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Magazine Research

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Data Analysis;

I decided against using a questionnaire for my friends to do as very few people replied and I needed a wider range of results. I did however do some very intense research on the internet I found circulation figures, readership figures, and social class percentages. http://www.nrs.co.uk/toplinereadership.html this website shows very accurate readership figure and percentages, this shows that vogue has 1,315,000 readers but sells 210,766 magazines, so for every magazine brought around 6 people read it. Elle shows that 845,00 people read it and 197,136 people purchase it, showing that for every magazine purchased around 4 people read it. Vogue is split into social classes as to who reads this magazine, around 75% of people who read this magazine are in classes ABC1, and around 25% are in C2DE vogue has tried to appeal to C2DE social class buy having Amy Childs in it, this also helps boost there selling figures.

http://classic.mediatel.co.uk/abcroundup/2009/08/article01.cfm this website shows circulation figures, it shows that sales of Vogue and Elle have gone down by 4% in the past year, which is about average for magazine sales decrease, so Vogue and Elle do have to try and appeal to other social class audiences.

Reading age.
The reading ages in Vogue and Elle is of a very high literacy level, and is written very well, the style of the writing is small and classic, the font sizes range from font sixe 5-8 which is very small, also suggesting that this is a more literate magazine. Average ages of people reading vogue; Things they do in their spare time; 16 19 years 15% Cinema 20 24 years 25% Beauty salons. 25 34 years 26% Theatre 35 44 years 17% Bars/ restaurants 45+ years 17% Fitness clubs Male 18% Female 82% If in education in higher education- higher secondary-college-university Income- average, above average Status- Married All these things suggest that they are in classes ABC1 as to afford vogue you d need a good job, to be clever and wealthy, also suggesting of a higher class with what they do in their spare time.

My Magazine. BEAU
(toledo SF)


I was going to call my magazine Bella or Belle as it is simple but there is already a magazine called bella and belle, I wanted to use a shorter name also as it s easily remembered, but I am happy I have chosen to call my magazine beau instead, meaning beautiful in french. I want it to be like Vogue and Elle in the same way it combines high class literature with fashion I want my magazine to like vogues issue with Adele on the cover I want my audience to be able to relate to what's being said on the inside. I want what s being written to be elegant and classy but with some banter so it s more enjoyable when it is read. The pictures inside need to be high class fashion shoots, something that catches the eye straight away, is quirky, and different. The main typography would be small and in the same font throughout the magazine making it seem classy and sophisticated. My magazine would appeal mainly to social classes ABC 1 but would also have some articles in that appeal to social classes C2DE.

Jennifer Anniston.

Lily Allen.


Target Audience and what they want.

My target audience will be mainly from social classes ABC1 but some of C2DE will also need to be interested in my magazine to make more money The ages will mainly be from20 to late 30 s early 40 s, obviously older people will be interested in my magazine to as the literature will interest them more than the celebrity s. Some older teenagers will also be interested in my magazine as what s written inside and the pictures will interests them more than the over 40 s. My target audience will mainly be women, as the subjects inside will interest them more, Make up, fashion, ect ect

What they want What my target audience will want from my magazine is something different from hello or ok not just typical celebrity gossip but some well written literature and some high class fashion ect. Like vogue when seen with my magazine I want it to say something about you, when people see vogue and a person they persevere them to be classy, intellectual, well brought up, of a higher social status, I want my magazine to do the same. I want my readers to be able to relate to what s being written inside just because it s a higher class magazine shouldn t mean that there isn t any banter and it isn t funny, I want them to be able to enjoy reading my magazine and relate it to their daily lives.

How will it appeal to them?

My magazine will appeal to my target audience in all these ways;

High class fashion shoots Designer adverts Well written articles Beauty tips (suggest make up) Holidays Food Health articles Runway Maybe some horoscopes Celebrities

Most of these things should relate to my target audience and their lifestyle, theses things should interest them. My cover will appeal to my audience as the photo will be a high class fashion, and the writing on the cover and the subjects they cover will appeal to my target audience





The fonts I ve chosen to have a look at are all very similar but are different the main fonts I want to use are wicker light fs and for my main title off BELLA i m going to use bondoniMT poster compressed I like this font because it s similar to that of Vogue and Elle, it s also different from other magazine like OK Glamour Hello , the font is simple but classic.






In the magazine.
Horoscopes; (ELLE s horoscope)
Lucky Days: 5, 6, 15, 16, 25 Yucky Days: 1, 2, 8, 9, 29 Fashion Icon: Angelina Jolie Colour: Sequin Creativity pays off in tremendous ways for you in October, Gemini. Your artistic sensibilities are particularly potent until the 13th, while Mercury (your ruling planet) remains in your fifth house. After mid-month, you can take those huge ideas, sketches, and scraps of inspired wisdom and make them into something real and lasting. With a selection of potent personal planets in your house of work for the second half of the month, you re super organised and put together. Make appointments, schedule meetings, and generally rule the world during this phase. The Full Moon in your social zone will make you want to go out and play with your friends around the 11th. Take advantage of this opportunity for fun and major social networking seriously, because you ll probably have little time for your mates later in October. The New Moon in Scorpio hits your sixth house on the 26th, deeply emphasising the get-to-work theme. When Halloween rolls around you ll be so busy being successful that you might totally forget to dress up in a sexy pirate costume. Don t stress about it, because there s always next year and you have more important things to do.

Reading this horoscope it does sound like general rubbish, but is written in a completely different way to a horoscope in say hello which is mainly about love and relationships (as you could argue women who read that are more insecure whereas women who read Vogue and Elle are more independent and head strong.)

Holiday inspiration; relating to the time of season for example at the moment there is 5 best holiday inns to escape to for a quiet weekend Restaurant reviews; the social class of people reading my magazine will be interested in theses things so knowing a good restaurant is always good Places to say; places with a good reputation, what the offer, what they do and what's to do around the area. Travel accessories; 5 must haves wherever you are off to- relates to the season, festival must haves, air port pick ups, ect ect Travel guided; what's to do around the area, most people reading these types of magazine will go to places like Paris and Milan , so it will have places like these and what s to do there. Hotel deals; even the rich like a bargain so these will have all hotel deals that will appeal to my target audience.

Fashion and beauty.

Make up ; The latest must haves What the celebs are doing The how to Blogs Where to buy it from Brands ELLE loves Dieting Hair features Fashion; What's in 5 of the best Blogs Designers (up and coming designers) Boutiques and where they are Accessories Ask the experts ELLE loves Cat walk

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