Text Types P-12: Loddon Mallee Region

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Loddon Mallee Region

Session Outline
Literacy Elements Gradual Release of Responsibility Breakthrough Framework Text Categories Text Types Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Texts Writing in a Multimodal World


Read Aloud


Write Aloud

Shared Reading
Guided Reading Independent Reading

Shared Writing
Guided Writing Independent Writing


Role of the teacher

The teacher demonstrates and explains the literacy focus being taught. This is achieved by thinking aloud the mental processes and modelling the reading, writing, speaking and listening

The teacher continues to demonstrate the literacy focus, encouraging students to contribute ideas and information

The teacher provides scaffolds for students to use the literacy focus. Teacher provides feedback

The teacher offers support and encouragement when necessary


The student participates by actively attending to the demonstrations

Students contribute ideas and begin to practise the use of the literacy focus in whole class situations

Students work with help from the teacher and peers to practise the use of the literacy focus

The student works independently to apply the use of literacy focus


Role of the student

Pearson & Gallagher

Breakthrough Framework

Text Categories
Texts are grouped and defined in particular categories. It is important to note that any such classifications are arbitrary and that there is always likely to be overlap between ways of grouping texts and defining text types.


Categories of Texts


The categories of texts indicated above can be further subdivided into different Text Types.


Literary texts are written to re-create, create, shape and explore human experience. Literary texts can be based on fiction or fact and includes written and spoken texts. e.g. picture storybooks, traditional stories, speeches, novels, short stories, plays, poetry, translated works, non-print texts and non-fiction works such as biographies. (VELS)

Factual texts are written about real phenomena.

Narrative in story, drama and poetic format Literary Recount Observation Literary Description Personal Response Review

Factual Description Information Report Procedure Procedural Recount Factual Recount Explanation Exposition Discussion

Text Type Quiz

TASK 1: In your envelope are the 9 key Text Types, their Purposes, their Structures and their Language Features.
You Will Need: Text Type template (insert colour you have used) TEXT TYPE quiz envelope contents

In pairs put the grid together. Check against the completed grid (Hand Out) Text Type Grid

The 9 Key Text Types

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Description (factual or literary)*This text type is often embedded within other texts Report (factual) Recount (factual or literary) Narrative (literary) Procedure (factual) Explanation (factual or literary) Exposition (factual) Discussion (factual) Response (factual or literary)

Page number8

Text Types - Described

These are the texts that need to be explicitly taught and are crucial to students learning. They provide the basic entry point for student learning and access to effective participation in the community.

Text Types - Description


They are idealised for teaching purposes. In real life we find mixed texts. Examples of mixed texts (hybrids) are:
An Information Report may contain an Explanation A Narrative may contain Descriptions of people places and events. A scientific Procedure may conclude with an Explanation of a scientific principle.

Hybrid Text Information Report




Science World 7 Macmillan 3rd Edition.

Text Types as Starting Points

When students understand that: Different types of texts exist Texts have different purposes Texts have particular structures Texts have characteristic language features including particular grammatical patterns and Texts have particular language conventions (spelling, punctuation, font variations and page layout), they are in a better position to manipulate and combine different Text Types in purposeful ways for a particular audience. We see this daily in different text formats.

Text Formats or Forms for Real Purposes

There are 8 key Purposes for Writing To: Entertain Recount Socialise Inquire Describe Persuade Explain Instruct
(Hand Out) - Text Forms table - based on Purposes

Reference: Annandale K et.al.(2004)

Teaching Text Types

What do they provide? Text Types provide links to literacy development as a social practice. Text Types provide for the literacy development across and within: Domains and Dimensions, VCE, VCAL and VET subjects Text Types provide students with shared understandings about how to effectively communicate in each area of study.

What should our focus be?

We need to focus on those that are most relevant to the content of the program. We need to focus on those suggested in the Focus Statements in VELS and VCE subjects. We need to explicitly teach and reteach particular text types and adapt formats to match the nature and level of content deemed as essential learning.

What should our focus be?


Data driven teaching using classroom sources of information. Responding to assessment through observations, conversations and previous products created. Data gathered from teachers moderating together. Data driven using external sources of information e.g. English Online (Prep to Year 2) On Demand Testing (Linear and Adaptive) and NAPLAN (Years 3,5,7 & 9).

Text Types
To learn about texts we need to have a working knowledge of each under the following headings.
TEXT TYPES PURPOSES STRUCTURAL / ORGANISATIONAL FEATURES How the text is organised and structured from: word, to sentence, to paragraph to whole text level? LANGUAGE FEATURES

9 Key Text Types Which of the 9 are being used individually or in combination hybrid format?

8 Key Purposes What is the purpose/s of the writing and who is the audience?

What special language features have been used to make it appropriate for the purpose and intended audience? What grammatical features are evident that influence the understanding of the writing.

