4.2 Superannuation
4.2 Superannuation
4.2 Superannuation
Financial Decision
DCS Commerce
1. Open workbooks
2. Write the date
3. Write heading:
4.3 Superannuation
Discuss the role and importance of long-
term financial strategies, including
What is
Superannuation (commonly
just called ‘super’) is money
that’s put aside and saved
while you’re working.
It is a compulsory savings
account where each time you
are paid, your employer will
allocate a percentage of your
income to the account.
It is currently around 10% of
your income.
You may also want to pay
additional money into your
account because this does
have some tax advantages..
When you retire, you may be able to
access an aged pension in order to
This is an amount provided by the federal
government to help you meet your basic
It does not allow for a luxurious or a
preferred lifestyle.
As a result, you may need to work longer,
or sell assets in order to generate the
cash flow required.
Superannuation is an account that
provides money when you retire..
You are probably wondering why
you should worry about
retirement at this stage of your
Well, imagine what your life will
be like if you have no regular
income when you eventually
Your lifestyle will suffer.
What you need is a long-term
investment plan —
superannuation — that lets you
save for retirement.
It little bit of attention and
sacrifice now will have a huge
impact later in life.
It is best to start a savings
program early in life.
For most people, super
begins when you start
work and your employer
starts paying a
percentage of your salary
or wages into a super
fund account for you.
Those under 18 years old
are only paid
superannuation if they
work for more than 30
hours in a week
Most people can choose
the fund their super goes
Your super fund invests
and manages this money
for you until you retire..
The most common long-term
Why is financial goal is to fund a
comfortable retirement.
Superannuati Because Australians are living
longer, the government is increasing
on the age that people can access the
Important? aged pension to 67 years.
Even then, this pension will provide
only enough funds for a very basic
Increasingly, people need to fund
their own retirement if they are to
continue to enjoy the standard of
living they are accustomed to.
While people can adopt many
investment strategies over the long
term to achieve this goal — such as
investing in real estate, shares and
managed funds — the most
common is superannuation..
The answer depends on many factors, such as your lifestyle and expenses.
In other words, in order to figure out how much money you need to save,
you need to consider how much money you are likely to spend when you
stop working.
In order to maintain the same standard of living when you retire as you
enjoyed when you were working, you will need approximately two-thirds
of your working wage during retirement.
This approximation is constantly updated as the cost of living keeps going
The figure takes into account aspects such as the price of food, utility bills,
changing lifestyles and spending habits.
Case Study:
Jason began saving for his retirement when
he started my first part-time job at the age of
His employer began contributing to his
He had a great time for a few years and
enjoyed spending his money.
But once he had started working full-time as a
plumber, he immediately began contributing
to his work superannuation fund.
Later on, when he had children and money
was tight, he kept on contributing but at a
slightly lower rate.
Case Study:
Once the children had become self-
supporting, he increased his superannuation
contributions to the highest level.
Now, at the age of 70, he is pleased he made
those earlier decisions.
His superannuation balance of $615 000 is
sufficient to allow him to do the things he
would like to do in retirement — travel,
update my car and enjoy life.
Case Study:
Megan and Tom