girrafe,pecari and deer eat its fruit
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Poales
Family Typhacae
Species :Typha
English name:,cattail
Local name:Bulrush
Tree average height:150-300cm
Flower colour :brown spike of female flower,light green spike
ofmale flower
Flower month:june to august
Fruit colour :brown
Fruit month:
Native :north and south america,eurasia,africa
Medicinal importance:The flowers are used in the treatment of a
wide range of ailments including abdominal pain, amenorrhoea,
cystitis, dysuria, metrorrhagia and vaginitis[218
]. The young flower heads are eaten as a treatment for diarrhoea
Bird attractive : provide shelter for water fowls,mammals and
nesting bird
IUCN:The plant is classified as 'Least Concern' in the IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species(2013)
Kingdom: Plantae
Genus :Phragmites
Species :australias
Scientifi name : Phragmites australias
English name :phargmites carp
Local namecommon reed aggressive invader
Tree average height:14 feet
Flower colour :purple and golden
Flower month:late june
Fruit colour :purple and golden
Fruit month:late october
Native :Australia
Medicinal importance: The leaves are used in the treatment of
bronchitis and cholera, the ash of the leaves is applied to foul
sores. A decoction of the flowers is used in the treatment of
cholera and food poisoning.
Bird attractive :Marsh-nesting species Common Yellowthroat
Swamp Sparrow Marsh Wren Sandhill Crane Sora* Least Bittern*
Virginia Rail* American Bittern*
IUCN:least concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Myrtales
Family Combretaceae
Genus :Terminalia
Species :catappa
Scientifi name : Terminalia catappa
English name:indian almond,country almond
Local name: laal badam
Tree average height:>30m
Flower color :white to greenish
Flower month: throughout the year more in spring
Fruit color :initially green ,yellow and red at maturity
Fruit month: throughout the year
Native : range is uncertain but it is asia africa and australia
Medicinal importance :anti cancer the juice of fresh leaves is used
as a lotion
Bird attractive :bat
Scientifi name : Nymphaea lotus
English name water lily
Local name kanwal, gul e neelofar
Tree average height:45cm
Flower colour :white
Flower month:june and september
Fruit colour :
Fruit month:
Native : Egypt
Medicinal importance : kidney pain, congestion of the bronchi as
well as recommended using it as a gargle to treat aching throats.
Flowers is valuable for treating conditions like nervous anxiety,
insomnia as well as other problems involving the agitation of the
Bird attractive
IUCN:least concern
Kingdom: Plantae
Order : Rosales
Family Moraceae
Genus :Ficus
Species :glumosa
Scientifi name :Ficus glumosa
English name: hairy rock fig
Local name:afrotropical fig
Tree average height:20m
Flower colour :red
Flower month:november to december
Fruit colour :pink or red
Fruit month:february to march
Native :Africa somalia to senegal
Medicinal importance :The roots and fruits are used in
preparations to cure female sterility.
Bird attractive :little conern for birds
IUCN:least concerned

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