2019 Module 2 - IAS 19
2019 Module 2 - IAS 19
2019 Module 2 - IAS 19
Defined Defined
Contribution Benefit
Definition Accounting
Short-term employee
• All forms of consideration in exchange for services
rendered by employees that are payable within 12
months of the service being rendered (other than
termination benefits)
• Examples include wages, salaries, paid holidays, sick
leave and bonuses payable within 12 months of the
service being rendered
• Should be recognised as service is rendered
Recognition and measurement: All short-
term employee benefits
Net salaries are paid at the end of the month and deductions are paid at the
beginning of the next month
Short-term employee benefits: Solution 1
Source : http://www.accountingtools.com/dictionary-short-term-employee
Short term
Short-term employee
• Recognise undiscounted amount of benefit earned by an
employee in return for service provided as an expense in
• An asset or liability in the SFP arises if there is a prepayment
or accrual
• For accumulating paid absence (e.g. holiday entitlements),
recognise an expense when employee renders service that
increases the entitlement to absence
• For non-accumulating paid absence (e.g. sick day), recognise
the expense when the absence occurs
Accumulating compensated
• Accumulating absences relate to, for example, paid holiday
allowances that can be carried over into the next accounting
Non-monetary benefits
Included as staff costs
Tax purposes = fringe benefit
Non Accumulating compensated
absences – Par 13
• Non accumulating absences are things such as holiday that
employees can take during the year, but lose if they have not
taken it by the accounting year end, or to a compensated sick
leave allowance per year, where the employee has not used the
full allowance (and it cannot be carried over).
• These short term compensated allowances are expensed as
they arise, and no liability is created at the year end.
• Where, however, the company’s accounting year and benefit
year do not coincide, such that, at the accounting year end
employees can carry forward the leave, it is treated as
‘Accumulating absence’.
Paid annual leave
ABC Limited has 1,000 employees and each employee is entitled
to 30 days’ paid annual leave each year. The holiday year
commences 1 July each year and, at the company’s financial year
end of 31 December 2016, employees had on average each taken
10 days leave in the six months to 31 December 2016. The leave is
non accumulating.
Assuming an annual salary of N$30,000 and a working year of 250
days, calculate the provision to be made in the financial
statements at 31 December 2016.
Paid annual leave
As employees are entitled to holiday leave of 15 days each at
31 December 2016 (6/12 months x 30 days), it is necessary for
an additional 5 days (15 days – 10 days).
1,000 employees x 5 days x N$120 per day = N$600,000 (before
any associated employer related taxes).
There is no change had the leave been accumulating.
Profit-sharing plan
XYZ Limited, a company that prepares its financial statements to 31
December each year, agreed a profit sharing plan with its employees
on 1 January 2015. Under the terms of the plan, the company agreed
to pay 10% of its profits after tax on a pro rata basis to staff who had
been employed throughout the whole year. While on 1 January 2016
XYZ had 500 employees, only 300 of these employees were still
employed by the company on 31 December 2016. XYZ Limited’s profit
after tax for the year ended 31 December 2016 was N$1,000,000.
How should XYZ Limited recognise the profit sharing plan as at 31
December 2016.
Profit-sharing plan
XYZ Limited should recognise a liability and an expense of
N$60,000 (that is 10% x 60% employees remaining x
• Obligation is limited to agreed contribution made by employer
• Employee retires: amount received = Actual amount contributed
• Actuarial & investment risk falls on employee
• Recognise EXPENSE & corresponding LIABILITY
• Contributions paid will reduce Liability’s balance
• Measurement: Actual contributions
• @ undiscounted basis
• Contribution paid > Contribution due “suppose to
• Excess = Prepayment/ Prepaid expense (asset)
Defined contribution
pension plans
Angula Limited operates a defined contribution pension plan for its
employees. The company’s contribution rate to the pension fund is 5% of
gross salaries. During the year ended 31 December 2016, gross salaries
amounted to N$6 million. For convenience, a regular amount of N$20,000
was transferred monthly into the pension fund by the company, with the
balance being paid by the company in January 2017.
Calculate the amounts to be included in the SPLOCI of Angula Limited for
the year ended 31 December 2016 and the SFP as at that date.
Defined contribution
pension plans
The SPLOCI – P/L expense for 2016 is based on 5% of gross salary cost of N$6 million
= N$300,000*.
As payments of N$240,000 were made during 2016 (N$20,000 x 12 months), an
accrual of N$60,000 is required in the 2016 SFP .
While this is due to be paid in January 2017, if it was not due to be paid within 12
months of the end of the reporting period, the outstanding contributions should be
discounted to their present values.
