Chapter Two or LPP M Odified RU
Chapter Two or LPP M Odified RU
Chapter Two or LPP M Odified RU
LP is the favorites tools of OR’s
Simple: easy to manipulate
Easy to understand: easy to explain
Robust: strong (good enough for every thing)
1. Proportionality: value of each term is strictly proportional to
the value of variable in the term
– Exists in the objective function and the constraints inequalities
your goal.
•Represent profit, efficiency, yield, cost etc
Decision variables
X1 , X2 , X3 , … , Xn
e.g. the quantities of different products
Index n = the number of product types
– a less than or equal to constraint : f(X1 , X2 , X3 , … , Xn) < b
– a greater than or equal to constraint : f(X1 , X2 , X3 , … , Xn) > b
– an equal to constraint : f(X1 , X2 , X3 , … , Xn) = b
– MAX(or MIN) Z : f(X X X …, X )
1, 2, 3, n
Mathematical formulation of an optimization
Subject to:
f(X1 , X2 , X3 , … , Xn) < b1
f(X1 , X2 , X3 , … , Xn) = bm
Chemical contribution
Brand Nitrogen (lb/bag) Phosphate (lb/bag)
super-gro 2 4
Crop-quick 4 3
Step II.
Convert the inequalities in to equalities to obtain graphical form of the constraints.
(Draw the line of each constraint, first putting x1=0 to find the value of x2 and then putting x2=0 to find
the value of x1. Then draw the line for the values of x1 and x2 which represents the particular
constraint. Once the lines are drawn for all the constraints, identify the feasible polygon (area) by
shading the area below the line for the constraint < and shading above the line for the constraint > type).
Step III.
Identify the extreme points of the feasible polygon and name the Corners.
Step IV.
Evaluate the objective function Z or C for all points of feasible region.
Step V.
In case of maximizing objective function Z, the corner point of feasible region giving the maximum value of Z
becomes the value of decision variables. Similarly in minimizing case, the point of minimum value of C gives the
x1+ x2 ≤80
x1 ≤40
x1, x2 >0
6x1+ x2 > 12
x1, x2 >0
Class work
Surplus Variable:
A variable subtracted from the left hand side of a greater than or equal to constraint to convert the
constraint into equality.
amount of resource over and above the minimum required level.
slack variable in the case of maximization.
Basic Solution:
– There may be n variables and m constraints in a LPP. When we evaluate the
solution of this problem by setting (n - m) of the variables to zero and solve the other
m variable equations, we obtain a unique solution. It is called "Basic Solution".
Basic Feasible Solution: When a basic solution satisfies even the non-negativity
requirement is called Basic Feasible Solution (bfs). a bfs corresponds to a corner point
of the feasible region.
Simplex Table: A table used for calculations during various iterations of the simplex
Variable Mix: The values of the column that contains all the variables in the solution.
The set of variables which are not set to zero and figure in the column
of "Product Mix" are said to be in the 'Basis'. Other than these figuring
in the product mix column are termed as nonbasic variables.
–Since the simplex procedure is that of constant improvement type
from one basic feasible solution to another, these steps of moving from
one solution to another to reach optimal solution are called Iterations.
Cj Row: It is the row containing the coefficients of all the variables
(decision variables, slack or artificial variables) in the objective
Pivot -Column:
– The column with the largest positive number in Cj - Zj row in a maximization problem or the
smallest number in a minimization problem is called Pivot column.
– This indicates the variable entering the solution in the next iteration by replacing an appropriate
Pivot Row: When we work out the ratio of quantities rhs/Q or bi's and the elements of the Pivot
column, we get the last column of the simplex table.
– The outgoing variable to be replaced by the entering variable (decided by the key row) would be
the one with the smallest positive value of the ratio column.
