XML Encryption

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Web Service Security and

XML Encryption

Debachudamani Prusti
Roll no:517cs1018
Web Service
• WS-Addressing
• WS-Reliable Messaging
• WS-Policy Framework
• WS-Metadata Exchange
• WS-Security
• WS-Notification Framework
• WS-Eventing
Figure 7.1: Specifications and concepts of web service.
Information needs to be secured from attacks
• Confidentiality- Concealment of sensitive information
• Integrity- Data must be updated/changed from the authorized body
• Availability- Data must be available to the authorized entity.
Security Specifications in SOA
• WS-Security
• WS-SecurityPolicy
• WS-Trust
• WS-SecureConversation
• WS-Federation
• Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
• Extensible Rights Markup Language (XrML)
• XML Key Management (XKMS)
• XML-Signature
• XML-Encryption
• Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
• .NET Passport
• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
• WS-I Basic Security Profile
P= Plain Text= Message= Readable format
C= Cipher Text= Cryptic Text= Unreadable format
Encipherment= Encryption= E(P)= C
Decipherment= Decryption= D(C)= D(E(P))= P
Some Encryption Algorithms are:
a) Private Key encryption
b) Public Key encryption
c) Digital Signature
d) Hashing
XML Encryption
• Defines how to encrypt the contents of an XML element

• Either an <EncryptedData> or <EncryptedKey> element

• while encrypting an XML document’s element content, we
must replace the plaintext content with <EncryptedData>

• Sensitive data is easily interchanged between applications

• Enables encryption of specified portions of a document, leaving the
rest of the document in its original form
• Does not support the encryption of attributes
• Both symmetric and asymmetric encryption can be used
• The ability to encrypt partial documents is unique to XML encryption
XML Encryption Interoperability

 XML encryption is interoperable with XML Signature.

 However, if we want to encrypt and sign a document, we
must always encrypt the document before signing it.
 This is because the digest, generated for the digital
signature, may give clues about the unencrypted contents
of a document.
XML Encryption structure
<enc:EncryptedData Id? Type? MimeType?>
<enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm />?
<enc:CipherReference URI?>?
XML Encryption process
1. Select the key algorithm to use in encrypting the item.
2. Obtain the key cipher and create DS: KeyInfo if necessary
3. Encrypt the data by generating Encryption key
4. Specify Encryption algorithm
5. Build CipherData element
6. Build EncryptedData or EncryptedKey structure
XML Encryption example
<customer>John Smith</customer>
<number>1000 1234 5678 0001</number>
Encryption of XML Element
Original/Decrypted Encrypted

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Customers> <Customers>
<Name>John smith</Name> <CreditCard>
<CreditCard> <Number><A23B45C56…></Number>
<Number>1000 1234 5678 0001</Number> <ExpiryDate> 2003 June 30 </ExpiryDate>
<ExpiryDate>2003 June 30 </ExpiryDate> </CreditCard>
</CreditCard> </Customer>
Step by step encryption
1: Specify key algorithm
2: Initialize KeyCipher

// get algorithm
String algo =

// construct XMLCipher
XMLCipher c = XMLCipher.getInstance(algo);
Step by step encryption
3: Generate encryption key
4: Specify encryption algorithm
KeyGenerator kg =
SecretKey sk = kg.generateKey();

XMLCipher keyCipher =
Key symmKey = //as in generate key
encryption key
keyCipher.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, symmKey);
EncryptedKey encryptedKey =
keyCipher.encryptKey(document, symmKey);
Step by step encryption
5: Initialize XMLCipher
XMLCipher xmlCipher =
6: encryption
EncryptedData d = xmlCipher.getEncryptedData();
KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(document);
Steps involved in Decryption
1: Get the element that need to be decrypted

2: Get the key

3: Decrypt

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