Congenital Muscular Torticolli 4
Congenital Muscular Torticolli 4
Congenital Muscular Torticolli 4
CMT describes the posture of head and neck
from unilateral shortening of sternocleidomastoid
muscle causing head to tilt toward and rotate
away from the affected SCM muscle.
In addition to rotation and tilting, the infant may
exhibit asymmetric neck extension and forward
head posture due to upper cervical extension.
It is also called wry neck or twisted neck.
If the muscular torticollis is developed secondary
to gestational fetal constraint (versus trauma to
the SCM during labour and
delivery),characteristics noted at birth may also
include deformation of craniofacial skeleton on
the same side as the affected SCM.
Bony abnormalities
Down syndrome
Circulatory or respiratory system
To properly stretch the SCM muscle , one should
stabilize at the origin and insertion ,moving the
muscle into elongated position.
The elongated position can be attained with
ipsilateral rotation ,contralateral lateral flexion
and contralateral asymmetric extension.
The infant shoulder be positioned supine
with the head and neck free of the
supporting surface and with both
shoulders stabilize and held parallel to a
stable pelvis.
Assistive devices that may be used to
help obtain, maintain or restrain motion
include a neck collar or a tubular
orthosis for torticollis.
Use of these devices is indicated for
those infant of children who are 4 month
of age or older having a constant head
tilt of 5 degree or greater.
Instructions to caregiver
The caregiver should be taught how to carry and
hold the infant, how to position the infant during
sleep or nap time to create a prolonged stretch of
the tight muscle and promote midline
development, and how to create toys to the
involved side to facilitate reaching in a horizontal
and upward diagonal plane.