Pivot Element:
The element at the point of intersection of the key column and the key row is called the Pivot
When the constraints are of the type < bi, then to convert the it into equality we need
adding some variable (not constant) this is normally done by adding variables such as
S1, S2. . . . . Sn, which are called slack variables. In physical sense, these slack
variables represent unused resources, the slack variables contribute nothing towards
the objective function and hence their coefficients in the objective function are to be
Thus, to illustrate the above concept,
To bring it to the standard form, we add another variable called artificial variable (Ai),
as follows:
This is done to achieve unit matrix for the constraints. But artificial variables can not
figure in the solution as there are artificially added variables and have no significance
for the objective function. These variables, therefore, are to be removed from the
Standardization/Tableau Form/
ii.Next fill-in the parameters of the model in the appropriate rows and columns
iii.Add two columns to the left side of the tableau. The first column is a list of
v. The last column at the right is called the quantity column. It refers to the right
vi. There are two more rows at the bottom of the tableau. The first raw is a Z-row.
For each column the Z – value is obtained by multiplying each of the number of the
column by their respective row coefficient in column C. The last row is Cj-Z row.
The values in this row are also calculated column by
column. For each Column, the value in row Zj is
subtracted form the Cj value in the top row.
3. Interpreting the initial simplex tableau
For a maximization problem; the entering variable is identified as the one which
has the largest positive value in Cj-Z row. The column which corresponds to the
In a minimization problem, the entering variable is identified as the one which has
identified as the one with the smallest non-negativity ratio for quantity
(a) Replace outgoing variable with the entering variable and enter relevant coefficients in
Zj column.
(b) Compute the, Pivot row with reference to the newly entered variable by dividing the
old row quantities by the key element.
(c) new values for the other rows. In the revised simplex table, all the other rows are
recalculated as follows.
New row elements= Elements in the old row - [corresponding key column element
multiplied by the corresponding new element of the revised row at (b) above.]
(d) The same procedure is followed for
modification to bi column also.
cj – zj row contains only zeros and negative value (i.e. if there are no positive
Note that: if the solution is not optimal the steps will be repeated again
These special types include problems with more than one optimal
solution, infeasible problems, problems with unbounded solutions,
problems with ties for the pivot column or ties for the pivot row,
and problems with constraints with negative quantity values.
Multiple optimal solution
Profit @ corner B
A and C is equal
10 20 30 40 50
An infeasible solution
An infeasible solution
The three constraints do not overlap to form a feasible solution area.
Because no point satisfies all three constraints simultaneously, there is no
solution to the problem.
X1= 4
X2=6 C
2 4 6 8 10
An unbounded problem
the model
2 4
Animals need:
1. formulate LPM
Subject to:
x1, x2≥0
Shadow price
From the above tableau; the shadow prices are $ 0 for S1, $10 for S2
are upper and lower limits, i.e. allowable increase and decrease.
Range of Feasibility (Right hand side range)
Step 2. identify the smallest +ve ratio and –ve ratio closest to zero
Step 3. find the upper limit or allowable increase and lower limit
or allowable decrease (range of feasibility)
Constraint one (assembly line): 100-24 up to 100+∞= 76-∞
Constraint two (inspection time): 22-4 up to 22-4= 18-26
Constraint three (storage space): 39-6 up to 39+4.5= 33-43.5
First constraint:
Each hour decrease in assembly time will decrease the current profit by Birr 0 (i.e no
assembly time decreases by more than 24 hours (or if the total available assembly time is
lower than 76 hours), the current shadow price will no longer be valid. That is, the profit
will be affected. But available assembly time can increase indefinitely (=allowable increase
Similarly, Each hour increase or decrease in inspection time will increase or decrease the
current profit by $10, respectively as long as the total inspection time is between 18 and 26
hours. Out side the range of feasibility, the current shadow price ($10) will not be valid.
Third constraint:
Each cubic feet increase or decrease in storage space results in an increase or decrease,
respectively, of profit by $13.33 (i.e 40/3) as long as the total storage space is between 33 and
1. Range of insignificance
the range over which the non basic variables objective function coefficient can
change without making these variables entering in the solution
0 1 0 -1 2/3
∞ ∞ ∞ -10 40