* The expense may be capitalised as part of the cost of an asset where required or
permitted by another accounting standard (for example IAS 2 or IAS 16).
Defined benefit pension plans
• Post-employment plans other than defined contribution
• Plan obligations may be financed by contributions to a
separate fund set up to meet employee benefit payment
when they are due
• As the employer effectively agrees to pay a promised level
of benefits, this exposes the enterprise to actuarial and
investment risks
• If the assets exceeds the obligation, the plan is in surplus. If
the obligation exceeds the asset, the plan is in deficit
Defined BENEFIT plan
• DR: defined benefit plan asset CR: Bank
• Measured @FV
• Interest @discount rate (income CR and DR plan assets)
Employees with less than 5 years of service on 1 January 2016, with the average
period until vesting being 3 years: N$300,000
Employees with more than 5 years service on 1 January 2016: N$500,000
Based upon the information provided, the change in terms would result in a charge
(expense) in the 2016 SPLOCI – P/L of Cork Limited of N$800,000.
• All changes between the opening and closing plan assets and liabilities should be
disaggregated into three components: current and past service cost, net interest
income/expense and remeasurements
• Service cost and net interest income/expense are presented in arriving at profit or
• Re-measurements are the remaining changes in the plan assets and liabilities and
are included in OCI. They represent period-to-period fluctuations in the long-term
value of the net pension asset or liability.
• Re-measurements include actuarial gains and losses and the net return on plan
• The net return on plan assets is calculated as the actual return on plan assets less
the amount of imputed interest income on the plan assets that is included in net
interest income/expense. Unlike some components of OCI, pension re-
measurements should never be recycled to profit or loss in subsequent periods
Defined benefit obligation
• Current service cost
• Past service cost
• Gains/ losses on settlement
• Interest cost on defined benefit obligation
• Benefits paid
Plan assets
• Setting aside assets over working life of an employee to be used to
pay the benefits when they are due.
• Measured @FV and deducted from DBO = Net Defined Benefit
Liability (asset)
Plan assets
• Contributions to plan
• Interest income
• Benefits paid
• Settlement gains & losses
• Valuation of plan assets
• Calculation of return on plan assets
• Reimbursement rights
• FV of insurance policies
The yield on blue chip corporate bonds at 1 January 2016 was 10% and all the
benefits and contributions were paid on 31 December 2016.
Show how the defined benefit pension plan would be accounted for in the financial
statements of Rush Limited for the year ended 31 December 2016.
Accounting for defined benefit pension plans (1)
Asset Obligation P/L OCI
N$000 N$000 N$000 N$000
At 1 January 2016 Opening Balances – A & O 1,800 2,000
Debit Credit
Service cost SPLOCI – P/L Obligation 250 (250)
Benefits paid Obligation Asset (300) (300)
Contributions paid Asset Bank 200
Net interest expense:
Termination Benefits:
• Are to be recognised as a liability and expense when the enterprise
is demonstrably committed to either:
a)Terminate the employment of employees before the normal
retirement date
b)Provide termination benefits as a result of an offer made to
encourage voluntary redundancy
Termination benefits
• Employee benefits provided in exchange for termination of employment as a
result of either:
Termination of employment before normal retirement date; or
Employee decision to accept offer of benefits in exchange for termination
• Termination benefits are a separate category of employee benefits because the
event that gives rise to the obligation is the termination rather than employee
• Examples include (i) redundancy payments, (ii) salary until end of a period if the
employee renders no further service
• Liability for termination benefits can only be recognized if the enterprise is
demonstrably committed to a termination (IAS 37)
• Liability must be measured at PV if the benefits fall due more than 12 months
after reporting date
• For a voluntary redundancy offer, termination benefits must be measured based
on the number of employees expected to accept the offer
Recognition & Measurement:
• DR: expense and CR: liability
• @ undiscounted amount (discount < 12months after
reporting period)
• Entity = demonstrably
Present value of obligation at start of period 800,000
Interest cost at (say) 10%* [DR SPLOCI – P/L & CR Plan Obligation (PO)] 80,000
Present value of service cost for period [DR SPLOCI – P/L & CR PO] 160,000
Benefits paid during period [DR PO & CR Bank] (75,000)
Present value of obligation at end of period 1,100,000
Remeasurement – actuarial loss on obligation 135,000
Fair value of plan assets at start of year 700,000
Return on plan assets* [DR Plan asset (PA) & CR SPLOCI – P/L] 70,000
Contributions [DR PA & CR Bank] 200,000
Benefits paid during period [DR Bank & CR PA] (75,000)
Fair value of plan assets at end of year 1,050,000
Remeasurement – fair value gain on asset 155,000