DR Obasi Genitalia, Prostate and Urethra
DR Obasi Genitalia, Prostate and Urethra
DR Obasi Genitalia, Prostate and Urethra
Written by:
Dr. Obasi Kosi (Ph.D)
Dept. of Anatomy
At the end of the lecture, students should be able
• Describe the course of urethra
• Differentiate between male & female urethra
regarding length, structure, course & function.
• Describe the course of prostate
• Describe the male and female genitalia
• The urethra is a muscular
tube that serves as the
excretory canal for the
urinary bladder, responsible
for conveying urine from
the bladder to the exterior
of the body.
• It extends from the internal
urethral orifice of the
urinary bladder to the
external urethral orifice of
the external genitalia.
• About 8 inches (20cm) long Male Urethra
• Extends from the neck of bladder to
the external urinary meatus on the
tip of the glans penis
• Divided into four parts:
– Intramural
– Prostatic
– Membranous
– Penile/spongy
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Clinical correlates
• A digital rectal examination allows the clinician
to feel any nodular growth on the posterior surface of the
prostate. This is typically where prostatic
adenocarcinomas can be palpated as these tumours most
often arise in the peripheral zone.
• Prostate Cancer.
• Prostatitis: a disorder of the prostate gland usually
associated with inflammation.
The Ovaries
Blood supply –
ovarian arteries and the
Paired organs on each side of the uterus held in
place by several ligaments ovarian branch of the uterine
– Ovarian – anchors the ovary medially to artery
the uterus They are surrounded by a
– Suspensory – anchors the ovary laterally
to the pelvic wall fibrous tunica albuginea, which
– Mesovarium – suspends the ovary in is covered by a layer of
between epithelial cells called the
– Broad ligament – contains the germinal epithelium
suspensory ligament and the
mesovarium Embedded in the ovary cortex
are ovarian follicles
Each follicle consists of an
immature egg
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It is 10 cm long.
It is enclosed in the broad
ligament of uterus.
It is divided into: 3
1) Intramural part: opening into 4
the uterine wall X
2) Isthmus: narrowest part
3) Ampulla: widest part
(site of fertilization)
4) Infundibulum: funnel-shaped
end, has finger-like processes
(fimbriae), related to ovary
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FUNDUS: The part
of uterus above the
level of uterine tubes
BODY: The part of
uterus from the level
of uterine tube to the
level of the isthmus
of uterus
CERVIX: The part of
the uterus below the
level of the isthmus
the uterus 27
INTERNAL OS: opening between cavity of body of uterus & cavity of cervix
(cervical canal)
EXTERNAL OS: opening between cervical canal & cavity of vagina
In a nulliparous woman: external os appears circular.
In a multiparous woman: external os appears as a transverse slit with an anterior
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posterior lip. 28
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Supports of the Uterus
• Mesometrium – portion of
the broad ligament that
supports the uterus laterally
• Lateral cervical ligaments –
extend from the cervix and
superior part of the vagina to
the lateral walls of the pelvis
• Uterosacral ligaments –
paired ligaments that secure
the uterus to the sacrum
• Round ligaments – bind the UTERINE PROLAPSE
anterior wall to the labia Downward dispalcement of uterus due to
majora damage of:
1. Ligaments of uterus
2. Levator ani muscles
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• The vagina is a muscular canal that leads
from the uterus to the external orifice of
the genital canal
• It measures about 3 in. (8 cm) long.
• It serves as the excretory duct for the
menstrual flow & forms part of the birth
• The vaginal orifice in a virgin possesses a
thin mucosal fold, called the hymen,
which is perforated at its center. It lies
posterior to the urethral orifice.
• Arteries:
• Vaginal artery, a branch of the internal
iliac artery
• Vaginal branch of the uterine artery
• Veins: drain into the internal iliac veins.
• Provides a passageway for birth, menstrual
flow, and is the organ of copulation
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Vaginal Wall consists of three
– fibroelastic adventitia
– smooth muscle muscularis
– stratified squamous
• Mucosa near the vaginal orifice
forms an incomplete partition
called the hymen
• Vaginal fornix – upper end of
the vagina surrounding the
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External Genitalia: Vulva (Pudendum)
Lies external to the vagina and
includes the labia, clitoris,
and vestibular structures.
• Labia majora – elongated,
hair-covered, fatty skin
folds homologous to the
male scrotum.
• Labia minora – hair-free
skin folds lying within the
labia majora; homologous
to the ventral penis
External Genitalia: Vulva (Pudendum)
Greater vestibular glands:
– Pea-size glands flanking
the vagina
– Homologous to the
bulbourethral glands
– Keep the vestibule moist
and lubricated
Figure 16.2
• · Accessory organs
· Testes · Seminal vesicle
· Duct system · Prostate gland
· Epididymis · Bulbourethral gland
· Ductus deferens · External genitalia
· Urethra
· Penis
· Scrotum
Figure 16.2
Figure 27.3a
The Penis
• A copulatory organ designed to deliver sperm into the female
reproductive tract
• Prepuce (foreskin) – cuff of skin covering the distal end of the penis
(removed during a circumcision).
Internal penis – the urethra and cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue
Erectile tissue – spongy network of connective tissue and smooth muscle
riddled with vascular spaces
– Corpus spongiosum – surrounds the urethra and expands to form
the glans and bulb of the penis
– Corpora cavernosa – paired dorsal erectile bodies
– Erection – during sexual excitement, the erectile tissues fill with
blood causing the penis to enlarge and become rigid
The Penis
Figure 27.4
• Non-motile sperm enter, pass through its tubes and become
• Upon ejaculation the epididymis contracts, expelling sperm
into the ductus deferens