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Learning Objectives

After the learning process, you will be able:

1. To identify the words used in the text according to
their parts of speech.
2. To analyze the text into its text structure.
3. To explain parts of the text structure.
4. To find out implicit information from the text.
5. To find out the main idea of certain paragraph.
6. To make the summary of the text.
7. To convert the unit of measurement “hectare” into
“square kilometres”. (mathematics/ numerical

Core Values:
• Colaboration/ working together
• Critical thinking
occupy : mendiami, menduduki,
interest : rasa tertarik, bunga
interesting : menarik
interested : tertarik
places of interest : tempat-tempat menarik
regency : kabupaten
situated : terletak
located : terletak
lie : terletak, berbohong
slope : lereng
weather : cuaca
whether : apakah
cold : dingin
cool : sejuk
scenery : pemandangan
view : pemandangan
sight : pemandangan
therefore : maka dari itu, karena itu
suitable : cocok
free : bebas, gratis, lepas,
melepaskan, merdeka
crowded : penuh sesak, berdesak-
visitor : pengunjung
adult : dewasa
grown-up : sudah besar,
guarantee : menjamin
health : kesehatan
healthy : sehat
spring : mata air,
musim semi
beside : di samping,
di sebelah
besides : selain itu
offer : menawarkan,
various : bermacam-macam
layer : lapisan
society : masyarakat
cannot afford : tidak mampu
spend : menghabiskan,
provide : menyediakan, membekali
disappoint : mengecewakan
disappointed : kecewa
disappointing : mengecewakan
describe : mendeskripsikan
description : deskripsi
purpose : tujuan, maksud
Parts of Speech
(Jenis Kata)

1. noun : kata benda

2. pronoun : kata ganti
3. verb : kata kerja
4. adjective : kata sifat
5. adverb : kata keterangan
6. preposition : kata depan
7. conjunction : kata sambung/
8. interjection : kata seru
Observe the folowing text
and then read it silently.
Rembangan is one of many places of interest in
Jember Regency.
It is situated about 12 kilometers to the north of
Jember town. It is located on the slope of the Argopuro
Mountains. It occupies an area of about 1,345 hectares. It
has very beautiful scenery. Therefore, it is a suitable place
to relax and to free our minds from our stressing daily
activities. This place of interest is usually crowded with
visitors on Sundays and on public holidays.
There are clean swimming pools (for children and
for adults). The water is guaranteed to be clean and
healthy because it is from a mountain spring which runs
all the time. Besides swimming pools, there is a hotel
which offers rooms of various classes. So, all layers of
society can afford to spend the night at that hotel. That
hotel also provides a cafetaria where visitors can enjoy
various kinds of food and drink. For families with children,
there is a nice playground where children can play and
have fun.
Task One

Identify every word in the above

text according to their parts of speech
and then put them into the most
suitable columns of the following table.
The first line in each column is
done as the examples.
And Their Parts Of


Kata benda Kata kerja Kata sifat keterangan penghubun
north of
place occupy beautiful and
… … … … …
… … … … …
… … … … …
… … … … …
… … … … …
… … … … …
Rembangan is one of many places of interest in
Jember Regency.
It is situated about 12 kilometers to the north of
Jember town. It is located on the slope of the Argopuro
Mountains. It occupies an area of about 1,345 hectares. It
has very beautiful scenery. Therefore, it is a suitable place
to relax and to free our minds from our stressing daily
activities. This place of interest is usually crowded with
visitors on Sundays and on public holidays.
There are clean swimming pools (for children and
for adults). The water is guaranteed to be clean and
healthy because it is from a mountain spring which runs
all the time. Besides swimming pools, there is a hotel
which offers rooms of various classes. So, all layers of
society can afford to spend the night at that hotel. That
hotel also provides a cafetaria where visitors can enjoy
various kinds of food and drink. For families with children,
there is a nice playground where children can play and
have fun.
The above text has the text structure as follows:
Task Two
1. The Title
2. The Identification
3. The Description
Identify/ write down the parts of the above text
according to their respective parts of the text
structure of the above text.
4. The Title

2 The Identification

3. The Description

Task Three

1 What is meant by “the title”?

The title is …
2. What is meant by “the identification”?
The identification is …
3. What is meant by “the description”?
The description is …
4. What is a descriptive text?
5. What is the purpose of the above text?
You can find out the answers to the above
questions on
the Google.
Answers to Task Two
Text Structure of the Text about Rembangan