CONVENTIONS of Language that are common to all Text Types and hybrid formats
Spelling including topic specific terminology Punctuation all punctuations marks used e.g. capital letters, full stops, question marks etc Grammar the structural rules that govern words, phrases and sentences in a given language. Page Layout spatial organisation of the text on the page or screen Font Variations e.g. bold, italics, CAPITALS, underline, COLOUR and size Use of Visuals e.g. graphics, maps, tables, pictures etc. Hand Writing and Computer Generated text legible handwriting or electronic typing

Predicting From Text Beginnings

The heart is the most important organ of the circulatory system. It allows oxygenated blood to be pumped around the body. The heart has parts. Report Last week Dad took me to the football to watch my favourite team. Factual Recount The wolf crept out from behind the tree, crouched low and was ready to pounce. The children would fall into the trap just like the others had. Narrative

Predicting From Text Beginnings - continued

The following is the instructions of how to set up your mobile phone. Procedure The ear provides audio information to the brain. It works by collecting the sounds in the outer ear. The sound vibration causes movement of the ear drum and the tiny bones connected to it. Explanation.
There are many ways to overcome poor eyesight now and one way is to have eye surgery. Before a decision is made however patients need to consider many factors such as their state of health, cost and risks associated. Discussion

Predicting From Text Beginnings - continued

Mobile phones should not be used while being served in a retail outlet. Exposition Billy is a teenage boy. He is of medium height with golden brown hair. Description The movie Twilight a most compelling film and is set in deepest, darkest heart of America. It has romance, action and plot twists woven around the two central characters. Response

Modelling Text Types

In order for students to be able to create and manipulate various texts types effectively, they must be able to deconstruct idealised and hybrid examples .
Deconstruction allows the students to familiarise themselves with the text before them and analyse its:
Purpose, Structural / Organisational features , Language features and Conventions

Deconstructing a Narrative
Hand Out The Invasion.
1 per person
Read the Narrative

Source www.writingfun.com

Deconstructing a NARRATIVE

The Invasion
IDEAS AND INFORMATION Who the invaders the mosquitoes, cockroaches and beetles What they moved through the city into gardens, on pavements, walls and they sucked the blood of people When on a hot steamy summer night Where in a city somewhere

1st paragraph sets time and setting

COMPLICATION followed by a series of events

2nd paragraph The many legged invasion begins 3rd paragraph Describing the what the invaders did 4th paragraph Further description of what the invaders did e.g. suck human blood 5th paragraph Humans sleeping on unaware of the invasion

CONCLUSION 6th paragraph

Just another night of fun for the invaders

WORD LEVEL Noun groups e.g. streets, houses, ceilings, walls, people, invaders Verbs e.g. quivered, entered, walked, asleep Adjectives e.g. many-legged Topic specific terminology e.g. cockroaches, beetles

SENTENCE LEVEL Descriptive e.g. climbed silently over carpets Entertaining e.g. need to feed on blood


Figurative language (images created with clever use of language) e.g. antennae quivered, feed on human blood Adjectival modifiers e.g. totally unaware Prepositions e.g. over, under, on, in and into Past tense e.g. It was, they took, were sound asleep.

Spelling Topic words e.g. cockroaches, beetles, mosquitoes, antennae. Punctuation Exclamation marks (double !!), commas, capitals, full stops, hyphenated word. Grammar Past tense, adjectival modifiers, figurative language. Page layout Heading, paragraph spacing, pictures Font variations Larger text heading and BOLD

Deconstruction Task
INSTRUCTIONS Form a group of 8. TASK 2: Using the Text Type Pack (Hand Out) each person is to choose a sample Text Type other than the Narrative and using the Text Type template deconstruct the text. Complete as per the Narrative previously demonstrated. 20 min. Each person display your stimulus text, and deconstruction details. Sharing with your table. Discuss each in detail 20 min.

Scaffolding Text Construction

Form into groups of 3 Read the Plasma Television article. Using the A3 Exposition Planning sheet and the Text Type Grid to guide your group, plan an argument for or against the issue. Compare arguments constructed that support or refute the thesis with the group.

Modes of Text Delivery

Text Modalities used to make meaning by the students.
Is it in a: LIVE, PRINT/PAPER or DIGITAL/ELECTR ONIC format? Adapted from Anstey M and Bull G (2009) Using Multimodal Texts and Digital Resources in a multiliterate classroom, e.lit, Marrickville, Sydney

Language Elements of Linguistic Design Delivery.

Visual Elements of Visual Design.

Audio Elements of Audio Design.

Gestural Elements of Gestural Design.

Spatial Elements of Spatial Design.

Vocabulary and metaphor Modality Transivity Nominalisation of processes Information Structure Local coherence relations etc.

Colours Perspective Vectors Fore grounding and backgrounding etc.

Music Sound effects etc.

Behaviour Bodily physicality Gesture Sensuality Feelings and affect Kinesics Proxemics etc.

Ecosystem and geographical meaning. Architectonic meanings etc.

Writing in the Multimodal World

How will you assist students writing in the multimodal and digital world? What modes of meaning comprise multimodal texts? Do we have the metalanguage to talk competently about multimodal texts? Do we have the teaching and learning expertise to be able to assist students to write quality multimodal texts?

Scaffolding Writing through the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model

Discussion: Using what you have learnt today how will you implement or strengthen the teaching and learning around Text Types using the Gradual Release of Responsibility model?
Familiarising students with the text How? Modelling How? Sharing How?

Guiding How?
Independent How?

Writing as a learned Skill

Something to ponder -

Writing is a learned skill and if anything goes in writing everything goes! Anon

Anstey M and Bull G (2009) Using Multimodal Texts and Digital Resources in a multiliterate classroom, e.lit, Marrickville, Sydney www.writingfun.com (2010) Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), (2009) Key Characteristics of Effective Literacy. Pub. Student Learning Division, Melbourne Standard P and Williamson K (2006), Science World 3rd Edition Student CD Macmillan, Melbourne. Annandale .et al (2004) First Steps Writing 2nd Edition, WA Department of Education and training.

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