1. The title : REMBANGAN

2. The Identification:
Rembangan is one of many places of interest in Jember
3. The description
It is situated about 12 kilometers to the north of Jember
town. It is located on the slope of the Argopuro Mountains. It
occupies an area of about 1,345 hectares. It has very beautiful
scenery. Therefore, it is a suitable place to relax and to free our
minds from our stressing daily activities. This place of interest is
usually crowded with visitors on Sundays and on public holidays.
There are clean swimming pools (for children and for
adults). The water is guaranteed to be clean and healthy because
it is from a mountain spring which runs all the time. Besides
swimming pools, there is a hotel which offers rooms of various
classes. So, all layers of society can afford to spend the night at
that hotel. That hotel also provides a cafetaria where visitors can
enjoy various kinds of food and drink. For families with children,
Answers to Task Three
1. A title is a word or phrase given to a text (an
essay, article, chapter, report, or other work) to
identify the subject, attract the reader's attention,
and forecast the tone and substance of the writing
to follow. A title may be followed by a colon and
a subtitle, which usually amplifies or focuses the
idea expressed in the title.
2. “the identification” is the part of a descriptive text
which introduces the thing/ person which will be
3. “the description” is the part of a descriptive text
which is about the descriptions of the thing/
person described.
4. A descriptive text is a text which says/ describes
what a person or a thing is like.
5. The purpose of the above text is to describe
Task Four

Read the following text

carefully then answer the
following questions based on
the above text.
Rembangan is one of many places of interest in
Jember Regency.
It is situated about 12 kilometers to the north of
Jember town. It is located on the slope of the Argopuro
Mountains. It occupies an area of about 1,345 hectares. It
has very beautiful scenery. Therefore, it is a suitable place
to relax and to free our minds from our stressing daily
activities. This place of interest is usually crowded with
visitors on Sundays and on public holidays.
There are clean swimming pools (for children and
for adults). The water is guaranteed to be clean and
healthy because it is from a mountain spring which runs
all the time. Besides swimming pools, there is a hotel
which offers rooms of various classes. So, all layers of
society can afford to spend the night at that hotel. That
hotel also provides a cafetaria where visitors can enjoy
various kinds of food and drink. For families with children,
there is a nice playground where children can play and
have fun.
Answer the following questions based on the
text about Rembangan above.

1. What is paragraph two about?

2. What is the text mostly suitable for?
3. What is the weather like in Rembangan? Explain
your answer.
4. Do you think Rembangan is a good tourist place?
Explain your answer.
5. How many square meters is Rembangan?
6. Endik is an employee of a reputable company. He
is very busy everyday. He works hard from 8 am to
5 pm from Monday to Saturday. Do you think
Rembangan is a good place for him to relax?
Explain your answer.
7. Why is Rembangan also a suitable place to relax
for a family with some small children?
8. Make the summary of the text above.
Answers to Task Four
1. Paragraph two is about the location of Rembangan.
2. The text is mostly suitable for someone who wants
to relax/ or to refresh his or her mind.
3. The weather in Rembangan is cool because it is
located on a slope of a mountain.
4. Yes, Rembangan is a good tourist place because
the scenary is awesome/ beautiful, the air is fresh
and it is far from a town.
5. 1,345 hectares = 13.450.000 square meters.
6. Yes, Rembangan is very suitable for Endik because
Endik must be very tired and feels stressed on the
weekend after working very hard for six days.
Therefore, Rembangan is a very suitable place for
him to relax and to refresh his stressed mind.
7. Because there is a good play ground where
children can play. There is also a swimming pool
Answers to Task Four

8. The summary
(Only an example)

Rembangan is an interesting place in Jember.

It is located north of Jember town. It is on the slope
of the Argopuro Mountains. So, Rembangan has
very beautiful scenery. There are swimming pools,
a play ground, and a hotel. Thus, Rembangan is a
good place to relax and have a good time.
Task Five

Read the following text

Rembangan is one of many places of interest in
Jember Regency.
It is situated about 12 kilometers to the north of
Jember town. It is located on the slope of the Argopuro
Mountains. It occupies an area of about 1,345 hectares. It
has very beautiful scenery. Therefore, it is a suitable place
to relax and to free our minds from our stressing daily
activities. This place of interest is usually crowded with
visitors on Sundays and on public holidays.
There are clean swimming pools (for children and
for adults). The water is guaranteed to be clean and
healthy because it is from a mountain spring which runs
all the time. Besides swimming pools, there is a hotel
which offers rooms of various classes. So, all layers of
society can afford to spend the night at that hotel. That
hotel also provides a cafetaria where visitors can enjoy
various kinds of food and drink. For families with children,
there is a nice playground where children can play and
have fun.
1. The text about Rembangan above is a descriptive
2. Descriptive Text is a text which says/ describes
what a person or a thing is like.
3. The text structure of a descriptive text:
•Identification : introducing the thing/ person
which will be
• Description : the descriptions of the thing/
4. The Purpose Of Descriptive Texts.
• To describe person, thing or place in specific/
particular ways.
5. The Language Features of Descriptive Texts
• Describing specific/ certain thing/ person.
• Not describing thing/ person in general.


I have just learnt a descriptive text about

REMBANGAN. After the learning process:
1. I feel …
A. understand
B. not understand
2. The parts which are easy are …
3. The parts which are difficult are …
4. I like: …
A. working alone.
B. working in a group.
C. working in other ways.
5. My suggestions for the next lesson:
A. … C. …
B. … D. …

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